Don’t Tell Me There Are More Then One Of Those Things…
Via Fark.Com, via Wired.Com… This is actually kinda creepy…
The skull of a…thing…that seems to be all mouth and teeth. The description is as follows…
The fleshless skull of a blind eating machine, its huge gnashing maw a surreal irony, for it has no stomach. It feeds voraciously… not out of hunger, but out of murderous instinct. Luckily, you can easily escape it, since it has no legs…
But it can roll. If it really gets itself going you could be absolutely fucked. Picture this thing rolling down a hill toward you, teeth flashing in the sunlight with each turn…
…this is the avatar of Death himself, also known as…
…Pac Man. I used to love playing that game. Now I’m going to get the creeps every time I see one of those things in an arcade…