Sexy Sketching…(continued)
Finished. On to the next one tomorrow. But must mow the lawn first…
You can go back through the sequence of these and almost see my desperate hunt and peck, erase, draw, erase, draw, erase, draw technique. I will frequently draw something one evening that I am thoroughly satisfied with, that upon viewing the next morning looks completely wrong. Once I drew a figure seated at a park bench with his legs crossed and I gave him backwards left/right feet by mistake and didn’t see it for a couple days. Luckily I was in the stage of things where I was adding colors to it in the computer and I was able to fix it. But the inks in traditional media still have that mistake in them.
This is why cartoonists don’t always sell or give their originals away.
This is helping me stay sane during quarantine. When the abyss stares back into you, shout beauty back.