August 6th, 2007
Some Further Road Trip Discoveries…
- If you wear glasses to drive, they will fog up immediately upon exiting your nice air conditioned car.
- Glasses with a slight astigmatic correction aren’t real swell for driving at night (unless they don’t make good ones in Memphis…).
- If it wasn’t for Michelangelo Signorile and Sunset Cruse, Derek & Romaine would have convinced me that gay satellite radio is a completely worthless proposition.
- ABC radio is even more right wing, brain dead and full of hate then Fox News. This is a Disney operation?
- Crappy commercials aren’t any less crappy on subscription radio then they are on broadcast radio. Does everyone who has a satellite radio have credit card debt problems?
- Birds will completely empty your feeders in three weeks, no matter how full they are and how many you put out. Your feeders will be in almost new condition they will be so cleaned out.
- When you leave for a three week vacation hoping your flowers will survive on rain water, there won’t be any rain for three weeks.
- Ivy grows, even when everything else around it is withering in a drought. You will have to trim your ivy when you get home, even if your lawn is dead.
- To appreciate how uncomfortable summers are in the Baltimore/Washington metro area, you need to spend some time in a desert.