America’s Mean Streets
I cannot despair for my country so long as it keeps producing kickass arrest photos like this one…
Courtesy of The Morning Call. This is why I never took up a life of crime. I have no fashion sense.
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January 27th, 2008 America’s Mean Streets I cannot despair for my country so long as it keeps producing kickass arrest photos like this one… Courtesy of The Morning Call. This is why I never took up a life of crime. I have no fashion sense.
January 22nd, 2008 Meow! Hahahahaha….
I’m in…
January 16th, 2008 Never Mind… Via Brad DeLong… Paul Krugman asks a good question…
Oh. You thought they really believed all that crap did you? (Well..of course Krugman doesn’t…) This from Warren:
Just so. This is the problem with deregulation theology. The titans of business aren’t any less likely to get suckered into some stupid get rich quick scheme then you or I. The problem is when they do it they’re playing with other people’s money…their investors. And more then likely, their investors are also playing with other people’s money. And where does all that money ultimately come from? Banks…bonds…securities…pension and retirement funds…municipal funds… You and I, in other words. And…hahahaha…weren’t they talking about opening up the social security trust fund to the Wall Street boys just a few years ago…as a way to save it from bankruptcy…? January 12th, 2008 Huh? So…according to this young cuteling I met in a D.C. bar last night…I’m a Throwback. I’m quietly standing at the balcony rail of the outdoor smoker’s lounge of this gay bar, puffing on down one of my mini-cigars while some local friends of mine are inside chatting. I don’t smoke often, but lately I’ve been going for after dinner cigar walks and right now I feel like a cigar between the B-52s I’ve been downing. This kinda cute young guy walks over to me and gives me a look…
The reason I’m a computer geek is that computers never baffled me as much as people do… January 10th, 2008 Maybe You Should Have Just Closed That Highway… I was reading Google News and this caught my eye in because I was driving down in that part of Florida recently, although not on that particular stretch of highway. Basically, yesterday there was a horrible 50 car pile-up on I-4 south of Orlando. It was almost certainly the result of fog and smoke from a nearby brush fire. I was watching video off the Orlando Sentinel website, which had been taken by helicopter, and when the camera panned away from the accident scene and up and around the area, I could not believe how dense the fog/smoke was all over a very wide area around the highway. How, I wondered, did the highway patrol not know there was a dangerous situation around that part of I-4? Well as it turns out…they did. My family in California has to deal with these killer fogs all the time and it’s something I watch for while driving cross country. Sometimes you see visibility warnings on the highways about things like dust storms and such. But the danger…and I really worry about this…is that you’re driving down the road and you see an approaching fog bank or something and you don’t really know how bad it is in there until you actually drive into it and then it’s too late. Which makes this all the more aggravating…
When I read this I thought, maybe they don’t get a lot of these down in Florida like they do in California. But no…they know perfectly well what can happen down there when they get the fog warnings this time of year. I didn’t know this…
So a little smoke can make a fog bank vastly more dangerous then otherwise. And those conditions are no stranger to that part of Florida. I hadn’t known any of this. Along the California coast I know to watch for fog and I just won’t drive through a fog bank I see coming off the ocean. I had no idea it could be even worse in central Florida, well inland. They should have closed that highway until the danger passed. I know…closing highways creates major traffic messes elsewhere. But they had to close I-4 anyway, when the cars and trucks started slamming into each other, and people started dying. One trooper later said he watched a man burn to death. They should have closed that highway. January 9th, 2008 Yes I Like Y Chromosomes…Just Not That Many… Apparently Dan Savage appreciates the kind of male I do…at least judging by the ribbing he gets every now and then on Slog. Yes, I am well aware that tastes such as mine (and apparently his) are not all that well respected, anymore then the guys themselves are. I am reminded of this fact every year when the new calendars come out, and all I see on the racks at the gay bookstores are Chippendale types, or super models with body builder torsos, or big furry bears dressed in odd leather accessories. I can say for a fact I’d fare better at seeing what I like reflected in gay culture in other parts of the world, particularly Asia and South America. But here in America men, both gay and straight, have to be double-plus Y chromosome Manly or they’re…well…you know…faggots. Look…I can appreciate how after generations of having our maleness called into question by prejudiced straights, gay men have been busy reclaiming that manhood thing for themselves ever since Stonewall. And that’s not a bad thing, really. Unless it descends into that same sterile brain dead fear of femininity thing that’s got the KulturKrieger here in the U.S. all worked up. Then it gets tiresome. It wasn’t the Manly Men who fought back at Stonewall…it was the drag queens and the girly boys. So…Who’s Ahead In The Republican Primaries…? Not McCain. Not Huckabee. Via Brad DeLong…
I strongly doubt it’s going to be McCain. It’s either Romney or Huckabee. My guess is that Huckabee will take it. They won’t trust Romney as much as they’ll trust Huckabee. All those church buses full of primary voters the movement conservatives have been using to keep the moderate wing of the GOP on the outside looking in…? They’re going to run their own damn candidate this year, and to hell with what the establishment wants them to do. After all…it’s their party now…
[Update…] Looks like this was yet another Milt Romney ad-hoc rewrite of the facts…
Right. Like he’s pretending all those nice things he said about gay equality while he was governor of Massachusetts didn’t happen… Can I See Some ID Please… OH MY GOD!!! For those times when a driver’s license just isn’t good enough…
This is why I don’t work in retail. Why I Am Not An HRC Member…(continued)
Yay! Let’s hear it for Gay Friendly Clear Channel! Wait…what…?
Okay…let me get this straight… The Human Rights Campaign Fund has given its award for "Best Places To Work For GLBT Equality" to a company whose executives works tirelessly to promote the party that works tirelessly to deny GLBT people equality in the workplace. A company that is owned in part now by a leading republican candidate for president, who has declared his opposition to just about any and all gay rights initiatives, Including the Federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act…
This is the company HRC is giving an award to for "Best Places To Work For GLBT Equality"…and giving them a perfect score no less…??? Look…I appreciate that they want to be seen as non-partisan. But when you have two parties, one of which will at least consider supporting gay equality, and the other adamantly opposed to it, there isn’t much you can do…except sell out your membership for the sake of appearances…and invitations to cocktail parties in Georgetown and Chevy Chase. December 29th, 2007 Frankly My Dear… One big reason I turned the comments off in those previous few posts here where I’m letting my heart bleed all over this blog, is that I didn’t want my friends and regular readers getting into it with the assholes I just knew those posts would attract. Like the one that sent me a longish missive last night about how he didn’t give a damn and didn’t see why anyone else should either, because having read my life story here, he could see so clearly that I’d brought all my problems on myself. And since I’d turned off the comments to the posts he was referring to, and he just couldn’t bear to send it to me in email like I’d asked, because then nobody else would have seen how profound his thinking on the subject was, he tried putting it on one of my other posts here with the comments still turned on. Let’s hear it for spam filters. Actually nitwit, you Do give a damn…otherwise you wouldn’t have written that long, rambling, misspelled, babbling, incoherent message. Someone who really didn’t give a damn wouldn’t have bothered. They’d have just…you know…not given a damn. I’d never have heard from them. But I heard from you. And in the spirit of cheap barstool psychoanalyzing someone you only know from a few words on a computer screen, methinks you protesteth too much. What I wrote got under your skin didn’t it? Seems to me like there’s probably someone in Your past, with a wound on Their heart with Your name on it, and you’ve been spending the rest of your life ever since you put it there trying to convince yourself that it wasn’t your fault and you don’t have to give a shit. Fine. We all have our coping mechanisms. And they say a lot about who we are inside. I appreciate the "tough love" stuff and all guy, but you know, there are fates sadder then the one I was contemplating back there. I’d rather care too much and bleed myself to death then stop giving a damn and end my life as an asswipe whose companionship is like drinking turpentine. If my bleeding heart emotionalism really really irritates you…good. That means there’s still something human left inside of you. Try to find it someday. Oh…and you were wondering if the people I write about know that I’m writing about them? Duh…it’s a blog… Everyone can read it. If they don’t know, it’s because they don’t give a damn, which is what you said they were supposed to do. And writing about my past is the least of what’s been going on around here… December 19th, 2007 The Superior Quality Of British Snark Via Brad DeLong…
The entire Gideon Rachman snark is Here. December 7th, 2007 Oh Stuff A Sock In It From Slog this morning, reviewing the morning news…
Well I’m not angry, and I think I qualify as prudent. I bought my little Baltimore rowhouse in 2001 and it was way less house then I could "theoretically" afford, but I wanted something I could pay the monthly mortgage on with a week’s take-home pay. It was my first house ever, and I didn’t want to be saddled with a lot of debt over it. Debt makes me nervous. And I wanted to have plenty of financial breathing room to afford the maintenance costs I knew would be coming with home ownership. Like the seven grand worth of new furnace I had to put in a couple winters ago. The purchase price on my house was just under ninety grand, and since then, its "theoretically" gone up in value to just around two-hundred and fifty grand. So my house could loose over half of its "theoretical" value and it would still be worth more then what I have left to pay on the mortgage. So I think I qualify as prudent. But I was also lucky in some ways. I bought before the price of housing began to skyrocket here in Baltimore…when for a while there was affordable housing near the place where I work. If that hadn’t been the case I’d have had to either keep on renting, for every increasing rents as the price of housing around here went up, or I’d have had to find a place to live further out of the city and commute. And the prices in the outer suburbs were starting to go up, even back then. Before I got work at Space Telescope, I rented a one bedroom apartment in the suburbs and I watched my rent rise from just under four-hundred a month back in 1993, to close to a thousand a month before I bought my house in 2001. What do you do when the price of housing just keeps going up and up and up, even in the outer suburbs? What do you do if you have a family and kids? I was, and am, a single gay guy. It’s not terribly hard for me to get a decent place to live at the low end of the cost scale. If I needed space for a family, I’d have been constantly worried to death about the rising prices. So if someone came along and said they could get me into a house, even at today’s prices, with some of that new high-tech free-market creative financing stuff…my second thoughts might get snuffed out in the gnawing fear that if I didn’t jump on it now, right now, I might get left behind while home prices soar into outer space, so far beyond my reach I might as well resign myself and my family to living in slums and still not having enough to pay the rent. Especially when they sit me down and wave a bunch of numbers in my face telling me that even though it looks like I can’t afford this house, I really can because the trend is that in a few years the house’s value will have doubled and I’ll be able to refinance easily then, before the balloon payment comes due. Pay no attention to that crushing monthly payment behind the curtain… If you want to point your finger at anyone in all this, point it at the jackasses who, for purely ideological reasons having little to do with the reality of how human beings behave, worked diligently to construct what is essentially a shadow banking system that could exist with nearly no governmental oversight, figured it would self regulate because free markets naturally self regulate to the best possible outcome, and then watched mutely as it evolved into a system of borrowing, wherein the people selling the loans, didn’t have to bear the burden of financing them. Oh who could have predicted that a bunch of people lending other people’s money for a tidy profit of their own, regardless of whether or not the loans went bad, would make so many bad loans? Oh who could have predicted that injecting so much easy credit into a market with so much demand for so limited goods would drive the price of those goods into outer space? Oh who could have predicted that the people making all those bad loans would view those rising prices as a way to make even more money making even more bad loans? And once again, an unregulated market drives itself off a cliff, taking with it hundreds of thousands of hard working families. This is the Savings and Loan collapse of 1988 writ large. And…surprise, surprise…the current little unpleasantness is brought to us by the same people who gave us that other little unpleasantness. I guess the 1988 Savings and Loan fiasco was just practice, because I don’t think that one sacred Wall Street like this one is scaring Wall Street. December 6th, 2007 Your Votes Are Safe…Trust Us…
Let me guess…
Beware Those Newfangled Religions…
This has been another edition of What Atrios Said… December 4th, 2007 In Today’s Business Section…Private Jets, Black Tie Balls, Murder, Drugs and Go-Go Dancers…
Lifestyles of the rich and shallow… |
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