No cartoon Monday after all. Hopefully later in the week. Too much other work this weekend…
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Archive for August, 2007August 12th, 2007 Correction… No cartoon Monday after all. Hopefully later in the week. Too much other work this weekend… August 11th, 2007 Tales From The Best Health Care System In The World… Whoops…
Jordan. Guam. And…the Cayman Islands.
Next time you hear a republican yap, yap, yapping about Roe v. Wade and how abortion is murder, ask them how they feel about universal heath care for children. Coming Attractions… A couple new political cartoons…probably Monday morning… So…Probably not much blogging this weekend… August 10th, 2007 If Only They Had PSAs Like This For Gay Teens Back When I Was One Myself… I might have actually done something like this…
This touching little video is from a TV commercial for the Norwegian Lesbian and Gay Rights movement (LLH). The text at the end, according to one commenter on YouTube (who presumably reads Norwegian) says “You don’t have to be THAT brave.” The number is for a information hotline for gay youth. And before you ask…I did a lot of digging around for the background song on this. Apparently a lot of other people besides me would love to have a copy of it. But don’t go looking around on iTunes because it’s not there, or anywhere else. It was recorded especially for this PSA, and so for as I can determine, has not ever been released for purchase by the general public. Here are the lyrics… Were dancing you and me its our destiny (chorus) If I could have one song for my comic series A Coming Out Story, this would be it. I doesn’t become an obvious match though, until the last half of the series, and I’m only still in the beginning of the first half. August 9th, 2007 Sexual Repression Is Healthy For You…Really… And…Godly Too… Well of course this was all just an innocent bit of sheer stupidity on his part…
So he’s a Catholic priest…and he’s jogging…naked…in the predawn twilight…Around A High School Track… Yeah…I’ll just bet he has a sweaty little problem alright… Not As Outlandish As You Might Think… From The Onion…
…has become a cornerstone of the town’s cultural identity. Well…considering the rhetoric coming from the radios and pulpits these days, you have to figure a lot of people might read this and wonder what the joke is. You watch…somebody somewhere is actually going to organize one of these… Pissing On Edward R. Murrow’s Grave…(continued) I’ve been meaning to post about this since I saw it last week, but I was on the road and I just don’t blog well when I’m flitting down the highway from one motel room to another. But I figured last week that when I got around to it, I’d begin the post with something along the lines of… I hate these motherfuckers! We have goddamned freedom of the press in this country, and our newspapers resemble something out of the cold war Soviet Union…
Sweet, eh? When you can’t find a critic of the war who supports the surge, you simply recast a couple old supporters of the war as opponants and…Voila! Proof that the policies of president I’m The Decider are winning over even his toughest critics. Glenn Greenwald dissects the shit pile that is our corporate news media some more…
Nice. This is the kind of crap I was used to seeing in the state controlled press of totalitarian states like the Soviet Union. But they all bought into the war…hell, they all bought into George Bush…early on, and now they don’t dare admit that they’ve brought an unmitigated catastrophe down on their country. In an editorial titled, Iraq Hasn’t Even Begun, contributing editor to the Los Angles Times Timothy Ash writes…
Our corporate news media served the voters up this disaster on a silver platter of dollar store bullshit, jingoism, and their drunken bar stool conceits. They hated Bill Clinton, they hated the democrats, they hated the liberals, and most of all they hated the Dirty Fucking Hippies Who Made Us Loose In Vietnam. Bush was their hero, their knight in shining armor, their exoneration. Pusillanimous, pampered, petulant, with a abundant sense of his own entitlement to match his grotesque self righteousness. He was their hero, the hero they all knew they were deep down inside. And when terrorists killed over three-thousand Americans on 9-11, they figured their moment of glory had arrived at last. Along with their hero, they were going to remake the nation…and the world…in their own image. Well, they have.
August 8th, 2007 Funky Just…funky… Walking outdoors when the air is so goddamned hot it’s like a swaddling coat…wrapping you in heat and humidity… iPod pumping Woody Herman’s Woodchoppers Ball into your mind… Dancing down the street with an imaginary boyfriend… and it’s so hot you can’t walk very far before your legs start to give out and you have to turn back to home… and then…Baia… Someone I long to see…keeps haunting my reverie… Jesus what’s it going to be like when I’m too old to walk outside in this heat… I reckon I’ll just keep dancing until I can’t anymore… Alone…probably… Damn…this heat is…stifling… But my legs keep moving…my body dancing… How I pray for the day… Beautiful Heterosexuals We gay folk have friends among the heterosexuals. Never doubt that. Never, never, never. And because they are beautiful people…decent…good hearted…good people…they don’t really understand what it is we’re all facing. They just don’t…
Yeah. He does. Yeah…it looks a tad heavy-handed… But no…it isn’t… Ugly Just…ugly. The weather, that is. Ugly. So it must be August. The sky is gray and overcast here in Baltimore. Like it’s about to rain. Except it isn’t. It’s just the usual horrible muggy overcast you get when it gets this hot in August. The sunlight is diffuse. There are no shadows cast. Just…gray sky. Like when it’s drizzling in April. But it’s not April. It’s August…and it’s fucking 103 degrees in Baltimore… We’re Not A Political Organization…We Just Lobby Against Any And All Gay Rights Legislation… Some weeks ago, Timothy Kincaid over at Box Turtle Bulletin noted this comment from Exodus’ Mike Ensley on Warren Throckmorton’s website…
…which was in response to this one, directed at Randy Thomas:
Well…no. I mean…yes Exodus’ political activism probably factors into it…but that’s not where this is coming from. Where it came from was all the attention the ex-gay movement got after a gay teenager who was content just the way he is was seen being dragged into a horrific reparative therapy program by the entire fucking world. That one incident got the attention of a lot of people, and without a doubt it radicalized many against the ex-gay movement. The increased scrutiny that reparative therapy suddenly came under was eminently predictable. That’s what has brought this all on. Throckmorton in his post raises the specter of reparative therapy
And maybe the other guy is in jail for selling capsules full of dry cleaning fluid to people as a cure for insomnia. Or maybe he was selling crack cocaine to teenagers. As a matter of fact, doc, people who harm others for money really do need to be held accountable for that. People who sell cures that don’t really do anything at best, and do terrible harm to the patents at worst, really do need to be held accountable for that. It’s not religious persecution to hold people accountable for the harm they do to others. To his everlasting credit, Throckmorton condemned the practice of giving ex-gay therapy to unwilling teens when the protests at Love In Action broke out a couple summers ago. And there were others like him in the ex-gay movement who were absolutely appalled at what they saw being done to kids in these so-called ministries. But there were many others who doggedly defended the practice and you best believe that I’d like to see every one of those mother fucking bastards that pushed sexual self loathing and fear of intimacy into a gay teenager’s heart locked up for a long, long time, with all the other sex offenders. Because that’s exactly what it is…child sexual abuse. Now, as predictably as the rising sun in the east, the priests of the ex-gay movement are bellyaching that their sincere religious beliefs are under attack. The problem is, it’s hard to reach a place of mutual respect with people who constantly lie through their teeth. The leaders of Exodus may claim their actions are only motivated by their sincerely held religious beliefs, but their word on just about anything isn’t worth spit. They lie about homosexuals. They lie about homosexuality. And they lie…brazenly…about themselves. Mary, honestly I don’t think you understand Exodus’ political involvement at all… Oh…we understand it all right. After Ensley babbled that in the comments on Throckmorton’s blog, Timothy Kincaid asked the readers of Box Turtle Bulletin to help him jog Ensley’s memory about the extent of Exodus’ political activity. And then mere days after Ensley posting his comment on Throckmorton’s blog, Jim Burroway posts this little expose’ on Exodus’ new Director of Governmental Affairs and "ExodusRoots" grassroots campaign…
You need to read Burroway’s post to grasp the scope of Exodus’ interest and involvement in anti-gay politics. I’ve been saying for years now that these groups, and Exodus in particular, are only ex-gay as a facade. They are, in fact, Anti-Gay political groups, nothing more, nothing less, that only exploit ex-gays and reparative therapy in order to score political points and provide the religious right with moral cover for gay bashing. Gays choose to be gay…therefore they also choose to be discriminated against… We are not discriminating against homosexuals…it is the homosexuals who choose to be discriminated against, because they could always choose not to be homosexuals if they wanted to… In fact…there is No Such Thing as a homosexual…so how could we be discriminating against them… You have to understand the agenda here is anti-gay political action, not saving souls for Christ, not freeing people from the chains of homosexuality, not curing people of their homosexual addictions, not healing people of their same sex attractions. Exodus, and other ex-gay ministries like them, are about one thing and one thing only: waging the political war against gay people. That’s why there is no follow-up when people leave counseling and therapy. That’s why they keep no statistics on success and failure rates, do no quality assurance activity, don’t…let’s be honest here…give a rat’s ass about whether they’re doing their clients any goddamned good at all. That’s not what they are about. The clients are the window dressing. The real work is the anti-gay political activity. August 7th, 2007 Happy National Underwear Day! Happy National Underwear Day…!
Actually, the real object of my affections back then wore BVDs. Most days I could tell anyway. But I thought Jockeys were sexier back then (though I wouldn’t admit it) and so I used a little artistic license there. Back when I was still trying to convince myself that I wasn’t gay, oddly enough I could tell exactly what kind of underwear a guy was wearing just by getting the slightest glimpse of the waistband…usually in gym class. If I could see enough of the stitching through a guy’s gym shorts, or if he was wearing his pants tight enough, I could tell that way too. "T.K." used to drive me absolutely nuts whenever he was out on that tennis court. Not only did he wear his gym shorts very tight…tight enough that I could clearly see the lines of his underwear…he’d wear a loose t-shirt that didn’t quite go all the way down his waist. So every time he took a swing at the ball I’d get a glimpse of his stomach…and that little bit of elastic waistband. At 17, it was electrifying. For the life of me I couldn’t turn my eyes away. But I knew I wasn’t sexually attracted to guys. If you’d asked me anything back then about women’s lingerie I wouldn’t have had clue one. Matter of fact, I still don’t. For a bit of fun…hang out at the Victoria’s Secret at your local shopping mall and watch guys as they walk by. Most of them just can’t not look…even if their wives or girl friends are with them. And some are completely oblivious. That would be me, usually. Too bad there isn’t a men’s equivalent store chain. I’d make it a point to stroll past its window every time I walked in a mall with one. At the end of episode ten, my libido warns my teenage self that things get more complicated after they invent designer underwear. But it’s a happy complexity…
August 6th, 2007 Some Further Road Trip Discoveries…
August 5th, 2007 A Few Statistics… Miles traveled : 8,126. Gallons of Gas: 244.953. Cost of Gas: 726.54. High gas price: 3.599 in Nevada. Low gas price: 2.729 in Virgina. States Crossed: 16 (Maryland, Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma). Motels Stayed In: 10. Motels with reliable broadband: 5. Road Headaches: 1. Missed Turns: 3. Traffic Jams Endured: 3. Denver, Albuquerque, Pismo Beach. Yes…Pismo Beach. County Fairs visited: 1. Cute guys gawked at: Too many for my own good. Trading Posts visited: 8. Turquoise Bought: 5 bracelets, 2 chokers. Bone Chokers Bought: 3 Cherokee, 1 Navajo. Tie-dye t-shirts bought: 5. "Is that one of those iPhones?": 3 times. "You work for the Hubble Space Telescope?": 7 times. "You drove all the way from Maryland?": 20+ times. "How long did it take to grow your hair that long?": 4 times. "Baltimore…? That’s somewhere on the east coast…right?": 1 time. Discoveries:
Nap Dream This post is either going to seem a bit freaky or you’ll be like me and just smile and shrug and write it off to the random weirdness of dreams. Sorry, but sometimes I just like to think out loud. Maybe some of you have had odd little dreams like this and they leave you wondering too about what the hell goes on inside the human brain. Nap dreams somehow just get weird more often then sleep dreams. I don’t know why this is, other then possibly something to do with the fact that naps aren’t really part of the normal sleep cycle. This afternoon, after unloading the car and getting my house back up and running, and putting a few things away, I felt suddenly like a nap. After three weeks on the road it felt nice to just lay down in my own bed again. It wasn’t a long nap…maybe about an hour or so. But I had this really vivid dream. Most nap dreams are pretty vivid for some reason. In my dream, I’m wandering around the house getting things back in order after my trip. I go into the upstairs bathroom and start washing my hands. I notice there is a pipe next to the faucet I’ve never seen before. It’s a copper pipe, about a half foot to the right of the faucet, about an inch and a half in diameter. It comes straight up out of the sink top for about a foot, and then bends back down again in a severe ‘U’. The pipe ends about halfway back down its length. The end is open, almost as if it’s another faucet, except that it’s not over the sink basin. If anything came out of it, it would end up on the counter. I’ve never seen this pipe before. Somehow, in the dream, that is not unusual. I continue washing my hands and pay it little attention. Then something starts coming out of it. Feathers. Tawny brown feathers…they look like a barn owl’s wing primaries. Picture a Japanese paper fan, folded up, but instead of being made out of paper it’s made out of owl feathers. That’s what slowly comes down out of the pipe next to the faucet. I watch, fascinated. The feather fan comes down out of the pipe…then slowly unfolds…then slowly folds back up again…then goes back up into the pipe. Well that’s really odd…I think to myself. You know it’s a weird dream when its weird enough to realize the weirdness of it while you’re still dreaming it. I finish washing my hands and go back downstairs. When I get to the kitchen I notice there is a similar copper pipe next to the kitchen sink faucet. I don’t recall ever seeing that one either. I walk over to the sink, turn on the tap, and once again a fan of owl feathers slowly comes down out of the pipe, unfolds, folds, then starts going back up. I grab it before it goes all the way back in. I try pulling the feather fan back out. Something is pulling it back up the pipe, but not strongly. I feel like I could just yank it out, but then I’d break something, whatever it’s connected to on the other end, so I don’t. Eventually I let it go back up the pipe. This is very strange...I think. I go down into the basement and check the utility sink. Sure enough, there is one of those copper pipes next to the faucet there too. I turn on the water, and another owl feather fan slowly comes down out of the pipe, opens, closes, and goes back up. What the fuck…??? I look up and notice that my brother is here in the house with me (I was visiting him for a bit earlier in the week). He’s a home improvement contractor and I figure he might know what’s going on. He’s looking around the finished side of my basement. I call out to him. "Hey…Billy…come over here…I want you to see something…" As he starts walking over I turn off the tap, and turn it back on, and the owl feather fan starts coming out of the pipe again. It opens, and closes, and I grab hold to keep it from going back up the pipe before my brother has a chance to see it. It’s a delicate operation. I don’t want to break whatever it is, but I want Billy to see it. He comes over, stands next to me. "Look at that…look at that… What is this…?" We both look at the feather fan. And I wake up. I wrote about another dream I had once, Here…and said that some dreams…"really show you that all your careful analysis of your thoughts and feelings amounts to nothing more then mapping the waves on a restless sea and you really don’t understand very much at all about what is going on in the silent darkness beneath them or what makes it all work." Yes. I think that’s what interests me about dreams the most. Where makes your brain assemble the imagery in them in that particular way? I’m not one to see Mysterious Psychic Prophesies in dreams. Well…once I had one that worries me, even now. But dreams are amazing things to me all the same. I like to dream. They make sleep worthwhile. Otherwise I could do without it. There aren’t enough hours in my day as it is. But dreams not only make sleeping worthwhile, they can be inspiring. They can lift your spirits, thrill you, scare the hell out of you, leave you with a peaceful glow, or a feeling of dread, that lasts all day. They don’t come out of nowhere. Which is where the techno/science geek in me gets really fascinated. I’m laying in bed right after waking up from this dream and wondering where the hell that image of a fan of owl feathers coming out of a pipe next to my sink faucets is coming from. The ingredients have to be somewhere inside my own noggin. But…where? And…what made them come together to produce that dream? I can account for some of it…I guess. I just got home from a long trip. I Have been wandering around the house, making sure that everything is okay after having been away for so long. I had to turn on the water, since I’d turned it off, and start up the hot water heater again. I tend to fret about leaks upon re-pressurizing the water pipes after a long trip, and so I go around checking things for hours afterward to make sure there aren’t any. Owls are a favorite bird, and barn owls in particular. And…in a Gallup trading post I bought an earring with a little barn owl feather made out of bone. I’m thinking about getting my ear pierced later this month. As I was unpacking, before I took the nap, I carefully put all the turquoise I’d bought away, along with the earring. I also bought a owl feather wall hanging made of pottery, and I was looking for a spot to hang it before I took the nap. How all that made this particular dream, if that’s what was going on, would probably be really interesting if I could fathom it. And also a bit freaky. Do you really want to know…? Yeah. I really want to know. Our brains are strange, amazing things. The thoughts you know in the foreground seem sometimes like they’re just waves on a restless sea…and what’s going on in the silent darkness beneath them is a mystery… |
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