Beautiful Adventurer
Procreate on the iPad Plus

Copyright © 2023 by Bruce Garrett
All Rights Reserved.
I did this as an exercise in superhero/game character sexy costuming.
I appreciate the complaint women often make about the Very revealing costumes
female characters that are so often drawn wearing in comics and computer games; that
they're not practical in the first place, and that they're just male sexist
objectification of women. But I got tired of seeing the satirical responses to
that, where existing male characters are drawn to look like female characters
with skimpy costumes. It's for laughs, and to make a point, but it's tiresome.
The reason male characters aren't drawn that way is because it's heterosexual
males drawing them and they would emphasize their own fantasies of masculinity and
muscles, and their female characters are of course going to be their sexy fantasies
about women.
But playful wholesome and loving sex is one of this life's most perfect joys,
and I just have an allergic reaction to anything that smacks of puritanism,
and Wertham be dammed. There is nothing wrong with sexy in comics or games aimed
at mature enough readers. If you want seriously sexy male characters you either
ask a heterosexual women to draw them (like Colleen Doran...she's Really Good
at it), or ask a gay man. So this was my attempt at it. Yeah, I like a more
androgynous male figure, or as I like to think of it, a happy middle ground
between uber masculine and uber feminine. I gave him no story background so
feel free to imagine him one of your own.
Bruce Garrett Art. This HTML Document, and all linked images, unless
otherwise noted, are copyright © 2023 by Bruce Garrett. All rights
reserved. Send comments, questions and hysterical outbursts to:
My Email Address: bgarrett@pobox.com
This document was created using jEdit.
It was proofed using Google Chrome