Boy With Hat

Copyright © 2020 by Bruce Garrett
All Rights Reserved.
I did a bunch of these sexy sketches during the COVID lockdowns as a way of keeping
myself from going stir crazy. I gave him a tie-dye bandanna to hang out of his back pocket because
I loved that thing back in the day when guys wore those hanging out of their back
pockets. Very sexy. But then of course it had to devolve into a color code that advertised
the kind of sex you like and whether you were a top (left pocket) or bottom (right...I suppose
versatiles had to wear them in both pockets). I hated it and still do. I like
wearing colors and that g'damn hanky code made it impossible for me to just wear
any color I wanted to.
So he has a tie-dye bandanna. Decode that.
Bruce Garrett Art. This HTML Document, and all linked images, unless
otherwise noted, are copyright © 2023 by Bruce Garrett. All rights
reserved. Send comments, questions and hysterical outbursts to:
My Email Address: bgarrett@pobox.com
This document was created using jEdit.
It was proofed using Google Chrome