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September 24th, 2008

My 1996 McDonald’s Hamburger…Let Me Show You It…

Via SLOG…  Ever wonder what a McDonald’s hamburger would look like after sitting for 12 years in a plastic container at room temperature?  See it Here.

Don’t be afraid to look.  It actually won’t gross you out until you think about it for a while.  Because…see…it looks perfectly normal.  Not the slightest hint of rancidness.  None.  No sign of mold.  Not on the meat, and even more alarmingly, not on the bun either, which according to the author of that blog post, is getting a tad crumbly.  But…no mold. 

I’m a single guy…just in case my occasional public bouts of loneliness here on the blog haven’t clued anyone in to that fact.  I buy food for one, and often that’s a hassle because it’s hard to find food in single guy portions, or packaged such that I can use just a part of it and keep the rest for later.  So I buy, for example, a loaf of bread, and if it’s good bread, meaning it’s fresh baked locally and not loaded with preservatives and other additives, it starts getting stale before I finish it off more often then not.  I can’t finish a whole loaf of bread by myself in under a week, and by the end of the week more often then not I see the first few specs of mold on it before it’s halfway finished and then I have to give the rest to the birds. 

And here’s this friggin’ McDonald’s bun after twelve years and not a spec of mold on it anywhere.  Wow…  Just…wow…

3 Responses to “My 1996 McDonald’s Hamburger…Let Me Show You It…”

  1. Bob C Says:

    Don’t….do…it Bob….
    Can’t resist…..must not do it……Must…hang….on…must resist …the….urg…
    …losing control….can’t prevent my……..oh god! I’m doing it anyway…..
    Why don’t they call it the McJackson burger? Fake plastic meat between 12 year olds buns?
    Oh, it was SO obvious! How could I POSSIBLY resist?

  2. Bruce Says:

    Win!  Oh god that =is= funny.  I like your twisted sense of humor…

    Something about living on the Kansas plains for so long does that to people…?

  3. Bob C Says:

    I’m not sure….I’m considered a "Weirdo" here. And I havn’t much of a clue what "Normal" is.
    But living on the plains, the buckle of the bible belt, certainly spins ones world-view in comparison
    to the Christifacist Right-Repuclicans….especially if one is smart enough, or motivated enough
    to notice and examine the differences.
    I guess the result is "Humor"?

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