A Moment Of Sickening Clarity…
…from Joshua Marshall over at Talking Points Memo.
Something really striking about the attack on federal institutions like the Treasury and the IRS is that it’s always the same youngsters doing Musk’s work. I was just assuming that they’re bedazzled true believers that Musk can get to work for him cheap. Now Joshua Marshall opens our eyes, yours and mine, a bit more. And it’s ugly. Really, really ugly.
Why these kids? Here’s why: It’s not just that they’re firmly in the cult of Musk, but that they’re young and have all the foresight of kids with a fifth of rum an ounce of pot and a final exam the next morning. Or in other words, they’re willing to do things, very very illegal things, things you wouldn’t want on your resume, that the members of the Musk cult who are older and smarter and way more capable really don’t want to get their fingers dirty with. Yes, Trump has their backs…for now. But as Marshall says tomorrow is a long time and Trump suffers no loyalty to anyone. He may thumb his nose at the courts but the law is still the law in the real world, and those older and smarter members of the cult have careers and a mortgage and a family which might just make them a tad reluctant to just walk in somewhere and do whatever the Reich Musker wants.
But those eager young things over there, like virgins entranced by sugar daddy attentions? Sure…the man who has had 12 kids by three women, and all his older and smarter cult members, will let Them do it. And they’re thrilled to get recognition from The Man.
It’s so obvious…