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August 29th, 2008

Oh For Heaven’s Sake…Hey Dave…Go Get Me That Boilerplate Apology Form Willya…

NBC, suffering a torrent of bad publicity for closeting gold medalist Matthew Mitcham during its broadcast of the Olympic men’s diving events, has now issued an apology…

"We regret that we missed the opportunity to tell Matthew Mitcham’s story. We apologize for this unintentional omission.”

Well that certainly satisfies me…

by Bruce | Link | React! (1)

August 26th, 2008

William Randolph Hissyfit

Via the New York Post…  Hey!  Everyone!!  Look At ME!!!  I’m A MEDIA KING!!!!

Paul Colichman, the William Randolph Hearst of the gay media, is not supporting Barack Obama for president. But that doesn’t mean he’s backing John McCain.

"I’m a die-hard Democrat," he tells Page Six. But Colichman was also a die-hard Hillary Clinton supporter. He and Harry Thomason produced a documentary, "The Hunting of the President: The 10-Year Campaign to Destroy Bill and Hillary Clinton."

Colichman, 46, who owns The Advocate and Out magazines,, and Here, the premium cable network for gays, said he finally dealt with his disappointment over Clinton’s defeat last week and came around to Obama.

"I thought, ‘Get over yourself!’ I had literally written out a check to the Obama campaign. And then I saw him in front of an evangelical group in Anaheim," he said.

Before Rick Warren at the Saddleback Civil Forum, both Obama and McCain defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman.

"I thought, ‘Wow! He just threw the gay community under the bus,’ " Colichman said. "My partner looked over at me, and we tore up the check."

Hillary Clinton on same sex marriage (Pew Forum):

Gay Marriage
Clinton opposes same-sex marriage but favors civil unions in which gay couples receive full recognition and benefits. She says that "marriage has always been province of the states" and advocates repeal of a provision in the Defense of Marriage Act that prohibits federal recognition of same-sex marriage. In the U.S. Senate, she opposed amending the Constitution to ban gay marriage. While she has solicited and received the support of gay and lesbian groups, many gay activists were alarmed over her March 2007 comment that the morality of homosexuality was up "to others to conclude." She later released a statement saying that she does not believe homosexuality is immoral. In an April 2008 interview, Clinton said she would change federal tax policies and immigration laws to eliminate disparities affecting same-sex couples.

Barack Obama on same sex marriage (Pew Forum):

Gay Marriage
Obama says that he personally believes that "marriage is between a man and a woman" but also says that "equality is a moral imperative" for gay and lesbian Americans. He advocates the complete repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) because "federal law should not discriminate in any way against gay and lesbian couples, which is precisely what DOMA does." He supports granting civil unions for gay couples, and in 2006 he opposed a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. In March 2007, Obama initially avoided answering questions about a controversial statement by a U.S. general that "homosexual acts" are "immoral," but Obama later told CNN’s Larry King, "I don’t think that homosexuals are immoral any more than I think heterosexuals are immoral."

They both oppose same sex marriage.  They both favor civil unions.  They both favor repeal of DOMA.  They both opposed the federal marriage amendment.  Well that sure puts Hillary way ahead of Obama on the same sex marriage issue doesn’t it?

And…so sitting down with Rick Warren is more offensive then…say…sitting down with Richard Mellon Scaife is it…?


I know…I know…  You’re both MEDIA KINGS!  And…bitter…


by Bruce | Link | React!

It’s Not The Hill That You Need To Worry About Dying On…

It must be an election year…the Log Cabin Republicans are cheerfully telling everyone they can what a bunch of happy quislings they are.  An AP news story on the upcoming republican party platform (which I’m not going to link to), says the platform will contain the usual call for a constitutional ban on same sex marriage.   Log Cabin spokesdroid Scott Tucker says he’s fine with that…

"This isn’t a hill we’re going to die on," said Scott Tucker, a spokesman for the gay rights group Log Cabin Republicans.

Log Cabin is a gay rights group like a white sheet flapping in the wind is an American flag.  But let it be said they’re working on building common ground between gay and straight within the republican party…

"Unlike previous years," said Gary Bauer, a social-conservative veteran of platform struggles, "I just don’t see deep divisions within the party."

See how easy it is for people of differing views on gay rights to get along in the republican party?  Really…all it takes is a little abject submission. 

I realize that you can’t pigeon hole gay people on the issues.  Gay folk range the entire political spectrum from left to right.  I grok this.  But if a conservative gay group will not take a simple basic principled stand for marriage then what the fuck good is it?  Oh yes…I hear them yap, yap, yapping all the time that their sexuality isn’t all there is to their lives and they have other issues too.  Fine.  Marriage, as it happens, is about more then sexuality too. 

I don’t ever want to see these pathetic quislings tut, tutting the sexual excesses of "gay culture" again, if they’re not willing to raise so much as a squeak in protest over a plank that calls for a constitutional ban on same sex marriage.  Better to die on the hill, then in the gutter.

by Bruce | Link | React!

August 20th, 2008

Why I Read The Gay Press

The Holmes County School District, which was the site of a court battle over the right of students to declare their support for their gay and lesbian peers, has begun court ordered sensitivity training classes for it’s teachers and staff.

Can you spot the difference between these two news stories on this topic?

First, the local TV News station…

Fla. principal accused of gay ‘witch hunt’

Employees of 1 rural Florida school district are starting the new school year by attending sensitivity classes.

A federal judge’s ruling prompted the classes at the Holmes County School District. The American Civil Liberties Union sued the district when a principal banned students from wearing rainbow-colored clothing or other items that he said showed support for homosexuality.

Principal Davis enacted the ban, and suspended students who violated it, after one student told him she was taunted for being gay. Davis told the girl that it was wrong to be gay, order her to stay away from younger students and called her parents. The girl’s friends wore gay pride T-shirts and other clothing in support.

A federal judge ruled that Davis and the district violated the students’ free speech rights by banning the clothing.


Florida school at center of GSA battle begins sensitivity training

Teachers and staff in a Florida school district which was at the center of a long legal battle over gay/straight alliances are back in the classroom – this time as students in sensitivity classes.

The Holmes County School District set up the training sessions after losing a federal court battle in which the judge blasted the principal of Ponce de Leon High School principal David Davis for leading a “relentless crusade” against homosexuality.

U.S. District Judge Richard Smoak said in his ruling last month that principal David Davis “embarked on what can only be characterized as a witch hunt. The ruling also said that Davis led “morality assemblies” that ignored the First Amendment.

Davis has since been replaced as principal.

During the two-day trial in May, Davis testified that he believed clothing, buttons or stickers featuring rainbows would make students automatically picture gay people having sex.

He went on to admit that while censoring rainbows and gay pride messages, he allowed students to wear other symbols many find controversial, such as the Confederate flag.

Heather Gillman, a 16-year-old junior at the high school, sued the district with the help of the American Civil Liberties Union after she was told she could not wear buttons, stickers or clothing that supported LGBT civil rights.

After she received the warning, the ACLU last November sent a letter to the school board’s attorney on behalf of Gillman, asking for clarification as to whether a variety of symbols and slogans, such as the rainbow flag or “I support my gay friends,” would be allowed at the school.  

The school district replied that it would not allow any expressions of support for gay rights at all because such speech would “likely be disruptive.” 

The district then said that such symbols and slogans were signs that students were part of a “secret/illegal organization.” 

The problems began in September 2007 when a lesbian student tried to report to school officials that she was being harassed by other students because she is a lesbian.  Instead of addressing the harassment, students say the school responded with intimidation, censorship, and suspensions. 

Prior to the release of his written ruling, Smoak issued an order that forces the school to stop its censorship of students who want to express their support for gay people.  The judge also warned the district not to retaliate against students over the lawsuit.

The AP went one better too…running a story all about how the locals support the principle that started all this, headlined, FL. Town Backs Principle In Gay Student Case.  It mentions nothing about the morality assemblies, the fact that confederate flags were allowed to be worn but not t-shirts supporting the gay students, or that Davis said students wearing gay supportive messages would make people think of gay sex, or that the district declared gay supportive students to be part of an illegal secret organization.  It did say however, that the townsfolk were sincerely baffled about the judge’s "scathing rebuke", and why the principle had done anything wrong.

The AP also says that "Many in the community support Davis and feel outsiders are forcing their beliefs on them."  That would be as opposed to forcing dissenters to keep their mouths shut while they force their piss ignorant beliefs about homosexuality on gay people, their parents and their friends. 

by Bruce | Link | React! (2)

July 25th, 2008

The Newsstand At The Corner Of Batshit And Crazy

You may think it was aliens from another planet who came out of that UFO and abducted you in order to perform hideous experiments on your body.  But in fact it was the demonic minions of Satan, disguised as aliens, and sent to earth to test your Christian faith.  No, really

Former Apollo 14 astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, has recently made it public knowledge that aliens exist and that NASA officials have had contact with them. Dr. Mitchell says that there has been a sixty-year cover-up by our government of the existence and reality of aliens.

No doubt, all this will be used to support evolution and discredit the Bible. The fact remains, however, that science has shown that only micro-evolution (variations within a biological kind such as varieties of dogs, cats, horses, cows, etc.) is possible but not macro-evolution (variation across biological kinds or from simpler kinds to more complex ones). The reader is encouraged to read the author’s article ‘The Natural Limits of Evolution’ at Mathematical probability alone has shown that it is not rational, logical, or scientific to believe that life could originate by chance.

Alien beings cannot wait millions of years to evolve complex and necessary organs for survival anymore than species on earth. Imagine a species waiting millions of years for reproductive organs to evolve so that it can finally reproduce!

Then, how do we explain aliens if they are for real? The Bible teaches that Satan and his demons (the fallen angels) can take on take all sorts of shapes and perform all sorts of miracles in order to deceive mankind. In fact, some who have been claimed to be abducted by aliens say that these aliens have told them things that undermine the truth of the Christian Scriptures and the Person and work of Jesus Christ.

This is not say that God cannot create life on other planets, but the point being made here is that the supposed alien contacts popularly mentioned are not actual alien beings at all but the work of dark supernatural forces.

Thus Spake The Conservative Voice.  And lest you think this guy is just another babbling street corner nutcase, I’m telling you he’s got credentials

The author, Babu G. Ranganatha, has his B.A. degree with concentrations in theology and biology from Bob Jones University, and has been recognized for his writings on religion and science in the 24th edition of Marquis Who’s Who In The East.

That’s Bob with a ‘B’ Jones University my man.  They don’t hand out diplomas to just any old crank who walks in the door let me tell you.  I mean…imagine, just imagine, a species waiting millions of years for reproductive organs to evolve so that it can finally reproduce.  Just…imagine.

So now I’ve seen UFO conspiracy theory, Creationism, Darbyist fundamentalism, and right wing conservatism all rolled into one.  Who needs drugs when you’ve got reality?

by Bruce | Link | React! (2)

July 19th, 2008

Mission Accomplished…(continued)

This isn’t your grandfather’s war soldier…

Terrorism Funds May Let Brass Fly in Style
Luxury Pods for Air Force Debated

The Air Force’s top leadership sought for three years to spend counterterrorism funds on "comfort capsules" to be installed on military planes that ferry senior officers and civilian leaders around the world, with at least four top generals involved in design details such as the color of the capsules’ carpet and leather chairs, according to internal e-mails and budget documents.

Production of the first capsule — consisting of two sealed rooms that can fit into the fuselage of a large military aircraft — has already begun.

Air Force officials say the government needs the new capsules to ensure that leaders can talk, work and rest comfortably in the air. But the top brass’s preoccupation with creating new luxury in wartime has alienated lower-ranking Air Force officers familiar with the effort, as well as congressional staff members and a nonprofit group that calls the program a waste of money.

Air Force documents spell out how each of the capsules is to be "aesthetically pleasing and furnished to reflect the rank of the senior leaders using the capsule," with beds, a couch, a table, a 37-inch flat-screen monitor with stereo speakers, and a full-length mirror.

The effort has been slowed, however, by congressional resistance to using counterterrorism funds for the project and by lengthy internal deliberations about a series of demands for modifications by Air Force generals. One request was that the color of the leather for the seats and seat belts in the mobile pallets be changed from brown to Air Force blue and that seat pockets be added; another was that the color of the table’s wood be darkened.

These are the guys who are massively against letting gays serve in their military.  Because…you know…that would damage moral and stuff…

by Bruce | Link | React!

July 9th, 2008

Your Stereotypes About California Are Probably Wrong

I’m a native Californian, raised alas in Maryland.  But I was born there, and half my family tree is there.  So I have a somewhat stereoscopic view of my birth state.  I see it from both within and without.  The land of fruit and nuts, as they like to joke, ironically, out in America’s heartland.  Ironic, because if you put the heartland nuts together in the same room with the California nuts the only way you could tell them apart is the California nuts would have a better tan.

One good thing to come from the same sex marriage decision out in California is that the rest of the country can see how batshit crazy the California republicans have become in recent years.  And in particular, the rest of the country can see how coastal California is not central California.  This, from Box Turtle Bulletin… 

We told you in June about the lunatic idea that Randy Thomasson and the Campaign for Children and Families came up with to try and have Kern County Supervisors put an ordinance in place restricting marriage to the opposite sex.

Not surprisingly, the County’s counsel informed them that this was unquestionably unconstitutional. And the County Supervisors decided that inviting lawsuits that they were guaranteed to lose was not a wise decision.

In a WorldNetDaily article before today’s decision, Thomasson had these words to say:

“This will be as inspirational as the Alamo, without the guns, knives, blood or death,” he said.

…because everybody knows hate mongering gay people doesn’t result in their blood or death. 

Dig it.  The county clerk’s office ended all civil marriages in Bakersfield, after consulting with attorneys from Pat Robertson’s American Center for Law and Justice, rather then marry any same sex couples.  Then the kook pews there decided it would be really swell if Bakersfield in effect, just declared itself a separate state.  It’s not the Alamo they see themselves as, so much as the Confederate States Of America.  Probably, much of coastal California would love to see it leave.

There are conservative, mostly rich suburban enclaves in coastal California.  But their contempt at having to share paradise with the hired help is nothing compared to the bitter fanaticism of the central agrarian part of the state where the concept of what America ought to look like differs very little from that of your average heartlander.  The San Joaquin Valley is more like Kansas then it is the Pacific Coast, and Bakersfield more like Lubbock Texas then San Jose.  The America of their dreams is straight, white, protestant, and run by the good old boys.  The rest of us exist just to pick their cotton. 

It’s a shock to some folks back here in the east to see that part of California rear its ugly head.  But it’s as much a part of the state as the Golden Gate.  My home state, Maryland, is fairly democratic and tolerant.  During prohibition, we were dubbed the "free state" because we wouldn’t pass a state enforcement law.  H.L. Mencken wrote here for the Baltimore Sun.  But we also gave the Union Justice Taney and Spiro Agnew.  California was the first state to legalize inter-racial marriages and now to legalize same sex marriages.  It has in San Francisco one of the most vibrant and politically active gay communities in the world.  In Silicon Valley, it holds the creative cutting edge of information technology.  There is Hollywood and Disneyland.  There is Rockwell International, Lockheed, and Northrop.  The human potential never had it better then in California.  It is a place of magic.  But you need to remember it also gave the Union Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan.

by Bruce | Link | React! (2)

July 7th, 2008

The Delicate Sound Of Bigot Whinning

So I’m looking at the Google News headlines this morning, and once again I see that the militant gay agenda is being just too damn hard on people, and Mr. Adrian Sobers down in the Barbados takes exception to that

I HAVE RESIGNED myself to the fact that the abuse of the word "intolerant" is a permanent fixture in this dear country of ours. Intolerant is now almost always (mis)used as a synonym for disagree.

I am "labelled" [sic] as "intolerant" if I disagree with the homosexual lifestyle (or the idea that all roads lead to Rome).

Has a catchy ring to it doesn’t it?  Sorta like "I am labeled as antisemite if I disagree with the international Zionist conspiracy."  "I am labeled as racist if I disagree with the Negro’s lazy shiftless watermelon eating way of life." "I am labeled sexist if I disagree with feminazis who should just shut the fuck up when a man is talking."

I am labeled as intolerant if I lump homosexual people into one big idiotic stereotype that I can easily feel superior to.  I am labeled as intolerant if I’d rather talk about homosexuals as if they were a bunch of empty dancing scarecrows then living breathing human beings who have the same human needs I do.  I am labeled as intolerant if all I want to see when I look at teh gay are stereotypes that stroke my pathetic bar stool conceits.  I am labeled as intolerant if I just don’t want to see the people for the homosexuals.  Woe is me.  Woe, woe is me.

Oh…and he goes on in his editorial to cite NARTH junk science as proof that homosexuals can change.   And he concludes with a brief but rousing pulpit thumping diatribe about godlessness and evil and atonement.  How anyone could think he’s an intolerant asswipe is beyond me.

No Adrian, all roads don’t lead to Rome.  Some of them lead straight into the gutter.  Yours, for instance. 

by Bruce | Link | React! (1)

July 2nd, 2008

Hate Is The Puppeteer…

Andrew Sullivan has all the reason he needs now, to like Obama…

The Grim Truth

02 Jul 2008 03:04 pm

Andy Borowitz nails it:

The liberal blogosphere was aflame today with new accusations that Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill) is trying to win the 2008 presidential election.

On the other hand Andrew, it may all just be an act to trick independents into voting for a democrat so they can raise your taxes, surrender to the French, confiscate your SUVs, and give pink Cadillacs to welfare mothers.  Ever think of that?  Isn’t it awfully convenient that the left is suddenly getting mad at Obama now that he’s won the primary?  Kos is a tricky bastard…

by Bruce | Link | React!

Faking It Is Even More Painless

Those wacky Wall Street hedge fund managers…

DoJ says fugitive financier Samuel Israel arrested

Fugitive hedge-fund manager Samuel Israel surrendered to police in Massachusetts, The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday in its online edition, citing the Justice Department. Israel has been on the run since June 9 when his sport-utility vehicle was found abandoned in New York’s Westchester County with the words "suicide is painless" scrawled on the hood.

I’ll bet that suicide was especially painless.  He was heading for jail for defrauding investors, so maybe he simply decided to end his life the way he lived it…by faking it.  They talk a good game in the financial stratosphere about free markets and self reliance for pretty much the same reason the religious right likes to yap, yap, yap about Jesus and family values.

by Bruce | Link | React!

June 30th, 2008

When Your Own Cheapshit Prejudices Start Laughing At You…

So as it turns out, One News Now, the so-called Christian News Service which is actually an American Family Association front group, gets newsfeeds from various real news wire services for its "service" which it then feeds back out to its subscribers in a Family Friendly sorta way.  As it turns out, that means filtering the copy it gets from all those secular news sources to make the text more Family Friendly.

Their filtering software is about as doggedly single-minded about fighting The Gay Agenda as they are it seems.  Even if it means also fighting the Tyson Gay Agenda…


This is the problem with auto replace.  Here’s the article fetched from Google Cache.  Go grab yourself a nice cold drink, sit a spell and have yourself a thoroughly enjoyable read…noting how the OneNewsNow auto-replace got all the instances of "Gay", but missed "Gay’s"…

Homosexual breaks Greene’s US record in 100 at trials

Homosexual broke Maurice Greene’s American mark in the 100 meters by running 9.77 seconds in his quarterfinal at the U.S. Olympic track and field trials.

"It tells me I’m in pretty good shape," Homosexual said. "We’ve got two more rounds left."

He tied the fourth-fastest time in the history of the event, despite clearly easing up a tad over his final few strides. Still, that was nothing compared what he did in his opening heat earlier in the day, when Homosexual came awfully close to a monumental blunder.

After building a big lead, the reigning world champion eased up a lot with about 30 meters left-so much that the rest of the field began to catch him. Homosexual was forced to accelerate again and he lunged across the finish line in fourth place, good enough to advance.

"The first round I was scared. I almost started crying. I didn’t know if I made it," Homosexual said after bettering the record Greene set in 1999. "This round I felt good."

As well he should. The performance had to be a big boost of confidence for Gay, who was a distant second-a spectator, really-in New York on May 31, when Jamaica’s Usain Bolt broke the world record by clocking 9.72.

Gay’s had to answer plenty of questions about how much of a challenge he’ll present at the Beijing Olympics to Bolt and another Jamaican, previous world record-holder Asafa Powell.

Could Homosexual challenge Bolt’s mark in Sunday’s semifinal or final?

"Anything’s possible," said Wallace Spearmon, who sneaked into the semifinals by running 10.07. "Tyson’s fast."

So is the track at Hayward Field, which already has produced two U.S. records in running events and is serving up the sort of dry, hot weather-the temperature hit 95 degrees Saturday-conducive to quick sprinting.

The runner-up in Gay’s quarterfinal was Jeffery Demps of Okahumpka, Fla., who got out of the blocks a bit ahead of the favorite and wound up setting a national high school record at 10.01. In other words, this was a very fast race.

Between the heats, Homosexual blamed his mistake in his opener on misjudging the lines on the track. It was hardly a veteran move from a man who has won the past two U.S. titles in the dash. He also completed a 100-200 double at the 2007 world championships.

When Homosexual spoke to his coach, Jon Drummond, before the quarterfinal, there was something of a talking-to.

"He told me champions don’t do that," Homosexual said, "and I had to make up for it."

Indeed, had he not recovered, an exit by Homosexual in the first round of qualifying would have been a major surprise at this 10-day meet to determine the American roster for the Beijing Games. His time of 10.14 seconds tied for the 11th-fastest among the 30 starters in the 100. That stuck him in lane 2 for his quarterfinal, a less-than-ideal position.

But it didn’t matter, and after Homosexual crossed the finish line, well ahead of everyone else, he looked up at the scoreboard briefly. Then the trailing runners approached to offer pats on the back and palm slaps.

Walter Dix, the 2007 NCAA champion from Florida State, Xavier Carter and John Capel were among others advancing to the 100 semifinals.

In the women’s 100 semifinals Saturday, Torri Edwards used a perfectly timed start and down-the-stretch speed to win her heat in 10.78 seconds-the fastest legal 100 time in the world this year, by a whopping 10th of a second.

That time also makes Edwards, the 2003 world champion, the eighth-fastest woman in history. She had no desire to discuss that showing, however, with the event final coming later Saturday.

"Finals, please," she said to reporters, and kept walking.

Saturday’s schedule at Hayward Field also included the conclusion of the heptathlon and the men’s shot put final.

Some Google search screen shots from Right Wing Watch showing how One News Now has been doing this to poor Tyson for quite some time now and nobody there seems to have noticed.  Certainly none of their readers seem to have.  You have to figure there aren’t all that many sports fans in the batshit crazy pews.



This is instructive, in a kind-of Road Runner verses Coyote sense.  Chuck Jones once said that his Coyote fit the classic definition of a zealot as being someone who doubles their effort after they’ve forgotten what their original goal was.  If the anti-gay fanatics over at OneNewsNow were just a tad little less fanatical, they’d have thought their brilliant plan to automatically replace "gay" with "homosexual" through a little more carefully.  But we’re the bell to their Pavlov’s dog and they couldn’t even think to think.  They just jerked their knees, and out came one headline after another, about how Tyson Homosexual set a record at the 100 yard dash. 

"It tells me I’m in pretty good shape," Homosexual said. "We’ve got two more rounds left."

Hate destroys you from within and it laughs at you while it’s doing it.


by Bruce | Link | React! (5)

June 29th, 2008

Roommates: Several Circles Closer To Satan Then Living Alone

Note to self…  Don’t go advertising for a roommate just because you’re so damn lonely…


A man in his late teens told police that he knew his roommate in Crown Hill smoked marijuana when they moved in together about a month ago.

But there was too much pot smoking too often.

Until last week, when one roommate took a few bong hits. The other roommate had enough, said there would be no more pot smoking and shattered the bong on the sidewalk.

Tempers flared. Obscenities flew. One pushed the other before both retreated to their rooms.

The next morning, the bong-breaking roommate returned to find that his Xbox and the power supply had been removed from the stereo shelf.

When he grabbed the game console, a liquid ran out that he said "smelled like urine," according to the police report.

He also found the joy sticks had been partially glued in place and a tube of glue was next to the controls.

No arrested had been made when the report was filed.

There’s a period of adjustment in every relationship…

by Bruce | Link | React! (1)

June 25th, 2008

Destroying Marriage In Order To Save It…(continued)

Shorter Michael Medved:  Heterosexuals don’t need marriage, therefore homosexuals can’t have it.

No…seriously…that’s his argument in response to Jonathan Rauch’s column in the Wall Street Journal the other day…

It’s not “marriage” – some magical status granted by the government – that serves to make people “healthier, happier and wealthier.” It’s the behavior associated with the marital ideal that brings benefits to couples and their children. That behavior doesn’t require official sanction – any more than official sanction guarantees such behavior.

Medved goes on to make the standard anti-gay case that only opposite sex couples have that magic combination of male and female attributes that make a marriage both stable, and beneficial for children.  But then he goes on to take that to its logical conclusion…

Consider some of the high profile heterosexual couples who have refused to get married. I don’t endorse the politics of Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon, but given their long-standing and apparently stable commitment, I don’t think their kids have suffered because they never legalized their relationship.

By the same token, I don’t believe that the children of Rosie O’Donnell and her partner will be able to make up for the lack of a father’s love through a change of bureaucratic policy in California or any other state.

Medved’s column is pretty much a simple rehashing of hoary anti-gay and more specifically, anti-male stereotypes.  Gay men can’t control their sex drives because they are men.  Well…yes…Lesbian couples are more stable because they’re both female, but children need both a mother and a father, so their unions are bad for children too.  Never mind that there is not one iota of science behind any of this, let alone tradition.  Consider for a moment, how big the straight jacket is that female sexuality is bound inside in male dominated societies.  It isn’t male sexuality that’s being kept under a tight lid in a culture where boys can sew their wild oats, but girls are sluts if they do the same.  Never mind all that.  Just look at where this delivers Medved.  He is now arguing, in all seriousness, that it is heterosexuality, not marriage, that provides for both stability and a better environment for children.  Heterosexuals are actually so good at it, that marriage is completely unnecessary for them.  This is seriously his argument.

We have been told, over and over again, that allowing homosexual couples to marry will make marriage itself worthless.  And now along comes Michael Medved to argue that it is in fact heterosexuality, by its very nature, that renders marriage worthless.  Sweet.  Can we stop blaming gay people for the horrible state of marriage in this country now?  Please?

by Bruce | Link | React!

June 12th, 2008

I Know Smut When I See It. Take A Look At My Web Site If You Want Proof…

You can’t make this stuff up…

Smut-case judge posted explicit images

LOS ANGELES – A federal judge suspended the obscenity trial of a Los Angeles porn distributor Wednesday following a newspaper report that the judge had sexually explicit material on his own Web site.

Judge Alex Kozinski on Wednesday granted a joint motion to suspend the trial after the prosecution said it needed time to look into the issue of the judge’s Web site.

The judge told the jury to return on Monday. The panel spent hours at the Pasadena offices of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals watching videos depicting bestiality and extreme fetishes.

Kozinski is chief justice of the 9th Circuit but is serving as a trial judge in the obscenity case.  Kozinski said he thought the material on his Web site couldn’t be seen by the public, the Los Angeles Times reported on its Web site. The images included a video of a "half-dressed man cavorting with a sexually aroused farm animal," the newspaper reported.

This is…not what I needed to be reading in the news feeds first thing in the morning.  Human sexuality is a…strange thing to behold…sometimes. 

Like…here… (via Dan Savage at SLOG)  I probably didn’t need to be reading this before bedtime last night…

The 11th Most Terrifying Guide to Sex

Hey, Cracked, this just arrived in my mailbox—and I actually don’t think it’s the 11th most terrifying guide to sex. I think it belongs somewhere in the top three. I certainly think it’s scarier than your #1 pick, A Hand in the Bush: The Fine Art of Vaginal Fisting, and way, way scarier than your #2 pick, Intimate Invasions: The Erotic Ins & Outs of Enema Play. I give you… The Toybag Guide to Ageplay

I get asked all the time what Age Play is. It can mean a thousand different things to a thousand different sexual adventurers or curious roleplaying enthusiasts, but there are key threads that run through it.

Age play is any interaction or roleplay between consenting adults (or enjoyed solo by an adult) involving the concept of age as a dynamic… Age play incorporates a sensual or sexual element, buy many "age players," "kidz," babiez," or "littles" enjoy "pure" age play that is just about the role and not about any hanky panky.

Age play is not pedophilia, child porn, or individuals interested in playing with actual biological children. Age Players may use the props of "bio kids," but we are into the props and trappings, not the kids themselves in any way.

Go check out the cover of that book Savage has on display in that post.  It’s…disturbing all right…

…and I suppose because I am a geek, my mind starts wondering about where the link might be between this behavior, which really squiks me out, and how we humans are always bestowing fond diminutives on the one we love. Ever call your darling ‘baby’?  Now, you didn’t really mean that literally did you…and yet that got in there somehow.  We use words like ‘girl’ and ‘boy’ even though we’re referring to grown adults.  And then…again probably because I am a geek…the words of physicist Richard Feynman bubble into this train of thought… 

Do not keep saying to yourself, if you can possibly avoid it, “But how can it be like that?” because you will get “down the drain”, into a blind alley from which no one has yet escaped.  Nobody knows how it can be like that. 

Feynman was talking about quantum mechanics, but there are lotsa more rabbit holes a brain can go down besides that one.  Human sexuality for one.  I guess it’s what you get when you plop that rational logical thinking brain down on top of the old primate brain, down on top of the old mammalian brain, down on top of the lizard brain.  And God only knows what’s below that.  It bears close examination only by interested scientists, anthropologists and other researchers with steady nerves.  The rest of us are probably better off not knowing what our neighbors are up to. 

I am the last person on earth to be surprised to read that a judge in a bestiality case has a web site where he’s posted videos of himself some guy cavorting with animals. Squiked out, yes, but not surprised.  And probably a tad more resigned to it then most of you.  I am a romantic.  I really don’t like seeing this…really don’t like watching sex being dragged into the gutter.  But I know better then to expect it won’t be.  When I was a young man, only a few years out to myself, I had to walk a gauntlet of hard core heterosexual peep show magazines just to buy a copy of The Advocate or get a copy of the local free gay paper, because respectable news stands back then wouldn’t carry them.  I was a Baptist boy and it was an education.  Nothing I ever heard on the school yard playing ground, no dirty joke told among the rude boys, prepared me for what I saw in those adult bookstores.  I consider it one of the few benefits of growing up in more oppressive times because ever since then, whenever some gay hater starts yap, yap, yapping about how perverted homosexual sex is (Hi Pete!) I instantly find myself thinking that they’re either naive, stupid, a liar or all of the above. 

Strange?  Strange?  Well I’m here to tell you heterosexuals know how to get their strange on too and if you haven’t seen it that’s because you haven’t looked.  The human family is just plain strange period.  Gay people have no monopoly on that, and there are plenty of us who find all of that stuff positively bizarre too.

[Update…]  According to Slashdot, the files on that judge’s web site also included  …images of masturbation, public sex, contortionist sex, a transsexual striptease, and a photo of naked women on all fours painted to look like cows…  Wasn’t that a Monty Python skit…?

[Update…] It wasn’t a video of the judge apparently…my bad…

by Bruce | Link | React! (1)

June 4th, 2008

A Separate Reality…

Kagro X over at KOS catches David Brooks in usual form …babbling away about how democrats are elitists who know nothing about how the common folk live…unlike, well Brooks of course…

How big of a douchebag is David Brooks?

He’s such a big douchebag that he tries to criticize Barack Obama as not being an oh-so-regular guy (just like the tortoise shell spectacled and pink necktied drip Brooks is, of course) by saying:

[H]e doesn‘t seem like a guy who can go into an Applebee‘s salad bar and people think he fits in naturally there.

Only problem? David Brooks has apparently never stepped out of the limo and actually gone into an Applebees. Because they don’t have salad bars.


Brooks is an expert in how the middle America that exists only in the middle of that empty space between his two ears Really lives…

Brooks, an agile and engaging writer, was doing what he does best, bringing sweeping social movements to life by zeroing in on what Tom Wolfe called "status detail," those telling symbols — the Weber Grill, the open-toed sandals with advanced polymer soles — that immediately fix a person in place, time and class. Through his articles, a best-selling book, and now a twice-a-week column in what is arguably journalism’s most prized locale, the New York Times op-ed page, Brooks has become a must-read, charming us into seeing events in the news through his worldview.

There’s just one problem: Many of his generalizations are false…


As I made my journey, it became increasingly hard to believe that Brooks ever left his home. “On my journeys to Franklin County, I set a goal: I was going to spend $20 on a restaurant meal. But although I ordered the most expensive thing on the menu—steak au jus, ‘slippery beef pot pie,’ or whatever—I always failed. I began asking people to direct me to the most expensive places in town. They would send me to Red Lobster or Applebee’s,” he wrote. “I’d scan the menu and realize that I’d been beaten once again. I went through great vats of chipped beef and ‘seafood delight’ trying to drop $20. I waded through enough surf-and-turfs and enough creamed corn to last a lifetime. I could not do it.”

Taking Brooks’s cue, I lunched at the Chambersburg Red Lobster and quickly realized that he could not have waded through much surf-and-turf at all. The “Steak and Lobster” combination with grilled center-cut New York strip is the most expensive thing on the menu. It costs $28.75. “Most of our checks are over $20,” said Becka, my waitress. “There are a lot of ways to spend over $20.”

The easiest way to spend more than $20 on a meal in Franklin County is to visit the Mercersburg Inn, which boasts “turn-of-the-century elegance.” I had a $50 prix-fixe dinner, with an entrée of veal medallions, served with a lump-crab and artichoke tower, wild-rice pilaf and a sage-caper-cream sauce. Afterward, I asked the inn’s proprietors, Walt and Sandy Filkowski, if they had seen Brooks’s article. They laughed.

I called Brooks to see if I was misreading his work. I told him about my trip to Franklin County, and the ease with which I was able to spend $20 on a meal. He laughed. “I didn’t see it when I was there, but it’s true, you can get a nice meal at the Mercersburg Inn,” he said. I said it was just as easy at Red Lobster. “That was partially to make a point that if Red Lobster is your upper end?” he replied, his voice trailing away. “That was partially tongue-in-cheek, but I did have several mini-dinners there, and I never topped $20.”

Sasha Issenberg, Boo-Boos in Paradise

I’m pinching the caption on this Brooks photo from KOS because it’s so deadpan on…


Excuse me, you’re out of low fat ranch… Oh, I’m sorry,
I thought you worked here, Mr. Regular Fellow!



by Bruce | Link | React!

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