It’s A Right-Handed World…A Heterosexual World…And You Know What Else…?
This challenge came across my Facebook stream this morning, because a friend replied to it jokingly. Oh…there is lots of joke material in this one…
You walk into your house & all your ex’s are there. Reply w/ just 3 words.
Alone again, naturally.
I don’t have ex’s…just a lot of near misses and strike-outs. And soon I’ll be 68.
This world I’ve come to learn, is equipped to handle lovers, ex-lovers, couples and the tragically dumped to the curb. It can handle the married…happily or otherwise…and the divorced. It has room for them all. What it can’t seem to wrap itself around are the one’s like me who never got the chance, who went from one end of a human life to another without knowing what it was like to be in a lover’s embrace. Ever.
So when one of us enters the room, the world looks the other way…and doesn’t see us at all…