Mainstream Guardians Of Our Civil Discourse… (continued)
Via Atrios, More fun with Tweety…(you have to scroll down the article a bit…)
Gay-rights activists are blasting Don Imus and sidekick Bernard McGuirk as gay-bashers, Last week, when fellow MSNBC talker Chris Matthews asked Imus if he'd seen the cowboy love story "Brokeback Mountain," Imus sneered, "Why would I want to see that?" He added that McGuirk had his own name for the movie - a crude candy reference we'll skip. The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation called the "slurs" a "juvenile display of homophobia." MSNBC has apologized for the banter....
Let’s review, again via Atrios:
MATTHEWS (1/18/06): Have you gone to see it yet? I've seen everything else but that. I just...
IMUS: No, I haven't seen it. Why would I want to see that?
MATTHEWS: I don't know. No opinion on that. I haven't seen it either, so...
IMUS: So they was out when I was in New Mexico doesn't resonate with real cowboys who I know.
IMUS: But then, maybe there's stuff going on on the ranch that I don't know about. Not on my ranch, but you know...
MATTHEWS: Well, the wonderful Michael Savage, who's on 570 in DC, who shares a station with you at least, he calls it [laughter]...what's he call it?...he calls it Bare-back Mount-ing. That's his name for the movie.
IMUS: Of course, Bernard calls it Fudgepack Mountain...
That wonderful Michael Savage. Heh. Wonderful. Yes. Even more Tweety wonderfulness here and here. I used to think he was just a TV talking head idiot. But no…he’s a thug, just like the rest of them. A Bush base thug. And scratch a Bush base thug and you’ll find a bar stool bigot every fucking time. I guarantee it. When CNN started the first 24 hour cable news network it was hailed as a revolution in journalism. But what you have to realize about revolutions is that most of them end up becoming a tyranny of despots. CNN and MSNBC have been racing each other to the bottom of the gutter ever since Monica, and there is no bottom.