Cutoffs (Pencil Sketch)
Technical pencil (HB) on layout paper

Copyright © 2008 by Bruce Garrett
All Rights Reserved.
I like beautiful androgynous males, which I consider to be a happy middle
ground between uber masculine and uber feminine. Alas I live in a world where even
gay culture (American) looks askance at that. I did a charity swim suit photo shoot once
for my local gay paper, in which people could bid for an hour of the model's time,
presumably just to take them out to dinner, and one of the young male models was
drop dead so beautiful to my eye that I was tempted to bid on his time myself.
I didn't because I was supposed to be the detached photographer recording the
event, but I later wished I had because he got almost no bids and I was shocked.
And then I wasn't.
So periodically I do sexy sketching and it's what I like, not what everyone
else (except young heterosexual Japanese women that draw manga) seems to like.
It's a kind of wish fulfillment. I showed this one to a (former) gay friend who
said the figure was one estrogen shot away from a job at Hooters. But he was the
one who later drunkenly told me people who look like that want people who look like that.
I never showed him any of my artwork again.
Bruce Garrett Art. This HTML Document, and all linked images, unless
otherwise noted, are copyright © 2023 by Bruce Garrett. All rights
reserved. Send comments, questions and hysterical outbursts to:
My Email Address: bgarrett@pobox.com
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