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November 11th, 2008

The Mormon Assault On Gay People…Not Just Your Usual Church Activism…

Via Sullivan…  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is more like a totalitarian state then a church, really…

A reader writes:

I believe you and the reader you quote are missing what is fundamentally different about the Mormon attacks. This was not typical church activism. The Mormon Prophet commanded that every California member give time and money to pass Prop 8. Each member was then contacted by a church authority to make sure the orders from Salt Lake City were obeyed. Mormons were organized into groups to canvas neighborhoods, knock on doors, distribute yards signs, and otherwise organize against gay marriage rights.

Sounds like standard civic participation, right? But remember, Mormons are not allowed to dissent.

Those who openly speak disagreement with the church’s orthodoxy are routinely excommunicated (you can easily Google public examples, most are secret).  There are reports on public websites that Mormon Bishops even questioned individual’s actions supporting Prop 8 in “Temple Interviews,” a form of confessional where members validate that they are living up to the highest church standards.

Questioning support for Prop 8 in such a setting is an implicit threat to the individual’s church membership and continuation as a member of Mormon society. Deliberately complicating matters for outside observers, church members were ordered to disguise their actions. Official church orders told them to disguise their Mormon identity, not go in pairs, and not to wear white shirts and ties.

As the campaign escalated, the church broadened its call to members, drawing in activists and money from around the country. So although Mormons are less than 2% of the California population’s, several gay websites claim that over 70% of the private money donated in support of Prop 8 was Mormon. Yes, some Mormon individuals stood up against their church.  Of the 13+ million Mormons, about 300 signed an online petition. A Mormon ex-football player’s wife put out a supportive statement. He didn’t join it.

Dig that they were told to conceal their affiliation with the church.  The Mormon church has been waging a furious war against gay equality for decades now, but by stealth.  But it couldn’t last.  As more and more people come to see their gay and lesbian neighbors not as some kind of depraved monsters but as fellow travelers in life, the work it takes to demonize us becomes harder and harder.  In 1998 they were able to buy the vote in Hawaii and Alaska with under two million dollars, because public opinion then, while improving, was still strongly against gay equality.  But in 2008 they needed over 40 million dollars and you just can’t shovel that kind of money into something in stealth.  

So now everyone knows how big the Mormon hand is in this.  And you can appreciate why they wanted to keep it generally unknown for as long as possible.  The more you understand what Mormons believe, the crazier they look.

In 1827 Joseph Smith and his bride, Emma, arrived at her father’s farm near Great Bend in Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. Here in this peaceful country along the banks of the Susquehanna River, Joseph would spend the next two-and-a-half years translating the Book of Mormon into English.

He had been born twenty-one years earlier in Sharon, Vermont. His father, also named Joseph, and his mother, Lucy, had started their marriage auspiciously with Lucy’s ample dowry of one thousand dollars. But the dowry was quickly spent and the farm was overgrown with weeds. In a last desperate attempt to recoup his losses, Joseph’s father had invested everything he had left in a shipment of ginseng to China. He had heard that the Chinese would pay high prices for the root of the ginseng plant, which grew wild in Vermont. When he failed to get a penny for his ginseng, Joseph’s father moved his family to a farm near Palmyra, New York, in the western part of the state. There he fared little better than in Vermont. The Smith family often went hungry during the winter months. As soon as they were able to work, the Smith children had to help support their family. Consequently, Joseph obtained little schooling.

When Joseph was adolescent, an itinerant magician and diviner stopped over in Palmyra and offered his services to the local residents. The diviner claimed that he could locate not only ground water near the surface, but also treasure which had been buried by Indians many years before. Some farmers hired the diviner at three dollars per day to look for buried treasure on their lands. The diviner had several magic stones which he looked into, in order to discover the sites of the buried treasures.

Young Joseph Smith took a deep interest in the diviner’s skills and spent as much time as he could in the magician’s company, trying to master the man’s divining abilities. When no treasure was found and no more farmers would pay him, the diviner left town, but by that time Joseph had picked up some of his lore. Acquiring some magic stones of his own, Joseph was successful in using the stones to locate some lost tools.

A visitor to Palmyra who heard about Joseph’s clairvoyance was interested in meeting the young seer. The visitor was from the eastern part of New York State, and convinced that Spaniards had once deposited treasure on his property. Joseph agreed to accompany the visitor east, and to help him locate the treasure, provided that Joseph was paid three dollars a day, the same fee the diviner had charged. Joseph’s father accompanied his nineteen-year-old son on this expedition in 1825.

The site of the hoped-for treasure was the Susquehanna Valey near Damascus, New York, just north of the Pennsylvania border. While hunting for the treasure, Joseph and his father lived at a farm in Pennsylvania, where the Susquehanna dips into that state near Great Bend.

A large party of diggers stowed up to help in excavating the treasure. All of them contributed to Joseph’s wage, in return for a share in the expected treasure. The work progressed slowly. For the first few days the diggers worked with a will, anticipating the riches that would soon be theirs. But as they dug and found nothing, their spirits began to sink. When Joseph told them that the treasure had begun to sink lower due to an "enchantment," they suspected him of being a charlatan and felt that he had made fools of them.

The search for treasure ended, and Joseph’s father returned to his home in Palmyra, but Joseph stayed on in the Susquehanna Valley. He had fallen in love with Emma Hale, the daughter of Isaac Hale, in whose house Joseph and his father had boarded during the treasurehunt. Emma, who was one year older than Joseph, was a beautiful and self-contained schoolteacher who kept herself aloof from Joseph.

Despite Emma’s coolness, Joseph took a job as a farmhand just over the border in New York State, within walking distance of the Hale house in Pennsylvania. In his spare time he attended school to improve his skill in reading and writing, very likely so that he would seem a worthier suitor to a schoolteacher.

As Joseph persisted in his courting of Emma, she gradually yielded to his ardor. But when Joseph asked her father for Emma’s hand in marriage, he was brusquely refused. Mr. Isaac Hale had been one of the original diggers for treasure under Joseph’s direction, and one of the first to lose confidence in the young diviner. He considered Joseph to be an arrogant, fraudulent, and lazy young man, totally unworthy to marry his daughter. After being turned down by Isaac Hale, Joseph continued to visit his daughter while Isaac was away on frequent and extended hunting trips.

In the spring of 1826, some of the former treasure-hunters brought legal charges against Joseph in the court at Bainbridge, New York. Joseph was accused of "disorderly conduct" and also of being an "impostor." One of the witnesses testifying against him was his sweetheart’s father, Isaac Hale. Joseph was found guilty on both charges. There is no record of the sentence imposed on him.

Despite this public humiliation which was aided and abetted by her father, Emma Hale remained attracted to Joseph. In January 1827, when Joseph was twenty-one, he succeeded in persuading Emma to elope with him. After getting married in New York State, they went to live with Joseph’s parents in Palmyra.

In the fall of 1827, Joseph and Emma returned to her parents’ home in Pennsylvania to pick up her belongings. There was an emotional meeting between Isaac Hale and his son-in-law, in which Isaac accused Joseph of having stolen his daughter. Amid tears, Joseph asked his father-in-law for forgiveness. Joseph promised to lead a more honest and responsible life, and to be a worthy husband to Emma. Isaac seemed reassured by Joseph’s contrition, and offered to give the young couple a small house on his property.

Joseph and Emma moved into the small house, and Isaac expected that Joseph would help with the work on his farm. Instead, Joseph kept himself occupied with some mysterious indoor activity. One day Isaac decided to investigate what was going on in the small house, and paid a visit to his son- in-law.

Isaac found Joseph sitting at a table with a hat over his face, uttering long Biblical phrases. Emma sat behind a curtain, hidden from Joseph, while she wrote down the words Joseph was speaking. On the table-top in front of Joseph sat some square object concealed by a cloth. When Joseph removed his hat from his face, Isaac could see two stones in the hat, similar to the stones Joseph had used in divining the location of the "buried Spanish treasure."

Alarmed, Isaac demanded an explanation of this strange activity. The explanation that Joseph and Emma gave him only alarmed Isaac more. They told Isaac that Joseph had seen a vision of an angel back in Palmyra. The angel had led Joseph to a place which Joseph called Cumorah, a hill near Palmyra. There, digging in the spot the angel indicated, Joseph had found a set of golden plates comprising a holy book, called the Book of Mormon. The book was written in symbols which Joseph called "reformed Egyptian," but with the gold plates were two stones, with which Joseph could decipher the ancient symbols on the gold plates .

Joseph told Isaac that the gold plates were right in front of them on the table, in a box covered by a cloth. It was not necessary for Joseph to see the plates in order to decipher them. He could read the plates, understand them, and translate them into English, by gazing into the stones. However, in order to see into the stones, he had to shut out all extraneous light. Therefore, he put the stones into his hat and covered his face with the hat.

When Isaac asked to see the golden plates, Joseph refused permission. Joseph said that, if anyone besides himself looked at the golden plates, it would mean instant death for the person.

So far as Isaac could tell, no change had occurred in Joseph since his treasure-hunting days. Isaac later said, "The manner in which he pretended to read and interpret was the same as when he looked for the money-diggers, with the stones in his hat, and his hat over his face."

Isaac failed to notice that, although Joseph’s occult techniques had not changed, the purpose of Joseph’s life had taken a new direction. Formerly, Joseph had been looking for gold. Now, he seemed indifferent to money. As described by Joseph, the gold plates he had found at Cumorah were worth millions of dollars; yet Joseph valued only the message engraved on them.

Isaac felt certain that there were no gold plates, and that Joseph was plotting some elaborate fraud. But Emma remained loyal to her husband, dutifully taking down Joseph’s dictation, hour after hour, day after day. The words Joseph spoke through his hat told the story of Jewish families which had migrated to America from Israel in the seventh century before Christ, becoming the ancestors of the American Indians. According to the scriptures which Joseph was translating, Christ himself had come to America before his ascension.

During his work of translation, Joseph received some financial support from a few acquaintances who believed in the importance of his task. One man mortgaged his farm to support Joseph. The man’s wife, who considered Joseph’s scriptures a hoax, was so incensed that she left her husband.

Emma worked as Joseph’s secretary until the summer of 1828, when she gave birth to a son who survived for only a few hours. Emma was so depressed by the death of her firstborn that Joseph was deeply worried about her. To give Emma a rest, he called in one of his supporters to serve as his scribe, and Emma regained her health and stability.

The following year 1829, the second secretary was replaced by a third. Finally, in 1830, the work of translation was completed. Joseph was now twenty-four years old, and had spent two and a half years translating the Book of Mormon. He had dictated a total of 275,000 words.

His translation complete, Joseph had one further use of the golden plates. To assure skeptics that the plates did, indeed, exist, he showed them to several trusted witnesses, who signed statements affirming that they had beheld the plates. In preparation for viewing the plates, the chosen witnesses prayed for several hours. After lengthy praying, one witness reported that he saw only an empty box. Joseph sent him out for additional prayer, after which the golden plates were fully visible to the witness.

Joseph later announced that he had returned the plates to the angel who had first led him to them. The angel took them off to eternity.

This is not a religion that’s going to want a lot of time in the spotlight…

One thing I noticed while watching this, is that theologies created before the invention of the telescope all have a very earth-is-the-center-of-the-universe feel to them, while those created after all read like bad science-fiction novels.

So this cult, started by a nineteenth century psychic treasure hunter, who apparently found his gold in the pockets of a lot of suckers willing to believe that God wants them to become a God too, with their very own universe someday, has taken it upon itself to banish gay people from the book of love. Well forgive us if there is no love lost in return. You called down the thunder. Now you have it. And it came to pass that the spotlight turned back upon the kooks. And it came to pass there was no hiding from its awful light. And it came to pass the people of the land saw the kooks among them for what they were. And it came to pass there was much laughter. And it came to pass that there was also much anger. For the kooks had cut off the ring fingers, of many loving couples…


2 Responses to “The Mormon Assault On Gay People…Not Just Your Usual Church Activism…”

  1. Bob C Says:

    Theres that old saw: "If you can’t beat’em, Then JOIN ’em".
    What do you say? How about if we ALL join the Mormon church? And then WE can go do that missionary work that they demand: Taking off in pairs on bicycles to knock door to door preaching the gosple! 
    You go buy some white shirts, I’ll make a few phone calls.
    I think you can "Dial A Mormon" and have them send over some missionaries to your place. (Or someone elses place, or business, or Hells Angles headquarters, or to those people that REALLY need to hear the Mormon gospel: The private homes of local police officers)
    I don’t know if you where in on, or played "The Falwell Game" it might have been mostly a punk rocker thing. Falwell had his 1-800 numbers. and at the time, it basically cost him a buck everytime they answered those phones. (The phone companies have offered better 1-800 plans since then) So we called. And Called, and called, and asked for their liturature, and bibles, and tracts, and sometimes asked that they send over one of THEIR "Missionaries".
    It cost them a LOT of money. So much that they shut down their 1-800 numbers (At least for a while) and had to cut way back on the amount of junk-mail they sent out… know, they kind with "Postage paid" return cards and envelops? How THOSE work is that the organization puts down a ‘deposit’ of sorts with the post office. And out of that deposit/fund the postage is paid for every return envelop they recieve back.
    So they (And some other orgs) got a LOT of heavy donations. Sometimes actual hard cash….in the form of pennies, if the return postage was done by the WIEGHT of the postage-paid returned envelope. 
    So if they made a deposit of say $100,000 bucks, assuming that for every million peices of junk mail begging for money, they’d get back maybe 10% (sometimes much more) envelops with checks….well, if they got back 100,000 postage paid envelops containing, maybe…."Useful advice" in no uncertain terms about how to run their ministries….then they not only had to pay the postage on those, but ALSO pay the boiler room workers who open and sort those postage-paid "donations".
    I think the Mormons STILL might be sending out video tapes (Probably DVDs now) upon request extolling the virtues of their families and churchs. And they send those out for FREE! How many people do you know that could use a few of those? I mean, they only cost the Mormon church a couple of bucks (After production costs) to send those out. Back in the day, the VHS tapes where great…..I never had to buy blank tapes to record "Night Flight" or the GOOD videos on MTv (Back when they actually SHOWED videos)
    C’mon Bruce! Drop your bitter hatred and un-civil discourse with the Mormons, and JOIN them! At least in postal spirit.

  2. Donald R. Stanley Says:

    This is so full of inaccuracies, exaggerations, misrepresentations that it is difficult to see how anyone with a single research bone in their body could believe any of it…Defending marriage, family, and the sanctity of human life is an affront only to those who would destroy any or all of these.

    [Edited by the site owner…who adds…:]

    Fuck off bigot.  Go spray paint your goddamned graffiti on someone else’s web site.  Or go piss and moan to your other bigot friends…I don’t fucking care which.  You don’t like my attitude?  Fuck you.  Want a little respect for your deeply held religious beliefs?  Fuck you.  Your prophet was a con artist and he’s still suckering in sorry ass drooling jackasses like you over a hundred and sixty five years after he got his ass hung by an angry mob.  The kind of angry mob your kind is busy inciting against devoted, loving same sex couples.  Don’t like the hostility that’s brought upon you?  Fuck you.  Think you’re being persecuted because of your religion?  Fuck you.  Think gay people are hateful?  Fuck you.  If you were drowning I’d throw you an anvil.  If you asked for directions I’d send you to the part of Baltimore with the highest murder rate and spray paint I’M A SNITCH on your car before you drove off.  If you were choking I’d stuff a rug down your throat.  If you were having a heart attack I’d tazer your ass.  If your house was burning down and you were still inside I’d nail the doors and windows shut.  You gutter crawling maggots called down the thunder.  Fine.  Now you have it.  Eat shit and die maggot.

    -Bruce Garrett

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