So…according to this young cuteling I met in a D.C. bar last night…I’m a Throwback.
I’m quietly standing at the balcony rail of the outdoor smoker’s lounge of this gay bar, puffing on down one of my mini-cigars while some local friends of mine are inside chatting. I don’t smoke often, but lately I’ve been going for after dinner cigar walks and right now I feel like a cigar between the B-52s I’ve been downing.
This kinda cute young guy walks over to me and gives me a look…
Me: Hi.
He: Are you a throwback?
Me: Sorry?
He: You lived through the sixtes? You know…the hippies and that stuff…?
Me: Yeah…but I wasn’t a Hippy. There were a lot of different things going on back then. Most of us were just along for the ride.
He: I know…I’ve read all the books.
Me: Throwback?
He: You know…from back then…
Me: I don’t understand your use of the term.
He: You’re about my mother’s age…
The reason I’m a computer geek is that computers never baffled me as much as people do…
January 12th, 2008 at 12:10 pm
throwback is hot! much better than troll or other awful terms they use to describe us old guys.
January 12th, 2008 at 6:17 pm
Serious? They mean it as a complement? You could probably kid me on this and I’d believe it…
You’re not old Peterson! And…I really don’t feel that old myself. But so much has changed in our lifetimes that our past probably seems really far removed to the younglings, in a way our parent’s past probably didn’t to us.
To tell the truth…I find it hard nowadays to comprehend what my life was like before the personal computer and the Internet. Oh…I lived it alright. But I’m so thoroughly computer aware and Internet enabled that I find it just…amazing…that I actually was having a good time back when the only screen people stared into for any length of time was a TV set, and your choices were basically ABC, NBC or CBS. That was only thirty years ago. And now you’re broadcasting to the entire friggin’ world yourself on YouTube!
We do live in amazing times…