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June 30th, 2007

When Common Sense Looses Its Residency Permit

It must be hell being a policeman with nothing better to do then arrest people for not properly taking care of their lawns…

White Cloud yard police put man in jail

WHITE CLOUD — A Newaygo County man could spend another weekend behind bars if he doesn’t take care of his yard.

David Burch says he tried to seed the yard last fall but it wouldn’t take root. This all stems from a contractor who failed to sod the yard in the first place. Now a judge is saying, do the yard or do the time.

"The people who work at the court, at the jail, thought it was funny," Burch said. "They said there had to be more. I said, ‘No, it’s just because I don’t have grass growing.’ They said, ‘You’re in here for that?’"

He claims he is not skirting the law. Burch said the contractor for his new house is responsible for the lawn. But a White Cloud city ordinance states otherwise.

"This has been in the courts for over a year," said White Cloud Police Chief Roger Ungrey. "I believe Mr. Burch has made an attempt. He did bring me in some receipts for grass seed."

But when it didn’t grow, a county judge ordered the yard planted. It never happened. Again this April – no sprouts. Then, in jail, an inspiration. Burch is sodding his yard with donated turf.

They’ve been having a drought in White Cloud by the way.  Say…you think that might have something to do with why his grass isn’t growing…?  Just curious.  They must see things differently up there.  Maybe they’ve never experienced a drought before and they’re not sure if that means you have to conserve the water you still have or not.  I mean…here in Baltimore when we had our drought you pretty much had to let your lawn go brown or else you got fined.  Having a green lawn was considered evidence that you were watering it illegally. 

So I’m picturing this poor man finally getting his lawn taken care of so he can stay out of jail, only to then be fined for watering it.  But at least it’s a city ordinance and not a Home Owner’s Association he’s at the mercy of.  If it was an HOA they’d be suing him for not using the right kind of grass seed too probably.  He’d have had to submit seed samples to the Architectural Review Committee before planting for DNA analysis, and maybe provide them with architectural renderings of what his new lawn would look like so that the Board Of Directors could pass on it first.

by Bruce | Link | React!

June 27th, 2007

It’s Good To Be King. It’s Even Better To Be Vice President…

A politician’s candor always increases in direct proportion to proximity to retirement. That must be why Dick Armey, the departing house majority leader, so openly discussed his party’s version of pork-barrel politics with the A.P. "There is an old adage. To the victor goes the spoils," he said, explaining why Republican districts have received an average of $600 million more annually than Democratic districts since the Republican takeover. (By the way, that is nearly 18 times the partisan disparity that existed — in the opposite direction — when Democrats last ran the House.) It was good of Professor Armey to share his governing philosophy with us now, even if he and his pals Newt Gingrich and Tom DeLay forgot to mention their partisan budgetary objectives when they were promoting the Contract With America in 1994. But their libertarian admirers may be disappointed to learn that these great statesmen were more focused on redistributing wealth upward than in reducing the size of government.

Joe Conason, Salon.Com August 2002

To the victor belong the spoils.  Those of you who seriously thought that the republicans were fighting for smaller, less intrusive government, more personal freedom from the nanny state, and for fiscal responsibility, are now feel free to feel like they’ve been had.  What they wanted, simply, were the spoils.  Nothing more.  I’m sure historians will debate for generations how the train wreak that was the Bush presidency happened, and why it seemed that they always governed more like a gang of thugs then like the ideologues they presented themselves as being.  But it’s simple.  They’re governing like a gang of thugs, because that’s what they are.

The following story about our imperial vice president may seem trivial compared to Cheney’s unilaterally engineering the withdrawal of the Unites States of America from the Geneva Convention, but it’s everything that is cheap and squalid about the Bush Administration, and by extension the modern republican party, in a nutshell.  

Leaving No Tracks

Sue Ellen Wooldridge, the 19th-ranking Interior Department official, arrived at her desk in Room 6140 a few months after Inauguration Day 2001. A phone message awaited her.

"This is Dick Cheney," said the man on her voice mail, Wooldridge recalled in an interview. "I understand you are the person handling this Klamath situation. Please call me at — hmm, I guess I don’t know my own number. I’m over at the White House."

Wooldridge wrote off the message as a prank. It was not. Cheney had reached far down the chain of command, on so unexpected a point of vice presidential concern, because he had spotted a political threat arriving on Wooldridge’s desk.

In Oregon, a battleground state that the Bush-Cheney ticket had lost by less than half of 1 percent, drought-stricken farmers and ranchers were about to be cut off from the irrigation water that kept their cropland and pastures green. Federal biologists said the Endangered Species Act left the government no choice: The survival of two imperiled species of fish was at stake.

Law and science seemed to be on the side of the fish. Then the vice president stepped in.

With predictable results… 

First Cheney looked for a way around the law, aides said. Next he set in motion a process to challenge the science protecting the fish, according to a former Oregon congressman who lobbied for the farmers.

Because of Cheney’s intervention, the government reversed itself and let the water flow in time to save the 2002 growing season, declaring that there was no threat to the fish. What followed was the largest fish kill the West had ever seen, with tens of thousands of salmon rotting on the banks of the Klamath River.

Characteristically, Cheney left no tracks.

Other then the wreckage you mean.  Those of you who seriously thought that the republicans were fighting for smaller, less intrusive government, more personal freedom from the nanny state, and for fiscal responsibility, are now feel free to feel like they’ve been had.  Except you were warned.  Over and over again you were warned.  And the warning sign was this: instead of appealing to American’s hopes and dreams, they kept appealing to our fears, to our resentments, to our hatreds…

That should have told you everything.  These thugs, who live in a gutter of fears and resentments and cheap bar stool hatreds, if they know nothing else they know the language of fear, and resentment, and hate.  It’s their point of repose, their magnetic north, their absolute bedrock.  Fear, and resentment, and hate.  And you let them manipulate yours.  And you got what you voted for.  What do tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis, liberated now from life itself, hundreds of dead Americans, mostly poor and black, floating in the waters of New Orleans, and the largest fish kill the American west has ever seen have in common? 

Next time, vote your hopes instead of your fears, or it’s your fears you’ll be living with after the election.

by Bruce | Link | React!

Oh Look…Our Own Water Fountains…


Pentagon: Gays encouraged to continue to serve nation after discharge

The Pentagon, in a policy obtained by The Advocate, has indicated that lesbian and gay military personnel who are discharged under the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell law are qualified to continue to serve the nation. A copy of the Pentagon policy, included in a statement released by the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, now states, "These separated members have the opportunity to continue to serve their nation and national security by putting their abilities to use by way of civilian employment with other Federal agencies, the Department of Defense, or in the private sector, such as with a government contractor."

We can do the work, we just can’t have the dignity and the honor of bearing arms in our nation’s defense.  And it’s not because these braying jackasses are uncomfortable working side-by-side with homosexuals.  That’s bullshit.  It’s because they just can’t bear to see the stigma removed from people they personally loath, yet know godammned well their country needs too. 

For sure the Pentagon’s Jack D. Ripper’s are all feeling very evolved now that they’re willing to let us do the work of keeping America secure, so long as we don’t actually get the recognition for it.  Some of them might even think they’re doing us a favor, since life as a highly paid DOD contractor is probably a higher calling in George Bush’s America then being in uniform anyway.

by Bruce | Link | React!

June 20th, 2007

Words Of Warning

So I’m checking the headlines on Slashdot…

Microsoft Pleads With Consumers to Adopt Vista Now

"Microsoft has admitted, in an email to the press, that ‘some customers may be waiting to adopt Windows Vista because they’ve heard rumors about device or application compatibility issues, or because they think they should wait for a service pack release.’ The company is now pleading with customers not to wait until the release of SP1 at the end of the year, launching a ‘fact rich’ program to try to convince them to…

"Fact rich"?  "Fact rich"?  "Fact rich"?  Well that certainly helps me make up My mind about running Vista.  Hell will not only have to freeze over, it’ll have to turn into ice cream too. 

Fact rich…  Fact rich… 

by Bruce | Link | React! (1)

June 19th, 2007

Undeveloped Masculinity

So Glen Greenwald writes about the cult of faux masculinity that animates much of the right and the Bush base

Republicans have long tried to exploit masculinity images and depict Democrats and liberals as effeminate and therefore weak. That is not new. But what is new is how explicit and upfront and unabashed this all is now. And what is most striking about it is that — literally in almost every case — the most vocal crusaders for Hard-Core Traditional Masculinity, the Virtues of Machismo, are the ones who so plainly lack those qualities on every level.

There are few things more disorienting than listening to Rush Limbaugh declare himself the icon of machismo and masculinity and mock others as "wimps." And if you look at those who have this obsession — the Chris Matthews and Glenn Reynolds and Jonah Goldbergs and Victor Davis Hansons — what one finds in almost every case is that those who want to convert our political process and especially our national policies into a means of proving one’s "traditional masculine virtues" — the physically courageous warriors unbound by effete conventions — themselves could not be further removed from those attributes, and have lives which are entirely devoid of such "virtues."

So naturally he gets called a faggot

Not that I’m saying homosexuality is incompatible with masculinity, of course. Consenting biweekly to having one’s duodenum battered with the manic hydraulic fury of a tricked-out V-12 jackhammer manned by an epileptic Con-Ed worker with an ancestral oath of vengeance against asphalt would, I think, tend to butch one up, at least as regards one’s pain threshold.

The post Yglesias links to also has this little gem… 

Is Instapundit A Homo? Well, I think I met him three times or something, and he never tried to pork me. Given the fact I’m 180 pounds of rompin’-stompin’ Clydesdale-clompin’ 180 proof sex, I’d say he successfully passed that test.

Or maybe Reynolds isn’t into drunken horse asses.  Three times or something.  Good thing he didn’t have to use two hands to count them on or he’d probably still be trying to write that post.  There’s an old joke about how God gave men brains and dicks and not enough blood to operate them both at the same time.  Somehow I don’t think this guy has that problem.

Have you ever wondered how men who feel such a profound contempt for anyone who would allow themselves to be fucked, treat their women during sex?  The Ex-Gay barkers generally link male homosexuality to a broken sense of one’s own masculinity.  But isn’t it staringly obvious that a broken sense of masculinity is what’s behind male homophobia, and misogyny? 

Oh…and this…



Pam at Pam’s House Blend riffs on a column in the right wing World Net Daily from Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, who according to his Wikipedia entry is the founder of a group called The Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny, a group which is dedicated to promoting responsible fatherhood amongst African Americans.  His column is a pathetic diatribe against the opposite sex…

Many women I counsel with and have interviewed on my radio and TV shows are quick to point out everything their man is doing wrong, but it’s rare to find one who will honestly admit that she’s screwed up the kids or that she’s driving her mate crazy.

It’s time that we look at the role women play in driving men out of the home and separating them from their children. That’s not to say that men don’t bear the brunt of the responsibility for their weakness. Men need to learn how to deal with women with strength and patience – this is love.

Most women themselves don’t understand why they provoke and agitate their spouse to lash out or run away. They don’t understand the subtle control they have over weak men.

Men typically marry for love and to raise children. The mistake they make is that they’re looking for love from the wrong source. Men shouldn’t look for love from women. Rather they should find God’s love and pass that love down to the wife and children.

WTF??  As a gay man, this contempt for the opposite sex you regularly see from the ersatz "manly man" crowd is really striking.  The shibboleth is that they’re thumping their manly chests to prove they’re not homosexuals.  I think they’re thumping their chests because it’s the only way they know how to prove they’re somebody.  Because they’ve lost the person within.  There is no there inside them anymore.  That’s probably why they don’t know how to love anyone outside of themselves.  Sex is a reflex, and they still understand it when it tugs at them.  But love is utterly beyond this kind of guy.  You need a heart for that, and all he’s got is his…masculinity.

There’s an order to life: God in Christ, Christ in man, man over woman, and woman over children. When this order is broken or violated you have "hell" on earth.


There’s been a deliberate plan to wipe out masculinity in society. When you wipe out the man you wipe out God, because the man represents God on earth. Then there’s no truth – no light – and no hope for the family.

The man represents God on earth…  Well there’s a little Christian modesty for you.  None of this meek shall inherit the earth claptrap for this guy.  No, no.  All you need to do to be the very embodiment of God on earth in his good book, is to be born with that there ‘Y’ chromosome and you’re set.  And…to attack masculinity is to attack on God.

And I could almost buy that, in the sense that to demean and degrade anything that is a part of this wonderful universe is an attack on its creator, on existence.  To attack femininity is to attack God.  To attack sexuality is to attack God.  To attack any part of our shared humanity is an attack on God.  But I don’t think that’s what this creep has in mind.  He thinks his ‘Y’ makes him something.  But all it makes him is male.  Now to this gay boy, and I’m sure most heterosexual women will agree, that is no trivial thing.  But you need to be more then simply male to be attractive.  You need to be decent.  And the ‘Y’ won’t make you that.  You have to make yourself that.  That’s the part people like Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson miss.

I would ask the Reverend what the difference is, between holding yourself above women simply because you’re a man, and holding yourself above others simply because of the color of your skin.  You can make a case for the proposition that the genders view the world around them in their own way, but that’s not to say that one gender is better then another, let alone that being male makes you God on earth.  This is the cop out people take, when the struggle for character becomes too much.  Instead of reaching beyond themselves, for that better person they could become, they buy the cheap seat to self esteem.  Why bother making yourself a better person, when you’re already the embodiment of God on earth?

And the problem with that is that it leaves an empty spot, a barren patch deep down inside, where a conscience is supposed to develop.  The Reverend may think he’s preaching a message of strength to his male flock, but he’s just making them weak.   "…what one finds in almost every case is that those who want to convert our political process and especially our national policies into a means of proving one’s "traditional masculine virtues" — the physically courageous warriors unbound by effete conventions — themselves could not be further removed from those attributes, and have lives which are entirely devoid of such "virtues." 

As Frank Lloyd Wright said, "No stream rises higher then its source"  The cult of masculinity, is more of a dildo.  A grandiose substitute for something that’s all well and good just for what it is, but that shouldn’t be made into any more then what it is.  A masculinity that feels itself threatened by gay men, let alone the opposite sex, is one that’s probably broken to start with.  Your own maleness is a good thing to understand if you’re a guy.  But it isn’t what matters.  It’s what you make of yourself that matters.  The higher ground, the exalted status, is possible to all of us, regardless of our gender, or our sexuality.  But so is this:



You need a really good set of brakes to avoid finding yourself in this place.  The ancient passions of our tribal past, of the long march of life on earth from the sea to our human existence, can sweep us off our feet in an instant, and deliver us into unmitigated evil before we even know where we’re going.  The flesh of our existence is an amazing, wonderful, glorious thing.  But to see your personal salvation in it is to walk away from everything fine and noble a human being can be, and bellyflop into the jungle of our past.  Real men, like real women, have brains, and hearts, and a conscience that knows where the lines are you cannot cross, without renouncing your humanity.

by Bruce | Link | React!

June 4th, 2007

Oh…You Noticed That You’re Being Used Now Did You…?

Comes the dawn…

IT’S ALRIGHT MR. KENNEDY, MY UTERUS IS ONLY BLEEDING . Marty Lederman points us to an interesting WaPo article, in which a few members of America’s tiny minority of serious, principled "pro-lifers" have come to see that "Partial Birth" bans are silly, irrational laws whose primary purpose is to separate money from their wallets and funnel it to the Republican Party. Focus on the Family, however, maintains that the bans do have an upside: the law does increase the "danger of internal bleeding from a perforated uterus." If you don’t believe me that most of the American forced pregnancy lobby cares a great deal more about punishing women for sexual choices they don’t approve of than protecting fetal life, well, I say we take their word for it.

And, again, this explains the sexism in Kennedy‘s opinion; you take it away, and the legislation has no connection with a legitimate state interest at all. As you can see, most anti-choicers (despite the bad-faith congressional findings that 2+2=171) don’t really think that these bans on a safer procedure protect women’s physical health. They simply believe that women can’t be trusted to make judgments about their own lives, and if this causes some women to be seriously injured that’s a feature, not a bug. It’s almost impossible to overstate how disgusting this legislation is, and how deeply entwined outright misogyny is with the American "pro-life" movement.

From the Washington Post article in question…

Supreme Court Ruling Brings Split in Antiabortion Movement

In a highly visible rift in the anti-abortion movement, a coalition of evangelical Protestant and Roman Catholic groups is attacking a longtime ally, Focus on the Family founder James C. Dobson.

Using rhetoric that they have reserved in the past for abortion clinics, some of the coalition’s leaders accuse Dobson and other national antiabortion leaders of building an "industry" around relentless fundraising and misleading information.

Misleading?  Dobson and company?  Oh good heavens no…

In an open letter to Dobson that was published as a full-page ad May 23 in the Colorado Springs Gazette, Focus on the Family’s hometown newspaper, and May 30 in the Washington Times, the heads of five small but vocal groups called the Carhart decision "wicked," and accused Dobson of misleading Christians by applauding it.

Carhart is even "more wicked than Roe" because it is "not a ban, but a partial-birth abortion manual" that affirms the legality of late-term abortions "as long as you follow its guidelines," the ads said. "Yet, for many years you have misled the Body of Christ about the ban, and now about the ruling itself."

Another signer, the Rev. Bob Enyart, a Christian talk radio host and pastor of the Denver Bible Church, said the real issue is fundraising.

"Over the past seven years, the partial-birth abortion ban as a fundraising technique has brought in over a quarter of a billion dollars" for major antiabortion groups, "but the ban has no authority to prevent a single abortion, and pro-life donors were never told that," he said. "That’s why we call it the pro-life industry."

In Rohrbough’s view, partisan politics is also involved.

"What happened in the abortion world is that groups like National Right to Life, they’re really a wing of the Republican Party, and they’re not geared to push for personhood for an unborn child — they’re geared to getting Republicans elected," he said. "So we’re seeing these ridiculous laws like the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban put forward, and then we’re deceived about what they really do."

No shit Sherlock.  That gang has been manipulating your hatred of women and homosexual people to rise money for fucking decades.  Welcome to the real world asshole.  Your cheapshit knee jerk prejudices are like keys on a piano to them.  And as long as you allow your hatreds to lead you around by the nose, they’ll keep playing you for all the money you’re worth.

When you signed on to a movement to grind hopes and dreams of women, of gay and lesbian people for love and happiness and and that intimate peaceful contentment in the arms of someone they loved into the dirt, I guess it didn’t occur to you that perhaps the people running it might be a bunch of soulless conniving thugs.  But think for a moment, if you have a single functioning synapse left in that thing you call a brain…what else could they have been?  What kind of person does that to innocent people, jackass?  You thought the sort of person who incites fear and loathing and hate toward lovers was trustworthy?  Trustworthy?  I’m laughing in your face.  If you had a shred of conscience you’d have seen him for the predator he is the moment he approached you with his little sales pitch.  Give me your money, and I will wage holy war on the sex lives of the heathen…   But you couldn’t.  You couldn’t do anything but fall for it, because your hate, your contempt, and your cheapshit conceits made you weak.  So you got taken advantage of.  And if I’m sorry for you about anything, it’s that all you lost was your money.  Look into the face of someone who lost the possibility of love sometime asshole.  You’re both predators.  The only difference between Dobson and you is that he wants to enrich himself.  You just want to see hope die, so you can feel righteous.

They say you can’t cheat an honest man.  But I’ll tell you something: it’s real easy to cheat a bigot.  All you gotta do, is wave that scarecrow in his face, and he’ll dance for you.  Like you danced for Dobson.

Quick!  Send Money!  Now!  Before the homos take over!!!


by Bruce | Link | React!

June 3rd, 2007

I May Be A Drooling Jackass, But At Least I’m A Brown Haired Drooling Jackass

There are those who say that race is an invented social construct.  There is color of skin, among other things, that serve as racial markers.  And often, people bearing those markers are persecutied if their particular marker is expressed by a minority of people in their part of the world.  But it’s not enough that a person has a certain skin color either.  Racist governments throughout history have taken great pains to measure the bloodlines of citizens, to insure racial purity.  If an ancestor of yours had black skin, your degree of blackness was carefully measured in your bloodline, not the actual tone of your pelt. 

But for some odd reason, not everything works that way.  Blond hair for instance, is uncommon and yet it’s almost always well favored in communities of mostly dark haired people.  Looked at, as merely one genetic variation out of many, it seems ridiculous that we treat color of skin one way and color of hair another.  How is it that human prejudice suddenly fixates on one thing?  The poet A. E. Housman mocked it in his poem, The Color of His Hair

Oh who is that young sinner with the handcuffs on his wrists?
And what has he been after, that they groan and shake their fists?
And wherefore is he wearing such a conscience-stricken air?
Oh they’re taking him to prison for the colour of his hair.

The poem is a brilliant, and bitterly angry laugh aimed at prejudice by a gay man who knew the sting of it himself.  So rediculous to persecute someone for the color of their hair. Right?

Well…apparently not…

Red-haired family forced to move

Kevin and Barbara Chapman say they and their four children, aged between 10 and 13, have endured years of taunts, smashed windows and violence.

They said they moved from Walker to Newbiggin Hall to try to escape the bullying, and then again to Kenton Bar.

Son Kevin, 11, said he was recently punched in a street attack. Newcastle Council is "discussing the situation".

Mr Chapman, 49, said his 10-year-old daughter Ryelle and sons Daniel, 10, and Jordan, 13, have also been badly affected.

He said each time the family received abuse they moved home.

They’ve been punched and kicked and thrown over a hedge

The family also say they have endured their homes being daubed in graffiti.

Mr Chapman said: "The abuse we get is unbelievable. It started more than three years ago, when the kids started getting bullied by lads over the colour of their hair.

"They’ve been punched and kicked and thrown over a hedge. Every time they go out these gangs get to them."

He added that the family now wanted to move again.

Community police officer Sergeant Colin Murray, of Northumbria Police, said there had been a number of incidents all of which had been fully investigated.

Commenting on the matter, a Newcastle City Council spokesman said: "We are currently discussing their situation."

The first headlines I saw on this story, read that the family had "Ginger Hair", and I thought the poor family had some sort of unfortunate genetic defect that they were being mocked and tormented over.  I’d never heard the term before.  So I did what any computer geek will do: I did a Google image search on "ginger hair" and right away I got a page full of various red heads, many of which were actually quite beautiful.  I could feel my jaw dropping.  Jesus Fucking H. Christ…they’re talking about redheads…

Now ’tis oakum for his fingers and the treadmill for his feet,
And the quarry-gang on portland in the cold and in the heat,
And between his spells of labour in the time he has to spare
He can curse the god that made him for the colour of his hair.

Never underestimate the human capacity to hate people for any stupid shit reason they can dream up…

by Bruce | Link | React!

May 31st, 2007

Well Educated, Just Not Very Smart

I remember when I worked on a software project for a medical diagnostic instrument company.  A lab technician gave us a talk about their working conditions, since we were making a tool for them to use.  She told us briefly about dealing with highly contagious agents like TB.  TB, she told us, was a mycobacteria.  In it’s most contagious form she said, she could put a tiny vial of it in the room we were in, with the cap tightly screwed on, and it could nonetheless infect every one of us just sitting there.  The mycobacteria were tiny, she said, got out of confinement easily, became easily airborne, and then you breathed them in.

So I’m thinking about this as I read about the guy who has a extensively drug-resistant form of tuberculosis, and exposed dozens of people by flying to the U.S. instead of turning himself in to doctors in Italy like he was told to.  Seems he’s a tad puzzled now that he has an armed guard outside the door to his isolation room.  After all, he’s a well educated, successful, intelligent person.

You know the type… 

The man told the Journal-Constitution he was in Rome during his honeymoon when the CDC notified him of the new tests and told him to turn himself in to Italian authorities to be isolated and be treated. The CDC told him he couldn’t fly aboard commercial airliners.

"I thought to myself: You’re nuts. I wasn’t going to do that. They told me I had been put on the no-fly list and my passport was flagged," the man said.

He told the newspaper he and his wife decided to sneak back into the U.S. through Canada. He said he voluntarily went to a New York hospital, then was flown by the CDC to Atlanta.

"I’m a very well-educated, successful, intelligent person," he told the paper. "This is insane to me that I have an armed guard outside my door when I’ve cooperated with everything other than the whole solitary-confinement-in-Italy thing."

Er…that’s why you have an armed guard outside your door buddy.  Not merely no remorse for your actions, utterly no clue whatsoever that you did anything wrong by putting your fellow passengers at risk, let alone giving this extremely dangerous new form of TB a chance to spread far and wide beyond you.  Fucking airplane cabin.  And an international flight.  Christ Almighty.  And you can’t figure the armed guard.  I’d put a dozen of them outside your door.  Ones that know how to shoot.

by Bruce | Link | React!

May 30th, 2007

Naive? Clueless? Easily Manipulated? You Could Have A Career In Journalism…

Remember that story about the honeybees dying off?  Not so much

…even the original report describing and naming the phenomenon explicitly says it’s something that has been seen before (repeatedly), named before, and studied before – in all cases without coming to any conclusion about the cause. The researchers didn’t like the older names for the syndrome (which usually included the word "disease," which has connotations about infectiousness that don’t seem applicable here), so they renamed it colony collapse disorder. That point has largely eluded the press, with the result that most people think this is a new phenomenon, when in fact the researchers who described it note reports of similar die-offs dating back to the 1890s.

So…If they call it a surge instead of an escalation, it’s really a different thing…right?  But then it’s really hard sometimes to completely grasp what people are telling us, even when they’re telling it to us straight…

At least once in the present case the media got something completely wrong and created a huge mess: The story about cell phones was basically a misrepresentation of what one pair of reporters wrote about a study that they misinterpreted. In a nutshell, the original research didn’t involve cell phones, and the researchers never said their research was related to honey bee colony die-offs.

Can we work in a quote from someone famous?  Someone everyone trusts? 

Even details like the alleged Einstein quote are dubious. No one has yet found proof that Einstein said anything about bees dying off the earliest documented appearance of the "quote" is 1994 and, yes, Albert was dead at the time.

Here’s one version of the Einstein quote making the rounds…

"If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live. No more bees, no more pollination …no more men!"

Snopes has more…(Just be sure to turn off Javascript before you visit them).  The quote apparently first popped up in news stories about a beekeeper protest in Brussels in 1994, where they were distributing pamphlets with the quote on it.  I can’t find anything more on the specific nature of the protest, so I don’t even know if they were protesting to draw attention to bee die-offs or for a pay raise or what.  But apparently the quote has just been mindlessly recycled for news stories about colony collapse disorder.  Never let a good quote go to waste I guess, even if it’s completely bogus.

I’m starting to wonder now if the news media here in America was always this bad, and we just never noticed it before the Internet allowed the rest of us to compare notes behind their backs. 

by Bruce | Link | React!

May 21st, 2007

The Jackass Chronicles…(continued)

Peterson Toscano writes It’s About Heterosexism, Silly on the International Day Against Homophobia, and Alan Chambers’ post on the Exodus blog about how he is all in agreement that violence against gay people shouldn’t be tolerated.  Chambers writes…

Today is the International Day Against Homophobia. And, you might be surprised to learn that I support this effort. Homophobia does exist. Irrational fear of those who are gay or lesbian is a real problem in our culture. While I believe we have come a long way, I still see true homophobia at work each and every day.

What a swell guy, eh?  Almost makes you wonder why they’re all so uptight about hate crime laws over at Exodus.  Peterson responds that the lives of gay people are less impacted directly from violence, so much as the premise of heterosexual superiority…

While homophobic attacks happen daily, heterosexism happens by the nano second. A young child gets the message over and over again in books, TV ads, teacher’s examples and even heterosexually paired salt & pepper shakers, that anything other than heterosexual pairing is just not right. Growing up in such a world, with virtually no positive examples of same-sex couples, queer and questioning young people begin to develope a negative sense of self and can even grow quite isolated and suicidal within a society where they do not see themselves reflected or accepted.

Just so.  I’ve often wondered of late, how different my own life might have been had I the chance to grow up in a culture as accepting of same sex pairings as opposite sex ones.  Maybe I’d have found my soul mate by now.  Maybe I did find him long ago, once upon a time, only to loose him due to that relentless hostility toward same sex pairings. 

Once while I was working as a stock clerk at a catalog retailer, I met this really nice guy from one of the branch stores who’d come to the warehouse on an errand.  I think my jaw dropped a little when I caught sight of him, he was so drop dead beautiful.  He saw me looking and flashed a wonderful smile at me.  Some weeks later I had a chance to go to the store he worked at on an errand of my own and the look he gave me when he saw it was me was thrilling.  We didn’t have any time to talk that day, we were both so busy with work related chores.  But I vowed to get his name and phone number the next time we met.  Which should have been the following week.  But his supervisor caught us sharing a smile and I guess she didn’t like the look of it because the next day we were both fired, me ostensibly because my hair was too long.  I never learned why exactly they’d canned him.  I only found out when I tried visiting his store afterwords and was coldly told he wasn’t working there anymore. 

I never saw him again.  I don’t even know his name.  It is one of many junctions in my life that I’ve always wondered about since, wondered about what might have been had they left us alone.  He was real nice.  And that is not the only time something like that has happened to me.

Not one to let a suggestion that gay people be given a measure of human dignity go by without spitting on it, Mike Ensley commented on Chamber’s blog thusly:

The fact is, heterosexuality is innately superior. Only heterosexual partners enjoy the complimentary aspect of their physiology, and only they can produce children.

Ensley is a jackass.  Dr. John Corvino in this lecture on the morality of homosexuality , hilariously addresses that The Parts Don’t Fit argument, with the simple retort that, yes the parts Do fit, and that ought to be obvious since if they didn’t, people wouldn’t do that.  This isn’t rocket science.  It shouldn’t take a micro-watt of brain power to figure that if sex wasn’t gratifying and fulfilling for same sex couples then they wouldn’t do it, let alone take all the risks that same sex couples often have to take, even in this day and age, let alone back when sodomy could still land you in prison, in order to do it.  The trick is…well…you have to be gay in order to find it fulfilling.  If you’re heterosexual, then you won’t.

Because heterosexuals mate to the opposite sex, it’s easy for them to mistake the complementary nature of their relationship for gender.  But the complement isn’t the gender, it’s the person.  What people like Ensley are doing in reality, is denying gay people that intimate, body and soul complementary relationship with another person.  Then they point to how miserable gay people often are as proof of the innate superiority of heterosexuality.  It’s called, building yourself up, by putting other people down.  Ensley is doing a little dance there, over corpses of gay people’s dreams and hopes, as a way of demonstrating the superiority of heterosexuality.  And he has no idea how ugly it looks to anyone with a conscience.

And thus prejudice, eventually, destroys the destroyer. 

by Bruce | Link | React! (2)

May 20th, 2007

Simple Answers To Simple Questions

Leonard Pitts writes about the one moment in Jerry Falwell’s life when it seemed like he had a conscience after all

It happened in 1999 when Falwell and other Christian conservatives met with a group of gay, lesbian and transgendered people of faith. As gay observers condemned the gay delegation for its involvement and his fellow Christians excoriated Falwell for his, the two groups worshipped together and talked.

Falwell and the Rev. Mel White, leader of Soulforce, a group of gay Christian activists, said they organized the meeting out of a sense that the language between them and the groups they represented had become harsh, acrid, unChristian. If they could not change one another’s minds, they reasoned, perhaps they could at least change one another’s words. In the spirit of the moment, each apologized for hateful language directed at the other. It was a brave and moral moment.

In a column I wrote at the time, I warned both sides that, while it’s easy to stigmatize anonymous others, it would become a lot more difficult after they had spent time in one another’s company, gotten to know each other a little. "How," I asked, "do you go back to being who you were and hating as blindly as you did?"

It’s easy when you just can’t see the people for the homosexuals.

This has been another edition of Simple Answers To Simple Questions…

by Bruce | Link | React!

May 11th, 2007

What Digby Said…

Digby, riffing off Glen Greenwald, smacks around the cutlure of High Broderism.

Joseph Kraft defined "Middle America" as a blue collar or rural white male, "traditional in his values and defensive against innovation." Ever since then, the denizens of the beltway have deluded themselves into thinking they speak for that "silent majority." (And what a serendipitous coincidence it was that this happened at the moment of a right wing political ascension that also made a fetish out of the same blue collar white male.) The converse of this, of course, is that they also assume that the "fringe" liberals from the coasts are way out of the mainstream, even to the extent that editors of Time simply make up data to conform to Kraft’s outdated observations.

It reached the zenith of synergistic absurdity during the Lewinsky scandal when the cosmopolitan beltway courtiers finally went all in and portrayed themselves as as the salt-of-the-earth provincial town folk who were appalled by the misbehavior ‘o them out-a-towners from thuh big city:

When Establishment Washingtonians of all persuasions gather to support their own, they are not unlike any other small community in the country.

On this evening, the roster included Cabinet members Madeleine Albright and Donna Shalala, Republicans Sen. John McCain and Rep. Bob Livingston, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan, PBS’s Jim Lehrer and New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, all behaving like the pals that they are. On display was a side of Washington that most people in this country never see. For all their apparent public differences, the people in the room that night were coming together with genuine affection and emotion to support their friends — the Wall Street Journal’s Al Hunt and his wife, CNN’s Judy Woodruff, whose son Jeffrey has spina bifida.

But this particular community happens to be in the nation’s capital. And the people in it are the so-called Beltway Insiders — the high-level members of Congress, policymakers, lawyers, military brass, diplomats and journalists who have a proprietary interest in Washington and identify with it.

They call the capital city their "town."

And their town has been turned upside down.

Here you had the most powerful people in the world identifying themselves with Bedford Falls from "It’s A Wonderful Life" when the court of Versailles or Augustan Rome would be far more more apt. The lack of self-awareness is breathtaking. Thirty years after Kraft’s epiphany, this decadent world capital that had recently seen the likes of Richard Nixon’s crimes and John F. Kennedy’s philandering (and corruption of all types, both moral and legal at the highest levels for years), were now telling the nation that they themselves were small town burghers and factory workers upholding traditional American values. And even more amazing, the rest of America was now morally suspect and needed to be led by these purveyors of Real American values:

This has been another edition of What Digby Said.  Go read the whole thing.

by Bruce | Link | React!

May 10th, 2007

Dear Milt…

Bigots who live in glass houses, shouldn’t throw stones


by Bruce | Link | React!

May 9th, 2007

Meanwhile…Back At The Sacred Institution Of Heterosexual Marriage…

City rips down racy divorce billboard

The salacious "Life is short. Get a divorce" billboard with barely clothed models was ripped from its Rush Street perch one week after it went up and one day after the Sun-Times reported it.

The story was picked up internationally, running on CNN, MSNBC, ABC’s "Good Morning America" — even on "The View."

That’s not the kind of publicity Chicago officials wanted as they seek to host the 2016 Olympics, say supporters of attorney Corri Fetman.

"They ripped our billboard down without due process," Fetman said. "We own that art. I feel violated."

Well take heart…seems it wasn’t about the message after all… 

But it wasn’t a moral crusade that brought down the billboard — it was the lack of a proper permit, claimed Ald. Burton Natarus (42nd), who leaves the City Council this month after 36 years.

A billboard that reads, "Life is short.  Get a divorce."  Framed by two sexy models showing lots of skin, muscles and pecs on the guy and really big tits on the gal.  Just never you mind.  Homosexuals are trying to destroy the institution of marriage.  Remember…homosexuals are trying to destroy the institution of marriage.

by Bruce | Link | React!

May 1st, 2007

Dear Hard Line Right Wingers…

The cold war is over.  Get over it.

Love, Bruce.

by Bruce | Link | React! (1)

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