It’s All The Fault Of Teh Gays…
Via Dispatches From The Culture Wars…
From Pat Robertson, speaking about the DHS report on right wing extremists:
"It shows somebody down in the bowels of that organization is either a convinced left winger or somebody whose sexual orientation is somewhat in question. But it’s that kind of thing, somebody who doesn’t think that we should have abortion on demand, is labeled a terrorist! It’s outrageous."
Peter LaBarbera, responding to criticism from Glenn Sacks…
Are you a homosexual, Glenn?
And then there’s good old Scott Lively wandering around the globe telling people that genocide is caused by homosexuals When I was a kid, it was the Communists who were secretly behind every hidden plot the lunatic right was babbling on about. Now it’s Teh Gays.
April 25th, 2009 at 3:28 am
It’s strange that Scott Lively thinks gays are behind genocide – that must mean he thinks that gays are behind the genocide (frequently state-sponsored) of gays in Nigeria, Uganda, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan…
Wait a moment…
April 25th, 2009 at 10:24 am
In his book, The Pink Swastika, Lively rewrites the history of the Pink Triangle and claims that gays were never targeted for persecution by the Nazis, but were an integral part of the movement, as well as the most brutal and violent. He claims that the few homosexuals who were sent to the camps were sent to "work" camps not concentration camps. He claims that most of the SS guards at the concentration camps were homosexual, and preyed on young Jewish boys.
Very much like other Holocaust revisionists, who deny outright that Jews were ever targeted for extermination, Lively selectively reads from sources that make his case, covers over the vast body of evidence that doesn’t, and makes stuff up to fill in the gaps. Probably, he does the same sort of thing when he visits other parts of the world. He tells East European Slavs that the Nazis who killed millions of them during WWII were homosexuals and that it was because they were homosexual that they wanted to kill millions. In Uganda it’s the same story, but now instead of Nazis the homosexuals are whoever it is that commits genocide in Africa. In my opinion it is quite deliberate. He’s not a kook, he knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s inciting as much hate as he can, in the hope that violence will be the result.