Some stuff I was meaning to post about this weekend but didn’t have the time…
Wanna See Something Really Scary…?
Jesus Plus Nothing: The Political Right at Bible Study, is an article that was originally published in Harper’s Magazine in 2003. But it’s still worth a read, if you don’t mind getting a peek into the hidden world and machinations of the secretive group of believers who refer to themselves as "the Family"…the folks who have been running the "National Prayer Breakfast" since 1953.
Ivanwald, which sits at the end of Twenty-fourth Street North in Arlington, Virginia, is known only to its residents and to the members and friends of the organization that sponsors it, a group of believers who refer to themselves as “the Family.” The Family is, in its own words, an “invisible” association, though its membership has always consisted mostly of public men. Senators Don Nickles (R., Okla.), Charles Grassley (R., Iowa), Pete Domenici (R., N.Mex.), John Ensign (R., Nev.), James Inhofe (R., Okla.), Bill Nelson (D., Fla.), and Conrad Burns (R., Mont.) are referred to as “members,” as are Representatives Jim DeMint (R., S.C.), Frank Wolf (R., Va.), Joseph Pitts (R., Pa.), Zach Wamp (R., Tenn.), and Bart Stupak (D., Mich.). Regular prayer groups have met in the Pentagon and at the Department of Defense, and the Family has traditionally fostered strong ties with businessmen in the oil and aerospace industries. The Family maintains a closely guarded database of its associates, but it issues no cards, collects no official dues. Members are asked not to speak about the group or its activities.
The organization has operated under many guises, some active, some defunct: National Committee for Christian Leadership, International Christian Leadership, the National Leadership Council, Fellowship House, the Fellowship Foundation, the National Fellowship Council, the International Foundation. These groups are intended to draw attention away from the Family, and to prevent it from becoming, in the words of one of the Family’s leaders, “a target for misunderstanding.” [1] The Family’s only publicized gathering is the National Prayer Breakfast, which it established in 1953 and which, with congressional sponsorship, it continues to organize every February in Washington, D.C. Each year 3,000 dignitaries, representing scores of nations, pay $425 each to attend. Steadfastly ecumenical, too bland most years to merit much press, the breakfast is regarded by the Family as merely a tool in a larger purpose: to recruit the powerful attendees into smaller, more frequent prayer meetings, where they can “meet Jesus man to man.”
In the process of introducing powerful men to Jesus, the Family has managed to effect a number of behind-the-scenes acts of diplomacy. In 1978 it secretly helped the Carter Administration organize a worldwide call to prayer with Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat, and more recently, in 2001, it brought together the warring leaders of Congo and Rwanda for a clandestine meeting, leading to the two sides’ eventual peace accord last July. Such benign acts appear to be the exception to the rule. During the 1960s the Family forged relationships between the U.S. government and some of the most anti-Communist (and dictatorial) elements within Africa’s postcolonial leadership. The Brazilian dictator General Costa e Silva, with Family support, was overseeing regular fellowship groups for Latin American leaders, while, in Indonesia, General Suharto (whose tally of several hundred thousand “Communists” killed marks him as one of the century’s most murderous dictators) was presiding over a group of fifty Indonesian legislators. During the Reagan Administration the Family helped build friendships between the U.S. government and men such as Salvadoran general Carlos Eugenios Vides Casanova, convicted by a Florida jury of the torture of thousands, and Honduran general Gustavo Alvarez Martinez, himself an evangelical minister, who was linked to both the CIA and death squads before his own demise. “We work with power where we can,” the Family’s leader, Doug Coe, says, “build new power where we can’t.”
At the 1990 National Prayer Breakfast, George H.W. Bush praised Doug Coe for what he described as “quiet diplomacy, I wouldn’t say secret diplomacy,” as an “ambassador of faith.” Coe has visited nearly every world capital, often with congressmen at his side, “making friends” and inviting them back to the Family’s unofficial headquarters, a mansion (just down the road from Ivanwald) that the Family bought in 1978 with $1.5 million donated by, among others, Tom Phillips, then the C.E.O. of arms manufacturer Raytheon, and Ken Olsen, the founder and president of Digital Equipment Corporation. A waterfall has been carved into the mansion’s broad lawn, from which a bronze bald eagle watches over the Potomac River. The mansion is white and pillared and surrounded by magnolias, and by red trees that do not so much tower above it as whisper. The mansion is named for these trees; it is called The Cedars, and Family members speak of it as a person. “The Cedars has a heart for the poor,” they like to say. By “poor” they mean not the thousands of literal poor living barely a mile away but rather the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom: the senators, generals, and prime ministers who coast to the end of Twenty-fourth Street in Arlington in black limousines and town cars and hulking S.U.V.’s to meet one another, to meet Jesus, to pay homage to the god of The Cedars.
There they forge “relationships” beyond the din of vox populi (the Family’s leaders consider democracy a manifestation of ungodly pride) and “throw away religion” in favor of the truths of the Family. Declaring God’s covenant with the Jews broken, the group’s core members call themselves “the new chosen.”
The Family’s leaders consider democracy a manifestation of ungodly pride… Somebody might want to start asking all the politicians that hang around them and big business leaders who give them money why they’re supporting an anti-democratic cult.
Mr. Sheldon, your nose is growing… Good As You catches Mr. Family Values, Louis Sheldon of the Traditional Values Coalition, in a great big fib. Once again we see a righteous man of God counting on the fact that the pews are unlikely to fact check him.
For the past two decades political correctness has been derided as a surrender to thin-skinned, humorless, uptight oversensitive sissies. Well, you anti-politically correct people have won the battle, and we’re all now feasting on the spoils of your victory. During the last few months alone we’ve had a few comedians spout racism, a basketball coach put forth anti-Semitism and several high-profile spoutings of anti-gay epithets.
And you thought e pluribus unum was this country’s motto…
Finally…a little comic relief from, where else, The Daily Show. You have to figure it can’t be easy for Nancy Grace these days, seeing a fellow out of control prosecutor going down hard like that…
"But then the sailors knelt and prayed, not all together but five or six at a time. Side by side they knelt down together . . . but there only prayed at the same time men of different faiths so that no god should hear two men praying to him at once. As soon as any one should finish his prayer, another of the same faith would take his place . . ."
"And I too felt I should pray, yet I liked not to pray to a jealous god there where the frail affectionate gods whom the heathen love were being humbly invoked; so I bethought me, instead, of Sheol Nugganoth, whom the men of the jungle have long since deserted, who is now unworhsipped and alone; and to him I prayed."
"Hell," the rabbi says, "is just like Heaven. It is a glorious banquet table spread with the finest foods. But the people in Hell are starving because they have no elbows and they cannot feed themselves."
"I see," the student says, "but in Heaven the people do have elbows?"
"No," the rabbi says, "the people in Heaven don’t have elbows either. But in Heaven, they feed each other."
Fred has a delightfully snarky photograph to go along with this blog post, titled, The Lost Tomb. It’s a tad hard to read the inscription, but the name is J. Cameron…
I got a phone call a few moments ago from a local newspaper concerning one of my posts and the follow-up comments to it. I’m at home, telecommuting today because the roads here in Baltimore are in pretty bad shape after all the sleet and freezing rain we had last night and this morning. I heard the answering machine pick up and a voice ask if they’d called the guy who runs this blog. There seemed to be some slight confusion over what kind of a blog this is and I just want to take a moment to clarify that for some of you who may have tuned in late. I can understand the confusion. Blogging isn’t what it was back when I started doing it. It’s becoming it’s own big business now. But that was never what I intended with mine.
My name is Bruce Garrett and I live in Baltimore, Maryland. I’m a 53 year old single gay guy. I’m a senior software engineer at the Space Telescope Science Institute at Johns Hopkins here in Baltimore. I paint and draw, have an insatiable camera bug, and spend too much time in front of a computer, or at my drafting table, and not nearly enough out looking for a boyfriend. But I’m a deathly shy sort, and probably that’s why I do a lot of my socializing on the Net. I’ve been addicted to the online world since the mid 1980s, and the first PC BBS systems. As a gay man especially, this technology has always appealed to me. I am certain in my own mind, that PC networks have been a powerful force in the struggle for gay civil rights ever since the Reagan years. They allows us to see ourselves, to see our lives, in our own words, in our own stories straight from the source and not second hand, filtered through the media of the heterosexual majority. When I was a teenager back in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the only things I knew about gay people, was what I was told by heterosexuals. But we no longer have to see ourselves through the eyes of heterosexuals anymore. I thank the personal computer for that. But then, I’m a bit of a computer geek too.
This is my blog. I started it way back in 2000 as a personal online diary of thoughts and stuff going on in my life that my scattered-all-across-the-country family and friends could tune into whenever they wanted to know what was up with Bruce. Back then, blogs were still a pretty new thing, and mostly the kind of personal online diaries that I started here. And that’s basically how I still think of this one, except it’s become a tad more political now then I’d thought it ever would be. Chalk that down to the times we live in. I had one other thought in mind when I started it, and that was by putting my day to day life out there for strangers to see, I might make some small difference in how they saw gay people, and perhaps how some gay folk might see themselves. The more openly we all live our lives, the less effective the hate monger’s tales about us are.
At first I my site was just a basic web site account I got with my yearly Newsguy Usenet News account. It was located at In December 2001 I was talking with my friend Jon Larimore, who used to run the Gay and Lesbian Information Bureau BBS in Arlington Virginia. He was running the Zzapp Internet Service at the time, and I asked him how hard it would be to set up my own web site with my own domain. Not hard at all says he, and there and then he offered to host me free of charge on his servers because he felt my words should have a place of their own on the web. We sat down together and checked the domain registry at Network Solutions and lo and behold and were available. I was surprised and delighted that nobody had taken them yet, and I snapped them up. Then Jon set me up with space on his servers and I moved my pages from Newsguy to their new home at
I started my blog fresh the following January, because I wanted a better look to it then the bare text file that it was previously. And I added a cartoon page. In my high school years, my political cartoons about Nixon and Vietnam were all over the school. I decided to take up political cartooning again, in part for something to set my web site apart from the others, and in part because it’s an art form I love, and I’d been very disappointed that the mainstream political cartoonists were so skittish about tackling the gay civil rights struggle (though some of them have become more willing to lately). I figured I’d add a photo gallery and some of my fiction later. Some of you poking around here may occasionally see references to The Skywatchers of Aden. That’s a fantasy/Alternate Earth series I’d created some years ago. At one time I had about a half dozen short stories in the series, and two novel length stories posted here. I’ve since taken them down for some major re-writes, and to add illustrations when I manage to find a few more hours in a day.
Jon has since retired, and Zzapp was sold, and last year I moved my web site to Winters Web Works, the folks who also host This Modern World. Jonah Winters runs a great web hosting service, I’ve been with him a year now, and I would recommend him to anyone.
Apart from the cartoon page, I never intended this blog to be primarily a political thing. It’s just sort of turned out that way, because there is so much in the news nowadays that makes me angry and I need a place to vent. For years that place was the Usenet newsgroup alt.politics.homosexuality. I was a regular participant in that newsgroup from 1992 to 2002, and then my online venting pretty much took up residence here. I think the reason for it is that I can more easily link to stuff on a web page then in a Usenet posting, which ideally should be plain ascii text only. I can’t for example, easily include images of crap like this…
…in a Usenet post. But it’s the sort of thing I think people need to see to understand what’s happening to their gay and lesbian neighbors in this country now, and why we fight. So now I pretty much vent exclusively on my blog. Occasionally I vent in the comments of other people’s blogs.
So that’s it. This is the personal online space of one middle aged (there…I said it) gay guy. That’s still really all I visualize it as being. It isn’t topical, in the sense that Eschaton or Daily KOS or Pam’s House Blend or Box Turtle Bulletin or Ex-Gay Watch are topical. This is my soapbox, my message board to the world and my art gallery. I have a fairly small, but it seems very regular set of readers here, judging from my server logs, most of whom don’t email or leave comments but keep coming back all the same and I am just amazed and gratified by that (thank you!). My brother in Oceano pings this place regularly. Some old classmates and friends do also. My regular traffic here seems to break down mostly between folks who come to read the blog, and folks who ping my cartoon page. I keep trying to nudge folks from the one to look at the other with cross links but it seems that some people just want to look at the cartoons, and some just want to read the blog. That’s fine. I’m pleased and amazed that complete strangers can come here and find something they like enough to keep coming back. I don’t advertise this blog like some others are doing now. I doubt I ever will. If I ever get around to producing cartoon books or photo books I’ll probably advertise those.
You gotta love this technology. Once upon a time the only way we had of seeing ourselves was through the news media and commercial pop culture. Now we can talk to each other, listen to each other, firsthand. Via other people’s blogs I’ve discovered so many things about my world I would never have discovered otherwise. I’ve found new music. New artists to watch. Books and essays I would never have heard of otherwise. Places to visit. Things to think about. Often, when news is breaking somewhere, I can find local bloggers and get the local take on things firsthand. These are amazing times to be living in. They say the world is a much smaller place now, but I can remember when my world pretty much ended at the horizon line. If I wanted to know what was going on beyond it, I had to wait for the evening newscast, or the morning paper. Now I just go find out. My world, and yours, is bigger now. Much, much bigger, and vastly more engaging. Lets hear it for blogs.
THE WALT DISNEY CO.’S FAILURE to suppress access to controversial audio files from its ABC Radio affiliate KSFO is a textbook example of the impossibility of controlling the marketplace of ideas in the digital age.
Like a swarm of tiny locusts overwhelming a massive mouse, it was fascinating to watch the blogosphere unite in defense of the online media critic Spocko last weekend. Disney had sent a cease-and-desist letter to the Web site Spocko’s Brain and its ISP, 1&1, after the online muckraker taped segments of KSFO’s morning talk show, posted them on his site, and invited the station’s advertisers to listen.
What they heard was drive-time hosts endorse torture, insult Muslims and enact the execution of journalists. When some advertisers fled, the Disney legal department briefly killed the messenger with a cease-and-desist order, alleging copyright violation.
But less than 48 hours after Spocko’s case was brought to light on the progressive news blog "The Daily Kos," several new Web hosts, including YouTube, Blogintegrity and Firedoglake, stepped up to provide access to audio files from KSFO. Instead of one ISP to threaten, there were now many–basically challenging MouseCorp to sue all of them.
Disney is now left with the option of playing a virtual game of "Whack A Mole," as the Rodent Empire’s lawyers will need to slap citations against a series of sites as swiftly as they pop up. Plus, it may only be a matter of time before the mainstream media rides the story for at least one new cycle. That’s got to be Disney’s worst nightmare: 24 hours where "Disney" and "Hate Speech" are both part of the topic line.
The Internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it. –John Gilmore
"Everything you know is wrong" – The Firesign Theater
I’m looking through my server logs and I see a reference to my blog coming from a site I’d never seen before…Why the hell are you here? Check out the Bad Science and Dead Racists tags for some good reading. Anyway…I was looking around and I found a link to this…of all things…
The Geocentrism Challenge
CAI will write a check for $1,000 to the first person who can prove that the earth revolves around the sun. (If you lose, then we ask that you make a donation to the apostolate of CAI). Obviously, we at CAI don’t think anyone CAN prove it, and thus we can offer such a generous reward. In fact, we may up the ante in the near future.
Scripture is very clear that the earth is stationary and that the sun, moon and stars revolve around it. (By the way, in case you’re wondering, "flat-earthers" are not accepted here, since Scripture does not teach a flat earth, nor did the Fathers teach it). [Bruce: Actually…I belong to the Flat Mars Society…] If there was only one or two places where the Geocentric teaching appeared in Scripture, one might have the license to say that those passages were just incidental and really didn’t reflect the teaching of Scripture at large. But the fact is that Geocentrism permeates Scripture. Here are some of the more salient passages (Sirach 43:2-5; 43:9-10; 46:4; Psalm 19:5-7; 104:5; 104:19; 119:90; Ecclesiastes 1:5; 2 Kings 20:9-11; 2 Chronicles 32:24; Isaiah 38:7-8; Joshua 10:12-14; Judges 5:31; Job 9:7; Habakkuk 3:11; (1 Esdras 4:12); James 1:12). I could list many more, but I think these will suffice.
This was copied from a site called Catholic Apologetics International, and seems to have since been pulled from it, as the page they’ve linked to is no longer found. But some digging around among the other links back at Why The Hell Are You Here? turned up this amazing little tidbit …
The non-moving Earth
& anti-evolution web page of
The Fair Education Foundation, Inc.
Exposing the False Science Idol of Evolutionism,
and Proving the Truthfulness of the Bible from Creation to Heaven…
– since 1973 –
Marshall Hall, Pres.
Questions from Daniel Ott and his audience will be seeking hard evidence from me
which proves that the Earth is neither rotating on an axis nor orbiting the sun.
You won’t want to miss this unraveling of the granddaddy of all conspiracies, and
what the Truth about the Non-Moving Earth issue means to every living person.
This site doesn’t appear to be satire. In case you’re wondering, they seem to be claiming that the stars we see in the sky at night are mostly reflections of sunlight off of ice crystals. Which explains for me a reference that’s always puzzled me in Jacob Bronowski’s wonderful book Science and Human Values. In Part 2, The Habit of Truth, Bronowski relates a story of how the great German scientist, Werner Heisenberg, was denounced by the S.S. He mentions a letter Himmler wrote defending Heisenberg, and suggesting that Heisenberg might be useful in a Nazi Academy he was planning to establish, "which Himmler proposed to devote to the conviction which he either shared with or imposed on his scientific yes-men, that the stars are made of ice."
Why, I wondered, would a blood drenched Nazi lunatic want people to believe the stars were made of ice? Well now I know. It’s necessary for an earth centric model of the universe. The universe just can’t be as huge as it is, and work in an earth centric model. So it has to be much smaller. Which means the stars can’t be so big, and so far away. They have to be much smaller, and huddled around the earth like a halo. So the stars must be a cloud of ice crystals, reflecting the light from the sun. That was what Himmler was wanting to prove, so he could prove the earth centric model, so the Nazis could throw out mountains of science that existed, and which was the result of free inquiry. That much of modern physics by that time had been done by European Jews was probably on his mind. But science, regardless of who is doing it, is anathema to totalitarians, who exalt authority over free inquiry, and the Nazis, contrary to a lot of claptrap about their so-called paganism, time and time again appealed to the bible, and to their own brand of biblical fundamentalism for justification.
It’s incredible to find people so afraid of the world as it is, that they’ll shrink back from it into this kind of delusion. Galileo blew this model apart when he took a telescope he made and pointed it at the heavens and saw with his own eyes that the earth centric model simply didn’t work, and Copernicus’ powerful insight had been right. You can buy a pair of binoculars nowadays that are far better then anything Galileo had in his day. But Bronowski, writing this time in his book The Ascent of Man, puts his finger on it…
Galileo seems to me to have been strangely innocent about the world of politics, and most innocent in thinking that he could outwit it because he was clever. For twenty years and more he moved along a path that led inevitably to his condemnation. It took a long time to undermine him, but there was never any doubt that Galileo would be silenced, because the division between him and those in authority was absolute. They believed that faith should dominate; and Galileo believed that truth should persuade.
And there it is. This is why the republicans and the Bush administration have been waging an unprecedented (for America) war against science and knowledge. When people say that the rush back into religious fundamentalism comes from fear of change and apprehension about where science is leading us, that may well be true in part. But it is not the whole. This is a fight over who is in charge, and at the core of it is the struggle for free inquiry. Does your life belong to you, or to some strongman dictator, to the man thumping his bible at you, to your local committee of some national authoritarian political party? Every time you ask a question, you challenge authority. That is what is wrong with asking questions. That is why science must be brought to heal. Because it sets a bad example.
Via Steve Gilliard…via Firedoglake… How do you sell advertising space on a radio station that openly calls for liberals to be killed? Why…you sell it to them as Disney programming, of course…
Evenin’, fellow firedogs! Tonight I’m going to attempt to get us all up to speed about a situation that I suspect we’re going to be hearing a lot about in the near future. This story was brought to my attention by ¡El Gato Negro!.
Where to begin? First we’ll go to A. J. Kandy, who blogs at King Marketing:
ABC/Disney operates a US-wide network of radio stations and affiliates. One of these affiliates, San Francisco’s KSFO, is a die-hard right-wing talk shop whose rabidly eliminationist hosts have publicly endorsed (if not outright revelled in) torture and engaged in hate speech of all stripes. However, the station is sold to its advertisers as a “Disney” station, with all the connotations of family-friendliness that entails. [Bruce here – the emphasis is mine…]
Self-described “fifth-tier blogger” Spocko decided to “out” KSFO to its national advertisers with a polite letter-writing campaign, and by exposing their hate speech on his blog with short audio clips and transcripts (which falls under the Fair Use statutes.)
This, of course, is what we call citizen action, and most of us know the drill by now. We write to advertisers and once in a blue moon, they write us back, pat us on the head and tell us that they’ll take our suggestion under advisement, then go on their merry way without changing a thing. This was not the case, however, with Spocko. From a guest post at BlogIntegrity, Spocko himself can tell us what happened next:
In mid-December I got confirmation that a major national advertiser, VISA, pulled their ads from the Melanie Morgan and Lee Rogers show, based on listening to audio clips I provided them. I also think that FedEx, AT&T and Kaiser are considering pulling their ads. Visa isn’t the first advertiser who has left KSFO, multiple advertisers have left the station, especially from the Brian Sussman show. In July of this year when KSFO lost MasterCard as an advertiser someone from KSFO “outed” me on a counter-blog (which I won’t link to). This same person has also threatened me with local and federal criminal action for using the audio (which I clearly used under the fair use portion of copyright law). And because they have suggested violence toward me (in addition to talking about suing me "for everything I have”) I have chosen to remain anonymous.
As Thers has said,
Hooray, for Thers!! Oh, uh, ahem. Sorry. You were saying, Spocko?
95 percent of blog fights don’t mean anything, but I think this one does since KSFO is using the full weight and force of an ABC/Disney lawyer and copyright law against a private citizen blogger. I dared to use the audio content in question for nonprofit educational purposes (I don’t even have ads on my blog!), and thus under the protection of the Fair Use Doctrine set forth in Section 107 of the Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C.§107.
IN THE LATEST SKIRMISH BETWEEN big media and a blogger, The Walt Disney Company has succeeded in shutting down the Web site "Spocko’s Brain."
On the site, blogger and media critic "Spocko" took issue with on-air comments made by right-wing talk show hosts at Bay Area ABC affiliate radio station KSFO. He posted audio files of hosts’ comments on his Web site, and also began a letter-writing campaign that, he says, resulted in advertisers fleeing the station.
But Tuesday, Spocko’s Internet service provider, 1&1 Internet, pulled the plug on the blog–a move prompted by a Dec. 22 cease-and-desist letter from ABC Radio claiming that material on Spocko’s Brain violated Disney’s copyright.
And that’s where things stand right now. Many of us are now familiar with ABC/Disney’s strong-arm fascism-in-mouse-ears tactics from the "Path to 9/11" debacle earlier this year. Here’s what you can do to help our fellow blogger, Spocko:
1. The KSFO hate clips are all up at Online BlogIntegrity. Collect ’em all. Share with your friends. Spread them around. It’s a veritable cornucopia of Right Wing Hate Speech. (Listen at your own risk.)
2. Go here and scroll down to "What Can You Do?" and follow the instructions. Spocko has provided us with a step-by-step plan to alert the blogging world, the MSM (if they’ll listen), and KSFO’s advertisers to the current situation.
I urge you all to get involved. This is an example of how we can effectively fight the tide of hateful bile that pollutes our airwaves and rots the brains of millions of overly credulous talk-radio listeners. We, of course, support the wingnuts’ right to say whatever they want to say, but they must be prepared to face the real-world consequences of stoking the fires of ethnic, political, and religious hatred. If that means losing the support of their advertisers and cutting into their six-figure salaries, well, then, hurrah! We win.
Thank you and good night.
If those clips get taken down email me and I’ll pass them along to you. Here’s some excerpts from the menu at Online Blogintegrity…
Somebody at Disney needs to get their head screwed on straight. This isn’t anything Disney should want its brand associated with. Yet they’re apparently marketing that station to advertisers as a Disney station. It’s like putting the Disney logo on a burning cross at a Klan rally. Why are they doing this? Is someone in marketing there just completely brain dead or what?
I can appreciate wanting to attract an audience. But some audiences you should probably just walk away from, regardless of whether or not it adversely impacts the shareholder bottom line. The kind that think ridiculing a congressman’s racial make-up is funny, for example. If Disney owns this station, then they either need to make it reflect their corporate values, or they need to sell it.
In the meantime, the least the rest of us can do is inform the advertisers of what it is they’re buying into, when they buy into the Disney brand. Read this from the blogger Disney is going after, for more info on how. If that post gets taken down email me and I’ll send you a copy of it.
Charles Andersen was my friend
His clothes in our closet
Still smell like him
All these years we kept
Two bedrooms
The one we dusted
And the one we used
Guess we did that, for all of you
-Mark Weigle, All That Matters
Well the outrage among the progressive blogs at the Massachusetts statehouse capitulation to bigotry has just been overwhelming hasn’t it? Or I suppose it would have been, if they hadn’t all been so busy being outraged about the stuff that really matters. Good thing I have some links here to a few gay blogs or I might think no one on earth really gives a good goddamn about what happens to gay people in this country…
Despite the high court’s ruling that all citizens, regardless of race, are guaranteed equal protection under the law, the legislature voted today to place a constitutional amendment on the ballot that would permit white voters to deny certain rights to the black citizens of the state of…
Um, wait. What I meant to say was, the high court of the state of Massachusetts declared that every citizen, regardless of sexual orientation, has the right to marry. And now the Massachusetts legislature has taken the first step to place a constitutional amendment banning any new gay marriages on the 2008 ballot. Because, after all, it’s really important to let the majority rule on the rights of minorities.
If we’d only done that back before the civil rights movement, the citizens of Alabama would certainly have granted Rosa Parks a seat at the front of the bus without all those messy protests. And "separate but equal" schools? Why, they would have been voted down by an overwhelming majority in every state. There was no need for those activists judges to rule in Brown v. Board of Education.
In Massachusetts a minority of homophobic bigots in the statehouse, and the cowards who at the last minute decided to look the other way, will now allow a simple majority of the voters who bother to vote the right to determine what basic human rights minorities in their state can or cannot have. But never mind. American progressives clearly have much more important things to worry about. Hey…how about that Bush op-ed in the Wall Street Journal…
Groff seems to think I’m censoring him. In a word: no. There are two things I won’t allow in the comments, and mostly that’s advertising spam. I also won’t allow my space here to be used to insult my friends and my readers. Feel free to hurl insults at me if you like, but be aware that I’ve probably heard it before and unless you’re a friend of mine (or a fan of my artwork) I am unlikely to care what you think of me. Oherwise I’m not going to censor my comments. If you have a hair up your butt about homosexuals and homosexuality and you just want to give me some flack about it, fine. As long as you know I’ll probably fire back. I spent nearly eight years arguing with ‘phobes on the unmoderated Usenet newsgroup alt.politics.homosexuality, and trust me, I know the drill.
I’ve told this story before, but those of you who’ve heard it will just have to bear up. In the 1992 election when I was making volunteer calls for Clinton, Mary Matalin made a major gaffe she had to apologize for quite publicly. (Doesn’t matter what it was.) I was riding down in the elevator with a high level political consultant (who didn’t know me from Adam, of course) and I smugly mentioned that Matalin had really stepped in it. He looked at me like I was a moron and said, "she got it out there, didn’t she?"
Here’s another little pointer on wingnut gossip mongering and dirty politics. As you sling the shit with the biggest megaphone you can find, be sure to primly assert that you don’t believe a word of it and chastize those who are doing it on the victim’s behalf. It makes you look like a good guy even though your purpose is to spread the gossip far and wide.
In this case it doesn’t matter much because the "gossip" is irrelevant to normal people and would make no difference if it were true. This gossip is aimed solely at the wingnut doughboy losers who couldn’t manage to get laid at the Bunny Ranch with 5k in their pockets. Still, it’s nice of one of the leading voices in the blogosphere to spread it around, (while being above it all, of course.) It’s good practice for serious swift-boating.
Digby is referring to a post Instapundit (who is not a moderate libertarian-republican, but only plays one for effect) made concerning Markos, of Daily KOS who, running one of the biggest of the liberal-progressive blogs, now finds himself the target of the republican propaganda machine. One simply cannot challenge the establishment party line and expect to get away with it. Reynolds happliy plays his role, goosing a rumor that Markos is…wait for it…gay.
And as an aside, I see some blog-commenters are speculating that Kos is gay. Why that should matter, I don’t know, but I remember — back when the blogosphere was younger and people were nicer — commiserating with Kos over his wife’s miscarriage (my wife and I had several) and assuring him that it didn’t preclude successful pregnancies later on, which I believe his wife has since had. So try to keep things at something better than a seventh-grade level.
If it doesn’t matter, Glenn, why mention it? From the looks of it, the genial professor did so only to further cement his rep as a "gentleman" — the "civility" thing, you know? Why he had to use rumors about Kos’ sexuality and a rehashing of a miscarriage to do so is beyond this page’s comprehension.
Because he’s a gutter crawling Bush republican thug is why. What else about him did you need to know? Why else would speculation about his sexual orientation matter? Digby’s right…this is about pumping up the bigot base, and practice for some serious swift boating later on as election day draws near.
Sorry… This one’s taken a little longer then I thought. And I’m still too tired during the day for some reason. I’m still napping a lot when I really need to be working around the house and in my art room. I’d hoped to be getting more past all that now then I am.
You may have noticed a slight change in the way things look around here. That’s because I’m migrating the blog, finally, to a blog maintainance system… WordPress. When I moved the site to Winters Web Works (webmaster/host for Tom Tomorrow’s This Modern World), Jonah, the admin here, coaxed me into it. For the past several months he’s been letting me experiment with a mirror WordPress blog and I’ve grown to like it, and in particular, the convenience of not having to manually do every little thing, like update the archive file and keep the permalinks and the comment links correct. It’s a very nice system, and one that should allow me to post from any computer with an Internet connection and a browser, so now I won’t have to carry my entire web site with me everywhere I go on a flash stick.
I’ve got a nice rich text editor I can compose my posts in (provided the browser I’m using follows the standard document model) and a spell checker (very necessary) and I can cut and paste links and text and format everything much more easily then editing the HTML by hand. I can also work on a post and save it without publishing, to work on it later, even from another location if need be.
There’s a new comment engine built right in to WordPress, which I’ll be using from now on. But Jonah has migrated the old comments over (which is why some of the old posts have duplicate comment links in them now). If you have any trouble with the new comment engine let me know. My blog should be RSS Feed enabled now, and better integrated with Technorati’s blog update notification system. Hopefully that will make things easier on the readers here who’ve asked me about it.
There may still be some dust to setting after the change over. If you notice anything amiss let me know. But I think the blog looks really nice now. Jonah made some suggestions about the banner image and the overall layout that I think work really well, and I’m very happy with how things look now. And since it’s a lot easier for me to just sit down and drop in a post I’ll probably be posting a tad more often now. I’m pretty sure this will end up being one of those "Why didn’t I do this before" kinda things…
This blog is powered by WordPress and is hosted at Winters Web Works, who also did some custom design work (Thanks!). Some embedded content was created with the help of The Gimp. I proof with Google Chrome on either Windows, Linux or MacOS depending on which machine I happen to be running at the time.