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June 27th, 2006

Rowan Joins The Pogrom

It looks tonight, as though the Archbishop of Canterbury is going to embrace the pogrom of the American right wing billionaires who have been financing the upheaval in his church over the ordination of gays and women…

The Archbishop of Canterbury has outlined proposals that are expected to lead to the exclusion of The Episcopal Church of the United States from the Anglican Church as a consequence of consecrating a gay bishop.

The US branch of Anglicanism faces losing its status of full membership of the Anglican Church in the wake of its consecration of the openly gay Gene Robinson as Bishop of New Hampshire, an act which has propelled the worldwide church to the brink of schism.

The final straw came when The Episcopal Church failed to "repent" of its action at its General Convention in Columbus, Ohio earlier this month, and failed to vote through a moratorium on any more gay consecrations.

Dr Williams is proposing a two-track Anglican Communion, with orthodox churches being accorded full, "constituent" membership and the rebel, pro-gay liberals being consigned to "associate" membership.

All provinces will be offered the chance to sign up to a "covenant" which will set out the traditional, biblical standards on which all full members of the Anglican church can agree.

But it is highly unlikely that churches such as The Episcopal Church in the US, the Anglican churches in Canada and New Zealand and even the Scottish Episcopal Church would be able to commit themselves fully to such a document.

These churches and any others that refused to sign up could opt to cut ties to Canterbury altogether, or could choose to remain in associate status.

This is not simply a victory for bigotry…it’s a milepost along a highway of blood.  Homosexuals will die, never doubt this, as a result of the religious passions Williams is now pouring gasoline on.  After the holocaust you’d think they’d know better, but it seems that lesson was only Lets lay off the Jews for a while and bash the homosexuals instead.  Once upon a time the Catholic church, and then the Protestants, insisted that Jews were Christ killers who deserved what they got.  You can argue that lead directly to the Ovens, but in fact the killing had been going on for centuries.  By the reckoning of normal population growth statistics, and starting from the count of the number of Jews in the holy lands at the time of Jesus (the Roman occupiers kept meticulous records in the manner of all totalitarian states…), I’m told there should be about 240 million Jews walking this earth, right now, right this moment.  In fact there are about 18 million.  Hitler didn’t do all that…

We shall see how defenders of the Church take pains to distinguish between "anti-Judaism" and "antisemitism"; between Christian Jew-hatred as a "necessary but insufficient" cause of the Holocaust; between the "sins of the children" and the sinlessness of the Church as such.  These distinctions become meaningless before the core truth of this history: Because the hatred of Jews had been made holy, it became lethal.
-James Carroll, "Constantine’s Sword"

The holocaust made antisemitism something you’re not supposed to preach from the pulpit…at least not while outsiders are looking.  But on the other hand Leviticus gives a free pass to people who kill homosexuals in the name of God, and judging from the reaction in some quarters already to Williams’ decision to expel everyone who doesn’t think homosexuals are unclean, the mob is ready for a little Leviticus action…

And get it they will.  I strongly doubt it is any coincidence, that the rise in gay bashings and killings worldwide has come at a time when Catholic and Protestant church leaders, in America and in the third world, are busy calling homosexuals a threat to everything from children and marriage and family to the existence of civilization itself.  Rowan Williams has not only signed onto this pogrom, whatever his future protestations that he means gay people no harm, by throwing his church into schism because some churches weren’t treating gays as the unclean god condemned sinners they are, he’s now poured gasoline onto it.  The Gays Split The Church, isn’t quite as good as The Jews Killed Christ, but it will do nicely.

No Dr. Williams…our blood is not upon us.  It is upon you.


by Bruce | Link | React!

June 19th, 2006

Loving The Sinner…(continued)

Via Pam’s House Blend, via Muskrat Hunt…  Here’s what unleashing religious passions against a minority accomplishes, in case you missed hearing about the Holocaust, and were wondering…

Note the death threat side by side with the statement of religious belief.  And we have an election coming up…don’t we?  Time for another round of…this perhaps…?


Who on the republican side of the isle, wants to step up to the plate and take responsibility for the dead homosexuals later this year?  Nobody, of course.

by Bruce | Link | React!

June 1st, 2006


Christian Identity is a religion based on race.  It believes that the historical Jews of the bible, the Israelites of the old testament, God’s Chosen People, were the white Aryan race.  According to Christian Identity, it is the white race that God created in [his] own image.  It holds that other races are so-called "mud people" – descended from a race God created before Adam and Eve…I suppose as a test.  The mud people are the ancestors of all the people of color of the earth.  The people we now call Jews are another story however.  Christian Identity holds that the Jews are an entirely separate race, created when Eve had sex with the devil in the Garden of Eden.

In short, Christian Identity holds that Jews are, literally, the spawn of Satan.

This came to mind last night, as I read (via Andrew Sullivan) the following Wikipedia entry on Nicolae Carpathia, the Antichrist in Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins Left Behind stories…

Born in the county of Cluj in Romania, Carpathia’s birth is the product of genetic engineering. His mother Marilena Carpathia, is convinced by parties who are followers of Satan, although she is kept unaware of this, to become the mother of a child who they assure her would change the face of the world. Marilena’s husband, Sorin, and his gay lover, Baduna Marius, provide genetic material to facilitate Nicolae’s conception.

Dig it.  LaHaye and Jenkins are telling their readers that the Antichrist is, literally, the spawn of a gay male couple.

And some days I sit here at my computer and wonder if this is what it was like to be a Jew in 1920s Germany, watching the horror coming on the horizon.  This is the kind of stuff that gets people killed.  Someday, it might well get me killed.  Someone with a baseball bat or a gun comes along and takes my head off, because he thinks that gay people are going to deliver the world to the Antichrist.

And LaHaye and Jenkins are hardly alone in this.  Variations on this theme are popping up all across the kook pews.  The Gays are in league with Satan…  Just last week James Dobson was telling his listeners on the Focus on the Family radio broadcast, that same sex marriage was an attack on the family by the very forces of hell itself (via Ex-Gay Watch):

…as you all very well know marriage is under vicious attack, now I think from the forces of hell itself. Now it’s either going to continue to decline, and as I told you in my office a few minutes ago, I believe with that destruction of marriage will come the decline of western civilization itself.

What was soft peddled before the re-election of George Bush is coming out of the closet, free, free at last to dispense with the loathsome hypocrisies of Love The Sinner, Hate The Sin.  Now the message is clearly and unambiguously that homosexuals are in league with Satan.  Not mere sinners, we are destroyers of the world.  We will give birth to the Antichrist.  Next thing you know, we will be all four horsemen of the Apocalypse too.  Whatever it takes, to make everyone hate us, as much as they hate us. 

And then watch them wash, wash their hands of our blood…

by Bruce | Link | React! (1)

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