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Archive for November, 2006

November 8th, 2006

Governor Robert Sauerlich

O’Malley looks to future, Ehrlich eyes votes still out

Buoyed by a national tide against Republicans, Mayor Martin O’Malley declared victory in the governor’s race last night, appearing to have prevailed in his long and difficult campaign against a popular incumbent. Despite a poor showing in the crucial Baltimore suburbs, Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. said he will not concede until thousands of absentee ballots are counted.

With more than four-fifths of the state’s precincts reporting, Ehrlich, Maryland’s first Republican governor in a generation, faced a large deficit that he could overcome only by capturing the vast majority of absentee votes.

Ehrlich told several hundred backers at the Hyatt Regency in Baltimore early this morning that his administration had a "decent shot" at another four years.

"We don’t know, folks, we just don’t know," Ehrlich said. "We will count the votes. We will count all the votes. … We’ve been around 20 years, and we’ve got a decent shot to be around four more."

Ehrlich’s speech interrupted O’Malley’s televised victory declaration, prompting boos from the crowd at the Hippodrome who could see the governor’s image on a big-screen television.

"I’m still waiting for the call, by the way," O’Malley said.

He’ll be waiting a long time.  A lot of people in this state are under the mistaken impression that Ehrlich is a moderate.  He’s nothing of the kind.  He’s an Ellen Sauerbrey right wing republican kook who’s only real difference from Sauerbrey is that he was willing to put up the appearance of being a moderate so he could win elections.  He has not governed as a moderate, except when he knew damn he didn’t have the votes in the statehouse to win on a particular issue.  Maryland limits governors to two terms, so you would have seen a much more hard line Ehrlich in his second term, particularly if he had presidential aspirations.  You can see what he’s really made of now.  It’s Ellen Sauerbrey loosing badly all over again.

Republicans said they believe the governor can make up ground when the record number of absentee ballots are tallied. More than 190,000 people requested absentee ballots after calls by Ehrlich and Democratic leaders to use them as a means to bypass the state’s new electronic voting machines. More Democrats than Republicans requested absentee ballots, however.

Election workers will begin counting those ballots on scanning machines tomorrow, but election challenges from the lawyers who have been retained by both political parties could prevent a winner from being officially declared for weeks. The last time an election was this close, in 1994, the losing candidate, Ellen R. Sauerbrey, pursued a legal challenge for two months and never conceded defeat.

Go for it Bob.  Let the people in the rest of the state see the real you finally.

by Bruce | Link | React!


So far, the election results I’ve seen look pretty good.  I say "so far" because it isn’t done until the new folks actually take office.  Joshua Marshall reminds us after all, who we’re dealing with on the other side

But get on this. It looks like Virginia will decide the senate. Karl Rove has turned races like this around before. You don’t know the lengths they’ll go to. Believe me, you’re not being imaginative enough.

Check out Josh Green’s article on Karl Rove from two years ago. Look what Rove pulled off in the disputed Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice race. Read it.

Get ready for the bogus headlines on Drudge. The rumors and innuendo. Live boys and dead girls. Like I said, your imagination will only get you maybe half the way there. Get ready.

Right.  We’re still in a knife fight for the future of the American Dream.  But it’s hard not to feel a great satisfaction upon seeing images like this from last night…

Hello?  Dubya?  Dubya?  Hello…? 

Yes…a bunch more states passed amendments stripping same sex couples of any and all legal rights.  But one state, Arizona, didn’t, and even though that’s only one state, it puts a knife in the homophobe’s argument that every time same sex marriage comes up to a vote it looses.  Last night Arizona defeated one at the polls.  And what is more, it was done without the help of our worthless national gay rights organizations

With 94 percent of the vote reporting, it looks like Arizona’s Prop. 107, the gay marriage ban will go down — 51.6 percent against it, 48.4 percent for it. Of particular interest is Maricopa county (home of Phoenix) which went against the ban. Pima county, home of liberal Tucson, played a big part in the victory — defeating the amendment by large margins.

Cindy Jordan, chair of No on 107, credits the victory (if it occurs, knock on wood) to grassroots efforts.The big national gay organizations have been notably absent there, and the campaigns have been smart about attracting voters from both conservative Phoenix and liberal Tucson with targeted messages and tactics. "We did this with no national help," says Jordan, "this grassroot’s effort was local."

(emphasis mine)  This is exactly why I don’t give money to those jackasses.

In Tennessee, voters passed an anti same sex marriage amendment by about 80 percent, which I know is going to cause a lot of pain to some very good people, and friends of mine down there.  But according to reports I’ve seen it was done with only about 20 percent of the voters actually voting on it.  I wonder what was going on in the minds of the people who voted, yet decided not to vote on that issue.  I doubt it was because they didn’t think they knew enough about the issue to cast a vote on it.  You’d have to be living in a cave not to have heard the issue being discussed, and you know damn well that practically every vein throbbing pulpit thumper down there was exhorting his flock to go to the polls and smite the homosexual devils.  But only a small fraction of those who voted, voted on the issue one way or the other, if the stories I’m hearing are true.

Divided loyalties?  I can’t vote against the baby Jesus, but I can’t vote against my son…daughter… brother…sister… aunt…uncle… co-worker…neighbors…?  Tired of all the hate…but unwilling yet to take a stand against it?

I’m glad to see the South Daktoa seems to have repealed it’s horrible anti-abortion law.  At Daily KOS, they’re saying that with 86% of precincts reporting, Referendum 6, the abortion ban was at 45% Yes; 55% No.  The same sex marriage and civil unions ban was  52% Yes; 48% No.  Almost exactly the inverse.  The worst hypocrites of the night were those voters in South Dakota, who voted against the abortion ban and voted against giving same sex couples any legal rights too.

Full Text of Constitutional Amendment C:

Section 2. That Article XXI of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:

9. Only marriage between a man and a woman shall be valid or recognized in South Dakota. The uniting of two or more persons in a civil union, domestic partnership, or other quasi-marital relationship shall not be valid or recognized in South Dakota.

Democracy means liberty and justice for me…not for thee… 

You have to worry that with so much corruption, so much fiscal debt, and the dawning realization now, even in the red zones, that Iraq is an unmitigated disaster, that so many of these races were so close.  But any election night that costs so many gutter crawling bigots their seats, like Maryland’s own jackass governor Ehrlich and his bigot pal Steele, is still a pretty good one.

Gay Marylanders won’t have to beg you any more for a shred of common human decency Bob.  Fuck off. 


by Bruce | Link | React! (1)

November 7th, 2006

Tales From George Bush’s America…(continued)

Via Daily KOS… 

Next time some republican half-wit starts yapping at you about how Militiant Homosexual activists and Liberal Activist Judges hate the democratic process because they don’t want the voters to decide the issue of same sex marriage…laugh in their face.

Letting The Voters Decide anyone…?

Laura Ingraham has asked her listeners to call the Dem Voter protection hotline — and they are now being flooded with calls from crank callers.  Please call Laura and tell her what you think about this:  800.876.4123.  You can e-mail her here.  Apparently, voter intimidation and fraud are a joke to Laura Ingraham.  Let’s let her know that it is no joke […]

More on Laura Ingraham:  "caller indicated she is running a tape of Bill Clinton over and over saying "call 1-888 Dem Vote to report problems" — and then making fun of him, thus producing a spike in crank calls to the number" Protecting voter integrity is no joke.  And I am not laughing.  If anyone has audio of this, I’d love it.

Democracy anyone…?

The headquarters for Jay Fawcett’s campaign for Colorado’s 5th Congressional District was vandalized overnight and a death threat – the third such threat – was also emailed to Fawcett. Both incidents have been reported to the police.  

As voters headed to the polls, Fawcett campaign volunteers arriving at campaign offices were greeted with a vile "Skunk" aroma, making it virtually impossible to conduct work there.  The campaign is expecting more than 200 people to come through the offices today to help with Get Out The Vote and Poll Watching efforts.  

"Don’t let these hooligans deter you from exercising your Constitutional right to vote," said Fawcett.  "It’s time to take a stand against these attacks."

This is the second time the Fawcett Campaign has been vandalized. Last Tuesday the Campaign Finance Director’s car was covered in the skunk smell, while parked out front of the El Paso County Republican Office.  

"I find it disgusting that, as we are fighting for Democracy in Iraq, people are besmirching Democracy here in Colorado Springs," said Fawcett Campaign Manager Wanda James. "Death threats and childish illegal activities will not deter us from getting out the vote to victory today."

Bush republicans.  They love America.  Really.  It’s just democracy they hate.

by Bruce | Link | React!


What Kind Of America Do You Want?











by Bruce | Link | React! (1)

November 6th, 2006

This Drug Is Okay…

On October 29 the state of Tennessee essentially washed its hands of the question of whether or not Love In Action needed to be licensed in order to treat mentally ill "clients". Tennessee agreed to pay LIA’s legal bills in exchange for their dropping a lawsuit that claimed they had a religious exemption from any department of health oversight. Tennessee is accepting the word of a man who said God could make him see blue walls were there were yellow, that he has not, and will not be dispensing drugs to his "clients".

The fact of their forcing ex-gay therapy on unwilling gay teenagers, which was what started the public outcry over LIA practices, was never at issue, unfortunately. At least one gay teen has publicly accused the ministry of forcing him to take Prozac, which he did not have a doctor’s prescription for. LIA denied it, and apparently Tennessee never performed more then a perfunctory investigation of the allegations that they were giving clients drugs, let alone that they were forcing them on unwilling gay teenagers as part of their therapy to cure them of their homosexuality. What their dangerous mix of religion and invasive psyco-therapy does to adolescents, apart from any issue of drugging them, was never even looked into. So the abuse of gay youth in Memphis will continue. Probably until some catastrophe happens, at which point everyone will be wondering why nothing was done sooner…

(From The Cartoon Page… )


by Bruce | Link | React! (2)

November 4th, 2006

Be Careful What You Ask God For

Via Ex-Gay Watch…  Here’s part of what turned out to be Ted Haggard’s last Sunday prayer at New Life

"Father, give us grace and mercy. Father, help us this next week and a half as we go into national elections, and Lord we pray for our country. Father, we pray that lies would be exposed. We pray that deception would be exposed."

Be careful what you ask God for.  Because you might get it.

by Bruce | Link | React!

The Second Response

I keep plugging Fred Clark’s blog, Slacktivist, because he’s a really decent guy, and in these times of religious right triumphalism this nation needs more voices like his.  Had there been more Baptists like him in my life growing up, I might still regard myself as one.

He has a blog up today about the Ted Haggard affair that you really should read.  It’s eminently typical of Fred, and why I am so sad some days, that there isn’t more plain old decency in the public discourse like this anymore…

Haggard has waged this political battle against homosexuality while living a lie. That requires two, related responses. The first is on a political level. Haggard and his allies have been fighting a political fight — they have been trying to wield power to force others to comply with their wishes. And it’s perfectly legitimate to respond to power with power…

But the second response — which I can’t ignore — has to do with Ted Haggard the person who is, among other things, my "brother in Christ." There’s a script for how this will play out in the evangelical community — a script written out on that very same NAE page cited above:

… homosexuality [is] a sin that, if persisted in, brings grave consequences in this life and excludes one from the Kingdom of God.

Individual Christians, ministers, and congregations should compassionately proclaim the Good News of forgiveness and encourage those involved in homo­sexual practices to cease those practices, accept forgiveness, and pray for deliverance as nothing is impossible with God. Further, we should accept them into fellowship upon confession of faith and repentance, as we would any other forgiven sinner.

All that language — forgiveness, deliverance, confession, repentance — really means here only that Haggard needs to go back to living a lie. If he agrees to live that lie, and with clenched teeth to continue proclaiming that others must join in living that lie, then Haggard will be "accepted" back "into fellowship."

Haggard is now seeking "spiritual advice and guidance," and there are tens of thousands of Very Nice Christian people praying for him. But his spiritual guides and advisors are all going to tell him to follow that script. Those people praying for him are all praying for him to follow that script. And that script is evil. That script is a lie.

For Christ’s sake, enough with the lies. The last thing Haggard needs is to be "accepted" into a fellowship that cannot accept who he really is. Both he and that fellowship have just been given an opportunity to abandon lies. I’m praying that they will recognize that opportunity and take it.

Go read the whole thing.  I ping Fred’s blog often.  You should too.  At the end of her novel about the life of the poet Simonides, The Praise Singer, Mary Renault writes, "In all men evil is sleeping; the good man is he who will not awaken it, in himself or in other men."  It’s a moral roadsign we can all try to keep in view, regardless of our spiritual or political beliefs.  And it is the touchstone by which you can see, clearly, what distinguishes the militant religiosity of the right.  This country desperately needs more people like Fred in the public discourse, who keep doggedly trying to rouse within others, their better nature. 

It is the tragedy of these times, not only for the Christian faith in America, but also the American Dream, which once upon a time offered the promise of religious freedom to the oppressed people of the world, that the arousal of ugly passions that turn neighbor against neighbor has become nearly synonymous with Christian politics in America.  And the religious right is not completely to blame for it either.  Secular and cynical politicians, republicans largely, have been using the fierce hatreds of that one strain of American Christianity as a crowbar to break this nation into ever smaller and smaller warring factions, the better to win elections.  And they’re supported in that, by secular and cynical big businesses, who don’t give a good goddamn about religion, but about keeping big business friendly republicans in power.

Regardless of our spiritual beliefs, simply as American citizens, we all have a stake in making sure other Christian voices can be heard too.  We can demand that our news media not routinely accept the pronouncements of the Dobsons, the Falwells, and the Robertsons, as "the Christian point of view".  We can demand that whenever religion is brought into the public discourse, that the religious right is not given a free pass to define Christianity in the popular culture.  Every one of us, whether we ourselves are Christian or not, have a stake in how broadly the Christian experience is represented in the media.  Because the voices of peace and reconciliation must not be shut out of the conversation.  Because a house divided against itself cannot stand.

by Bruce | Link | React!

Work For A Living? Us?

I’m stealing this from Steve Gilliard, because I want to make sure you read it.  But then he reposted from Wonkette.  Late Night Shots is a young republican social networking website. Next time you hear some republican halfwit on Captial Hill bellyaching about welfare moms and raising the minimum wage, remember this…

As we’re sure you know by now, Late Night Shots is a closed social networking site for DC’s best and whitest. We turbos have a lot to learn from them. Their message board is home to some of the best entertainment on all the internets — but because of the closed nature of the site, not everyone can join in the fun. Thankfully, Intern Lauren is a card-carrying LNS member, and she’s gathered excerpts from some of last week’s best posts on the LNS forum. See what the fuss is about, after the jump.

My boyfriend’s dad
Posted By: HHHS00 on 10-23-2006 12:40 pm
I recently found out that the dad of the guy I am hooking up is a dentist. Where I come from dentists are looked at as sheisters. I think this guy may have been hiding it from me, and in my mind he lost some serious points after this revelation.

Lying about Greek affiliation
Posted By: very concerned on 10-19-2006 11:20 am
At age 29 if you’re dating a chick, how big of a problem is it if you’re digging through her desk and you find out that she was lying about what sorority she was in. This happened to a friend of mine.

RE: Lying about Greek affiliation
Posted By: problem on 10-19-2006 11:23 am
I think that’s a bit of an issue. More than the lying, you don’t want to date a girl who couldn’t get into a good house. It spells problems down the road.

Interview Mentality
Posted By: Williams College on 10-26-2006 1:49 am
Am I wrong to think it is a big advantage to go into an interview on the hill with a chief staff assistant knowing that he was an R.A. during college and that you were a D3 varsity athlete. It has always given me a leg up, both in terms of toughness and maturity, and I feel like it always will.

what are acceptable handouts from parents
Posted By: cashmoney on 10-25-2006 6:21 pm
gifts? education? do you draw your line at maintenance?

RE: what are acceptable handouts from parents
Posted By: taxman on 10-25-2006 6:23 pm
Someone should receive absolutely no more than 30 k/yr and car payments from parents. If you’re above that, you really have problems. Girls may be entitled to a bit more than that with shopping and everything, but I feel like 30k is pretty reasonable.

RE: what are acceptable handouts from parents
Posted By: the cleaners on 10-26-2006 11:07 am
What is an acceptable allowance to give your girlfriend. $200 per week?

Absolutely no more the 30k a year.  And car payments.  Absolutely no more.  Geeze pal…I guess you’d have committed suicide or something if you’d had my childhood, and mine wasn’t so bad by comparison.  I never went to bed hungry.  Never.  But I wore a lot of second hand clothes until I was about 12 or so.  And it wasn’t until I was 14 that we even had a car in the household.  Color TV didn’t come into the house until I was about 15.  A fine night eating out was a trip to Howard Johnson’s or Hot Shoppes.  Vacations were to Ocean City New Jersey or Rehoboth Beach.  The most exotic vacations I had when I was a kid were the two trips we made by train to Fort Lauderdale Florida when I was 7 and 8.  I lived in apartments my entire life, until June of 2001 when I settled on Casa del Garrett, the little Baltimore rowhouse I have now.  Home ownership did not come into my life until I was 47.  And for all that, I’ve had it good compared to a Lot of other Americans. 

My first real job was flipping burgers at a fast food joint.  There was no money for college but I did manage three semesters of community college until dad died and I had to work full time to keep the household afloat.  Mom was able to co-sign for the loan on my first car when I was 20, but I had to make the payments myself.  Does it really hurt that much to have to buy your own goddamned car when you’ve clearly had the best education money can buy and on top of whatever golden job the republican network has dropped in your lap, your parents are throwing 30k a year at you too? 

If I hear one more jackass pundit bellyaching that democrats are out of touch with America’s working families I’m going to fucking scream.

by Bruce | Link | React! (1)

November 3rd, 2006

I Was Just Looking For A Massage And Your Name Happened To Come Up…

Okay…he’s saying that he just had a massage.  No sex.  Question: why is the head of one of the biggest mega churches in the country going to a guy like Mike Jones, who advertises himself as offering a "Swedish style massage with the pleasure of the man in mind.  If you like a strong muscle man to bring pleasure to you then please call me.  I am a muscle stud with a friendly personality…" and says among his other attributes, that his thighs are 24 inches?  What the hell does thigh measure have to do with giving you a massage?  And Jones is in Denver, not Colorado Springs.  Why isn’t Haggard going to one of the many fine (and professional) massage clinics that a simple google search turns up right in Colorado Springs?  Because they wouldn’t sell him Meth?

And…  Where did Haggard find this guy?  I doubt it was in the Yellow Pages.  Here’s his web site (via Raw Story/PageOneQ).  Compare this guy’s advertising with the Colorado Springs Search For Fitness page I linked to above and tell me they’re both in the same line of business.

by Bruce | Link | React! (1)

“If You Tell The Truth, You Don’t Have To Remember Anything.” – Mark Twain

So now it’s…yes, but I didn’t inhale…

Accused pastor admits to buying meth  

Haggard says he bought the meth from a gay escort, 49-year-old Michael Jones, after contacting him for a massage.

Haggard says he never used the meth and instead threw it away.

However, Haggard could not remember where he threw the meth away.

The same place you threw away your brain?  There’s something a tad wrong with this explaination

"Hi Mike, this is Art. Hey, I was just calling to see if we could get any moreEither $100 or $200 supply. And I could pick it up really anytime. I could get it tomorrow or we could wait till next week sometime and so I also wanted to get your address. I could send you some money for inventory but that’s probably not working, so if you have it then go ahead and get what you can and I may buzz up there later today, but I doubt your schedule would allow that unless you have some in the house. Okay, I’ll check in with you later. Thanks a lot, bye."

He must have bought some and then thrown it away, and then decided to buy some more so he could throw that away too.  And he wanted to give Mike some money for inventory so Mike would have even more that he could buy…and then throw away.


Haggard says he bought the meth from a gay escort, 49-year-old Michael Jones, after contacting him for a massage.

Right.  And maybe he wanted to be escorted somewhere too.  Like…back to where he left his brain.

by Bruce | Link | React! (2)

Just Another Day In Patriotville…

…or, Why FARK.Com is a better source of information then The Free Republic

Hot damn! I just wandered over to the Freeper HQ, and scanned the recent thread about Haggard. Some Freeper posted…

"To: UncleJeff

Produce the voicemessages and emails ASAP. Let’s see them. I call Bull$*&T

15 posted on 11/02/2006 4:42:57 PM PST by sappy
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies ]"

So, naturally, I created a profile and immediately posted a response linking to the (alleged) audio of the voicemails (I think the link was posted here somewhere, but I could be wrong…) and then waited for my post to be ‘reviewed’.

Within minutes, the entire thread had been taken down and my posting privileges revoked…

I feel like I’ve accomplished something today. :)

This has been another episode in the Adventures of Obviousman

by Bruce | Link | React!

The Spirit Warrior Who Defeated Himself

Via 365Gay.Com…

Anti-Gay Pastor Steps Down After Hustler Alleges They Had 3 Year Affair

(Denver, Colorado) Evangelist Ted Haggard, one of the leaders of a proposed amendment to ban same-sex marriage in Colorado, stepped down from the ministry of his 14,000-member New Life Church in Colorado Springs after a male escort alleged he had a three year pay-for-sex affair with Haggard.

Haggard denies the affair, but in an afternoon news conference said that he was stepping down to allow church elders to conduct an investigation.  Haggard also said he was voluntarily resigning as president of the multimillion- member National Association of Evangelicals.

And this…via a friend on the MySpace FreeZ group…

Church Leader Says Haggard Admits To Some Indiscretions

After a day of whirlwind controversy surrounding New Life Church and its leader Ted Haggard, who went on administrative leave earlier Thursday, the acting Senior Pastor, Ross Parsley tells KKTV 11 News that Pastor Haggard has admitted to some of the indiscretions.

Thursday morning, Mike Jones went on a Denver radio talk show and said Pastor Haggard paid him for sex over the past 3 years. Jones also claims Haggard did drugs with him. Pastor Parsley says Haggard admitted that some of the allegations are true, but not all of them. The church is not saying what Haggard admitted to.

That’s the way this dance usually goes.  First, denial.  Then what Nixon aid John Ehrlichman once called the modified limited hang out.  Coming next…the tearful confession and rehab.

Harper’s Magazine did a profile of Haggard in an article back in May 2005, titled Soldiers Of Christ

The city’s mightiest megachurch crests silver and blue atop a gentle slope of pale yellow prairie grass on the outskirts of town. Silver and blue, as it happens, are Air Force colors. New Life Church was built far north of town in part so it would be visible from the Air Force Academy. New Life wanted that kind of character in its congregation.

“Church” is insufficient to describe the complex. There is a permanent structure called the Tent, which regularly fills with hundreds or thousands of teens and twentysomethings for New Life’s various youth gatherings. Next to the Tent stands the old sanctuary, a gray box capable of seating 1,500; this juts out into the new sanctuary, capacity 7,500, already too small. At the complex’s western edge is the World Prayer Center, which looks like a great iron wedge driven into the plains. The true architectural wonder of New Life, however, is the pyramid of authority into which it orders its 11,000 members. At the base are 1,300 cell groups, whose leaders answer to section leaders, who answer to zone, who answer to district, who answer to Pastor Ted Haggard, New Life’s founder.

The picture that emerges of Haggard isn’t of just your usual babbling pulpit thumper, but an archetype of the new breed of confrontational, militant and coercive Dominionist.  Haggard fancied himself, a Spirit Warrior

He was always on the lookout for spies. At the time, Colorado Springs was a small city split between the Air Force and the New Age, and the latter, Pastor Ted believed, worked for the devil. Pastor Ted soon began upsetting the devil’s plans. He staked out gay bars, inviting men to come to his church; his whole congregation pitched itself into invisible battles with demonic forces, sometimes in front of public buildings. One day, while he was working in his garage, a woman who said she’d been sent by a witches’ coven tried to stab Pastor Ted with a five-inch knife she pulled from a leg sheath; Pastor Ted wrestled the blade out of her hand. He let that story get around. He called the evil forces that dominated Colorado Springs—and every other metropolitan area in the country—“Control.”

Sometimes, he says, Control would call him late on Saturday night, threatening to kill him. “Any more impertinence out of you, Ted Haggard,” he claims Control once told him, “and there will be unrelenting pandemonium in this city.” No kidding! Pastor Ted hadn’t come to Colorado Springs for his health; he had come to wage “spiritual war.”

So Haggard, there in the shadow of Cheyenne Mountain, built himself a command base of his own from which to wage spiritual warfare…

The Prayer Center—a joint effort of several fundamentalist organizations but located at and presided over by New Life—houses a bookstore that when I visited was called the Arsenal (its name has since been changed to Solomon’s Porch), as well as “corporate” prayer rooms, personal “prayer closets,” hotel rooms, and the headquarters of Global Harvest, a ministry dedicated to “spiritual warfare.” (The Prayer Center’s nickname in the fundamentalist world is “spiritual NORAD.”) The atrium is a soaring foyer adorned with the flags of the nations and guarded by another bronze warrior angel, a scowling, bearded type with massive biceps and, again, a sword. The angel’s pedestal stands at the center of a great, eight-pointed compass laid out in muted red, white, and blue-black stone. Each point directs the eye to a contemporary painting, most depicting gorgeous, muscular men—one is a blacksmith, another is bound, fetish-style, in chains—in various states of undress….

In the chapel are several computer terminals, where one can sign on to the World Prayer Team and enter a prayer. Eventually one’s words will scroll across the large flat screens, as well as across the screens around the world, which as many as 70,000 other Prayer Team members are watching at any point in time. Prayers range from the mundane (real-estate deals and job situations demand frequent attention) to the urgent, such as this prayer request from “Rachel” of Colorado: Danielle. 15 months old. Temperature just shy of 105 degrees. Lethargic. Won’t eat.

Remember that passage from the Bible, where the devil tempts Jesus with kingdoms of the earth, and all the worldly power therein?  There is no poor sucker more vulnerable to the temptations of power, then someone who wants to save the world.  Particularly one who needs desperately to save the world, because they’re utterly unable to save themselves.  Control won, and it wasn’t much of a contest.  The hook was already in him when he arrived aimlessly in Colorado Springs, and when he saw that vision of a glittering city of spirit warriors his own magnificent redemption in the making of it was too much to resist and Control just reeled him in.  It was his own spirit he needed to worry about.  But you have to know yourself to win that battle, and Haggard, apparently, didn’t want to know.

This is from an interview with Haggard, quoted on Ex-Gay Watch

The biblical argument could be made, but not in this particular case. In Washington, D.C., our argument has to be the fact that the greatest benefit to society and to our culture and to the children of our nation would be to instill in our Constitution that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. It would be devastating for the children of our nation and for the future of Western civilization for us to say that homosexual unions or lesbian unions or any alteration of that has the moral equivalence of a heterosexual, monogamous marriage.

So that needs to be inculcated into the Constitution, otherwise we run the risk of a Supreme Court decision that will say that a gay couple living together and a heterosexual couple living together have the same standing under the law.

If the only same sex intimacy the man ever permitted himself to experience was secretly with anonymous call boys, then it isn’t surprising that he’d feel that heterosexual coupling was a superior, more wholesome form of human union. You see the same thing happening over and over with these closet cases. Consider Mark Foley

In 1992, as a Navy lieutenant, Thorne-Begland announced he was gay during a nationally televised interview, helping to lay the groundwork for the military’s "don’t ask, don’t tell" policy. Four years later, after Foley voted for the Defense of Marriage Act, Thorne-Begland called to complain.

"I said, how could you vote against me, my family, your own self-interest?" recalled Thorne-Begland, now an attorney for the city of Richmond, Va. He said Foley responded, "I could never compare any relationship I have ever had to the nature of my mother and father’s relationship."

When you see your sexual nature as something innately broken and unwholesome, then you’re going to seek out broken and unwholesome sexual encounters. It’s not a matter of proving to yourself that being gay means having nothing but brief, barren assignations. It’s because you don’t believe down in your gut that it could ever be anything more.

And when you see other gay people fighting for equality…well…you just know in your gut that those kinds of relationships aren’t equal, can never be equal. Because that brokenness inside of you is all you know. But you’re not broken because you’re gay…you’re broken because you threw your sex life into the gutter. Just like the gay haters told you to.

And when you see other gay people holding on to their spirituality, steadfastly insisting that God does not condemn them, or their love, you just know in your gut that they’re deceiving themselves.  God condemns them, because you condemn yourself.  Just like the gay haters taught you to. 

I have a YouTube posted in the previous blog, that’s a satirical salute to all the closeted gay people in Washington working to deny equal rights to gay Americans. The list is amazingly big, and as the film makers go through one name after another, with Judy Garland singing "Over The Rainbow" in the background, you really realize how much damage these people are doing, not only to the gay community as a whole, but to the American Dream as well. At the end of it, a banner on the screen reads, "It’s okay, boys…  A closet is just a bedroom, with no self respect."

by Bruce | Link | React!

November 2nd, 2006

It’s Okay Boys…

This is beautiful! A stirring testimonial to all those hard working gay republicans in Washington…the congress critters…the gay staff of anti-gay congress critters…all who work diligently every day to deny equal rights not only to themselves, but to all gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered Americans.

A salute…

(Watch the whole thing)

by Bruce | Link | React!

The Unconscious Self

Via Ex-Gay Watch…  University of Minnesota researchers used a technology to embed images on computer screens that were, in a sense, hidden or more properly, camouflaged, to see how their subjects subconsciously responded to them.  What makes this study particularly interesting is that some of the "hidden" images were of naked human bodies…male and female…and their subjects not only included heterosexual men and women, but homosexual men and women too

Nothing focuses the mind’s eye like an erotic picture, according to the results of a new study. Even when such pictures were actively canceled out, subliminal images of female nudes helped heterosexual men find the orientation of a briefly shown abstract shape. Such nudity-driven focusing worked almost as well for women, as long as the image accorded with their sexual preference.

Cognitive neuroscientist Sheng He of the University of Minnesota and his colleagues gathered groups of heterosexual men, heterosexual women, homosexual men and bisexual women numbering 10 each. Each viewed special images pointed directly at each individual eye. The researchers could cancel out vision of one eye’s image by presenting a specific high contrast image to the other eye. Such an image, called a Gabor patch, consists of a series of contrasting lines that form an abstract–and visually arresting–shape. "Normally, the two eyes look at the same image. They don’t have any conflict," he explains. "We create a situation where the two eyes are presented with two images, and then they will have binocular competition. One image is high contrast [and dynamic], the other is static. You basically just see the dynamic image."

Into the canceled out image slot, the researchers slipped an erotic image; for example, a naked woman displayed for a heterosexual man. To ensure that subjects did not consciously detect the invisible image, they were asked to press a specific key if they noticed any difference between the left and right images. Over the course of 32 trials, men were significantly better at detecting the orientation of Gabor patches when they appeared in the slot formerly occupied by an invisible image of a nude woman.

The heterosexual men, however, had a more difficult time detecting the same orientation when it was located where an invisible picture of a nude man had been; this was not the case for heterosexual women when viewing their own sex naked. And the homosexual men’s response was similar to that of the heterosexual women, as were the bisexual women’s and heterosexual men’s.

(Emphasis mine).  Mind you, they couldn’t see the images enough to process them consciously.  But at a level below consciousness something was clearly clicking in the subjects.  And it clicked differently for the gay subjects

Now isn’t that interesting.  The research wasn’t into sexual orientation, but to uncover the subconscious mechanisms the brain uses to processes visual information.  More here from Science Daily

When subjects become conscious of images, the sequence of steps in brain processing becomes very complicated because neurons engage in all sorts of feedback and crosstalk–especially with emotionally charged information. The researchers were studying the flow of visual information at an earlier stage, while it is still traveling along a one-way path.

"We’re trying to reveal what happens when one doesn’t have a conscious visual perception. That is, how the brain processes visual information independent of consciousness," said He.

The researchers chose to generate brain activity by using erotic pictures because they promised to elicit strong responses and clear patterns in the data. But the researchers believe the mechanisms by which the brain processes such images are universal.

"This definitely doesn’t just work for erotic pictures," said He. "But erotic images stand out in terms of potency to generate a response."

Which makes sense considering how ancient and powerful the sex drive is.  And this also makes sense…

The strongest shift in attention toward the area where the image had been was in heterosexual men who had been shown nude female images. Those subjects also tended to be repelled by nude male images. Among heterosexual women, nude male images induced a less strong attention shift toward the image site but no significant shift in response to nude female pictures. Gay men behaved similarly to heterosexual women, and gay/bisexual women performed in between heterosexual men and women.

The divergent results among the groups of study subjects provide evidence that the subjects’ brains were processing the visual information in a selective manner.

It also pretty well shows, once more, that sexual orientation isn’t a matter of conscious choice, or even self identification, as some in the kook pews keep insisting.  Gay or Straight, you are drawn to the attractive sex in ways your conscious mind plays only a supporting roll in.  In computergeek speak…it’s down in the kernel.  We are drawn to the sex we are hard wired to mate with, and for some of us, that is the same sex as we ourselves are.  It isn’t Godlessness.  It isn’t rebellion.  It isn’t sexual immorality.  It is simply the way some of us are.  We mate to our own sex, because that is how we are made…

Now…I wonder how all those folks at Exodus and Love In Action…who claim to have been cured of their homosexuality, would fare on this test, were it given to them.  I propose an experiment along those lines, but with a mixture of images of nude bodies and random other objects that might also provoke a strong emotional response…so they couldn’t game their responses.

Run the experiment with three groups of men…straight, gay and ex-gay men who are absolutely convinced, or at least say they are, that not only their behavior but their sexual interests have changed.  The person administering the test cannot know if they are testing a straight man, a gay man, or an ex-gay man.  The person evaluating the results doesn’t know who administered the test.  We can start with all those ex-gays that Spitzer claims have changed. 

by Bruce | Link | React!

Honestly…Can’t You?

Via Pam’s House Blend…  The Freepers are having conniptions about Wal-Mart’s support for the Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce.  Pam, as always, captures a few choice words for us from the kook pews, including this little gem:

It makes me so angry that gay and lesbian people have this need to fully define themselves by their sexual preference. Is there nothing else about their lives that is worth talking about? Honestly, most homosexuals I have known are the most creative, energetic people. Can’t they think of themselves as something other than "gay?"

Hey lady…maybe we should think of ourselves the way this online pal of yours does…

Homosexuals are *not* "ordinary people" nor are they or ever will be "normal". They are biological, genetic, sexual, and cultural, defectives.

Lady…we’re not defining ourselves by our sexual orientation…your kind are defining us by it.  You brick-brained jackasses just can’t see the people for the homosexuals, can you?   And for that reason a lot of us by the time we are adults can’t think of ourselves as anything other then biological, genetic, sexual, and cultural, defectives…let alone gay.  But most of those are living desperately in the closet and they take great pains not to bother your delicate sensibilities.  You don’t actually have a problem with homosexuals that can’t see themselves as anything other then homosexuals.  It’s those of us who Do think of ourselves, mostly, as something other then gay, that you have a problem with…because we’re living our lives openly and proudly.  Human beings do that.

Lady…you think the closet is such a great place…you fucking live there then.

by Bruce | Link | React!

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