I’m From The Government And I’m Here To Give You The Finger…
President Junior. Loyalty for him runs only one way…
The White House fought back Tuesday against criticism from Kansas’ governor that National Guard deployments to Iraq are slowing the response to last week’s devastating tornado.
White House press secretary Tony Snow said the fault was Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius’.
In a spat reminiscent of White House finger-pointing at Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco after the federal government’s botched response to Hurricane Katrina, Snow rapped Sebelius for not following procedure to find gaps and then asking the federal government to fill them.
The difference here of course is that the governor of Lousiana is a Democrat, and the city of New Orleans was mostly black, and it’s pretty damn obvious that Bush and Rove didn’t give a rat’s ass about New Orleans for those very reasons. But…Kansas? Okay, now we really get to see the squalid, petty core of the man who the republican powers that be practically hand picked to be president of the United States. But millions of True Red White and Blue American red staters saw the perfect reflection of their own inner values and moral character, and voted for him estatically…
What you get in exchange for being a loyal republican one-hundred percent American supporter of George Bush, is the benefit of not being put on his petty shit list. That’s it. That’s the only thing you get for kissing his ass year after year. A hearty handshake and a smile that couldn’t be less genuine if it was painted on a brick and the benefit of not being on his shit list. This spoiled, cheapshit good-for-nothing is the bastard he is, probably because he never had to learn how to make friends with anyone. Bullying everyone into cooperating with him is the only way he knows how to deal with people.
And much of red state America saw in him the same cheap resentments they hold within themselves and they voted for him in droves, not because they thought he was the better man but precisely because they knew he wasn’t, and putting him in the White House was as close as they could come to putting their thumbs in the eyes of the rest of America. How pleasurable it must have been, to hear all those blue state voices howling in pain after he was elected. Twice. Oh yes…they were all predicting that nothing good would come of it, that President Codpiece would be a disaster. But so what? It won’t be a disaster for the republican heartland. Just those damn liberals, those damn elitists, those damn dirty hippies, all those pregnant welfare moms, all those uppity coloreds, and those god damn faggots. Their cities can go to hell as far as we’re concerned…
…what is that to us? But when you give power to a man who thinks he’s entitled, he’s going to act like he thinks he’s entitled to use it as he damn well pleases. And now you’re on his shit list too, because you dared to complain.
It’s said that propaganda doesn’t fool anyone, so much as allow people to fool themselves. Ronald Reagan got himself elected saying "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, `I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’" For years now the talk radio babblers have been telling the Constituency Of Resentment that "Government Isn’t The Solution, It’s The Problem". And of course it was…it had to be…once Uncle Sam Uncle Sam started telling them that they had to start treating the coloreds, and their women, with respect and even a little basic human decency. Next thing you know it’ll be the faggots too. Fuck that shit. So they put a cheap bar stool loudmouth asshole in the Whitehouse with the same contempt for government they had. Which was great…just great…as long as it was only cities full of darkies in states with democratic governors that had to suffer for it.
Except now it isn’t.
"I don’t think there is any question if you are missing trucks, Humvees and helicopters that the response is going to be slower," she said Monday. "The real victims here will be the residents of Greensburg, because the recovery will be at a slower pace."
Sebelius said about half the state’s National Guard trucks are in Iraq, equipment that would be helpful in removing debris, and that the state is also missing a number of well-trained personnel.
"The issue for the National Guard is the same wherever you go in the country. Stuff that we would have borrowed is gone," she said
Maj. Gen. Tod Bunting, the state’s adjutant general, said the Kansas National Guard was equipped at only about 40 percent of its required levels, down from the 60 percent that it had at the start of the war.
Well you got what you voted for: a government that doesn’t work…a government that Can’t Help when you need it to, because Junior needs his toys over in Iraq, because it was either put the likes of him in power, or let the darkies, the heathens, the women, and the faggots have a share in the American Dream too.
Good thing the tornado sirens still work.